
Megumi hime

Sukuna and Megumi are on their way to find there love but sukuna is afraid because of the difference between him and Megumi. Will a curse and a sorcerer be able to fall in love and stay together. (I don't own these characters)

11 Chs

Late night feast

Fushiguro's POV


I turned left and opened my eyes which isn't sleepy a single bit.

I don't even know how many times I kept tossing and turning.

I can't fall asleep,

Am I really that desperate to meet him that I can't even fall asleep before midnight. It's all his fault. I don't want this to be my habit until I die....

"Ugghhh!! What a pain in a$$."

I get off from the bed and turned my head towards the clock to check the time.


....let's have some warm milk, I hope that will help me to fall asleep."

I stood in front of the door and turned the knob with right hand.

*Door opens*

There's someone in front of me. I looked upwards but my room was too dark and light coming from outside is making my eyes blind which is why I can see the face clearly.

Someone who is a little taller from me is standing in front of me. I can see the black Shape of a muscular body.

Suddenly he put his left hand on the door and came closer to my face. He put his lips as near as possible to my left ear. I looked downwards preparing for getting hurt.

"Did you miss me...."

I know this voice but the tone...


"Was you waiting?!!"

I bursted into anger,

'It's so long since I get a hold of him, there was no trace of him after that. He didn't even said a word nor came out with those disgusting eye and mouth. Everyone was worried that there is no response from him since long and after all of this when he came, the first thing he did is teasing me..... WHAT THE F**K IS WRONG WITH HIM??'

I'm angry, I made a fist with my hands. I feel like punching him to death but somehow I controlled myself. My hands are shaking.

I said, "How come you are here again? I thought that day is the last."

I am still looking at the ground, I can't take a look on his face otherwise I loose control of emotions.

I continued, "I think now I should warn Yuuji about this, that the dangerous curse inside him is coming out during night time."

He is shocked, he dropped his hand and moved backwards leaving some space for me to come out.

I looked forward without looking on his face. My whole body is burning because of anger. I came out from my room and slipped out through the gap between the wall and him.

I can feel my ears and nose getting hot and my eyes are getting a little blurry. I really need to calm down.

I came into the kitchen and stood in front of the sink, then washed my face to cool myself.

I took a packet of milk and poured it into the pan, then I turned on the stove and put the pan of milk to boil it. Then I heard the sound of the door opening and getting close back. I can tell it is sukuna who followed me here, I ignored him and continue doing what I was doing.


Two hands slammed on the top of the counter beside both of my side. I found myself inside sukuna's kabedon.


He is too close, I can feel his chest against my back and his warm breath on my cold ear which is making it more hard to ignore. He is bringing his face more closer to mine, I turned towards him, lifting my right hand to attack him but he grabbed my wrist with his right hand. I tried to move my hand but his grip was soo tight that I can't move my hand a single centimetre.


'what does he even want from me? A single attack from him and I will exorcise him right here and now.'

I am breathing heavily, maybe my ears are releasing some hot steam. He put my right hand down beside me but was still in his grip and his left hand was still slammed on the counter, but in place of attacking me he is bringing his face closer to mine. Without knowing how to react in this tied situation I closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. I'll never do something like this ever again."

It was a sweet, calm but apologetic voice which is asking for forgiveness. I was after listening this, my body get still like my mechanism stopped working.

He inhaled and removed his face and put a little distance between us but it felt like he sucked all the angriness from inside me and left me calm. Am I really that desperate to hear his apology to make me calm in this instant .

Our eyes met, I rolled my eyes showing my irritation and turned towards the stove. I was about to turn it off when he again hold my wrist and stopped me from doing so. He is being forceful today, what does he want now.

"Can I make you something as a token of my apology?"

'Ehh...!! What now?!!'

He pointed towards something behind me with his eyes, I turned me head which led me to the stove.

'Does he want to cook for me as apology....'

"I don't need your token for the apology which I don't ever care."

I lied....

"Okay... Then let me thank you for the ice cream."

"Whatever, I don't care."

I turned away from him and went towards the dinning table and sat on one of the chair facing him.

He asked me where the vegetables, utensils and other ingredients are, I told him everything where these are. He gave a chuckle and started doing the preparation for the dish.

'Isn't he a curse... Can a curse even cook? I'm kind of hungry since I skipped todays dinner.'


I sighed and looked towards him. I can only see his broad muscular back who is doing his best to cook something.


'I never thought that someday a curse will cook for me.'



'I just DID NOT think that he is cute..... What's wrong with me...?!!'

I shook my head lightly to stop myself from thinking weird things. I took a peek at him, 'I'm looking forward to it'.


Sukuna's POV

'It's so long since I cooked anything, don't even know how it's going to taste.'


'But this is the only thing I can think of to brighten up his mood.

After preparing all the ingredients, I started cooking the only dish I can think of right now. I can feel the sharp gaze on my back which is a little angry and a bit curious about what I'm doing.

After finishing cooking the dish I decorated it on two plates as good as I can and placed it in front of Megumi. I sat across from him with my plate.


"Yess... That's the only thing I can think of so eat it and tell me how is it."

We are looking straight into each others eyes, I tilted my head a little while waiting for his response. He moved his eyes on the dish, he took the spoon placed beside his plate and scooped a spoonful of the omurice then put it in his mouth.

He is eating it but his expression didn't even budge a little bit, I can't guess what's he thinking right now.

Is it good or not.... I decided to try it myself when I heard a light voice.


"Did you say anything, is it bad...?"

I get a little disappointed but can't help in it, since it's so long that I cooked anything. But my train of thought stopped when I heard what he said,

"It isn't bad, it's delicious."


"I never thought that a dangerous curse like you can even cook a dish so delicious like this."

"I'm glad you liked it." I gave a little smile.

His eyes became wide and his cheeks got a little red. He looked back on the dish and kept continue eating, I also took a taste of it. It is delicious, the same as before but his flushed face is more interesting than this.

We finished our portion on the plate, I finished first so I was waiting for him. After he finished his, I was about to take his plate when he said,

"You don't need to do the dishes."

"It's fine I'll do it."

"How can I let THE King of curses to do the dishes."

Megumi took both of our plates and went towards the sink.

'Did I saw right...?? He was smiling like he just pulled my leg.'

At last his mood is brightening up again. I turned towards him when I heard some footsteps, someone is coming here. I quickly turn off the light then run towards megumi and grabbed his hand. He was about to say something but I put my left hand on his mouth.

"Shhh... Stay silent, I heard some footsteps. Maybe someone is coming here, we must hide otherwise you may get in trouble if they see you being friendly with a curse like me."

I'm worried for him that others will have a wrong impression of him if they see us as on a good terms. They can even think him as traitor. He removed my hand on his mouth,

"You should worry about yourself not about me. They may try to attack you or maybe worse like exorcise you. I have to hide you."

I am surprised seeing him being panicked because of my safety. I realized that we both are worried for eachother and don't care what happens with us.


"We both need to hide."

Saying that I pulled him and went beside the door. I interlocked him in my arms trying to stay as close as possible so that when they open the door, we can be covered by the door and they can't see us.

The room is dark and only light here is the moonlight coming through the glasses of windows. His head is resting on my chest, his face turned red as tomatoes which he is trying to hide but I want to see that face more and more. We are so close that we can feel each other's body heat and can hear the heart beating so loudly.

The door opened, it is that crazy girl who always stay with Megumi and that idiot.

She didn't turned on the light and went straight towards the sink, she filled her empty bottle and went to the refrigerator. She took a bottle with cool water from inside and placed her bottle in place of the previous one.

She turned towards us or maybe towards the door, she is coming closer with every step, her eyes are half open and half close. We both close our eyes and stick more closer to eachother trying to hide behind the opened door so that she can't see us.

She passed through the opened door and closed it. We took a breath of relief.

Then the instant Megumi pussed away from me, he still can't look in my eyes. I put my right hand behind my head and start rubbing it.

"We are saved that she didn't noticed us right?"


"We should head back to our room and you should go back to Yuuji's room. It will be another problem if he wakes up and took control over his body."

He wanted escape from me as soon as possible, he opened the door and was about to go,

"I think I'll not be able to come tomorrow night."

"Like I care."

"I know... I'll try my best to come as soon as possible."

He closed the door with a little forcefully and went back to his room. I also went back to the room after washing the dishes and putting those on its place.

"I hope that night comes soon when I will be able meet him and spend time together like today."

I gave a smile of accomplishment and went back to my territory.


Side not: I would like to know that is this length for the chapters is enough or do I need to add more.

Also it'll motivate me that if you like my story then give it a star and if you need any improvement then drop it in comments.

Your stars will help me to stay motivated and write more new stories.