

"You desired me but I'm deadly to you." She had been brought back to a life after something happened at the past and her life completely change. She wasn't a human like she was once. Learning to adapt to the new life and the new power she got.

Chiha_Yaa · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Cursed Fate

Mona Sahaya. The short black haired girl with the skull earring, entered the church and sat in the confession room where she confessed her sins while being listened to by the priest sitting next to her, blocked by a wall. At first, the girl cried until she felt satisfied before she talk about her life story.

"Father. I have committed a great sin."

She spoke while wiping her tears.

"What great sin have you committed, my child?"

The priest also spoke from behind the door curtain.

"I have a normal family. But feel that they are not happy and.. I give eternal happiness for them."

She paused for a moment before continuing her confession again. The priest began to feel uncomfortable when she spoke like that.

"Keep it going, my child."

"So.. the voice in my mind told me to give them the light of happiness. And at night, when they slept together in one house, I came out of the house and lit a match. I was really happy to see a bright light and a voice screaming with joy from inside the house. I think my decision is exactly following the voice in my mind. I have given them the right happiness. But people accused me of being a murderer for giving such happiness to my family. Have I sinned Father? What did I do wrong Father?"

Her confession only scared the priest listening in the next room. He didn't know how to react to the girl's confession, for him it was terrible. That was a confession about her killing her family members and it was the first time for him to hear a horrible confession like this. He was silent for a moment, trying to find the right sentence to say to her.

"My story scares you, Father?"

A soft mixed with rough voice was heard when she said Father, coming from the girl's room and made Father stunned.

"I can smell your fear from here, Father."

Realizing that the girl next to him was not human, the priest continued to flee through the back door. The whole church hall buzzed with the sound of laughter coming from Mona. She felt comforted by the frightened priest's behavior.

"That's really funny."

She then disappeared behind the shadows without setting foot out of the church. She appeared in the alley behind the shop and went out into the public area. In a noisy atmosphere with the sound of people and vehicles, she heard a meowing sound.

A kitten with black fur was seen, meowing at passers-by but the little cat's cries were ignored. People do not care about what is happening around them and are only busy with their affairs. Mona approached the little kitten and picked it up. She caressed the cutie and looked around, worried that the kitten mother might be looking for her baby.

A car horn sounded as she stood on the sidewalk. Incessantly honking his car, telling the girl to pull over. She looked at the purple luxury car and approached it and touched the front of the car. She saw a male driver and a female passenger carrying a baby in the front seat. Smiled at them and waved weakly at them.

"Fuck off crazy bitch."

While leaving the place, the male driver had time to say rude words to her.

She just watched the luxury car drive away and smiled to herself.

"See you soon."

She took the little cat away and disappeared again. She arrived at a place quite far from the city and she approached the place where the accident happened. The luxury car that reprimanded her rudely earlier collided with a tanker truck carrying oil. The car was completely crushed and oil from the tanker could be seen flowing towards them. The truck driver may have fled the scene of the accident.

Mona approached the crushed car and heard the cry of a small child from inside the car. The little boy is still alive with his parents, but they are stuck because of the badly crushed car. The driver looked surprised to see Mona in such a place but could not move because his legs were stuck. She tilted her head to see them outside the broken window, and the mother of the baby who was dying, moved and gave her baby to Mona.

"Please.. save my.. baby. Please."

The baby looked at her crying. Mona then smiled and reached for the baby's little hand.

"Sweet. But no thank you."

She pushed the baby back into the car and only saw her mother hysterical, pleading and screaming for Mona to help her baby. Her baby also cried loudly when she heard her mother wailing like that. She just smiled at them and waved her hand, as if to say goodbye. The spark that came from the crushed car engine, ignited the fire and the oil that spilled under their car caught fire and followed the flow of oil to the tank and caused an explosion.

The luxury car was also on fire with flames rising high and the sound of screams for help, along with the baby's cries that were loud at first and eventually disappeared behind the raging flames. When the fire subsided a little, Mona came out of the still burning fire without any effect on her. She turned to the burning fire once more before disappearing.

A few days later, a man who was in a state of disarray, entered the police station and proceeded to the front counter. In fear, he told the officer on duty to arrest him and when the officer on duty asked him why, he said...

"Be.. because.. I saw.. a devil."