

In the recent world of system and technical development. Everyone is entitled to their system following the society rules and standards. But Sam had a complex system that was considered a cheat. He's powers were becoming an eyesore to those who seek his ability. Join Sam as he unveils the extent of his ability

Sameguy · SF
8 Chs

Chapter 2: Change

Chapter 2

Mike starred at his creation, a work that he has dedicated his life to. In all end it was finally complete. He had successfully created a system. The only task was for it to find a host, but who would it be? Surely it can't be him because he already has his system.He knew trying to host two system in one body was basically suicide.

"is it done?" Jason asked looking exhausted. The project had consumed most of his energy than he realized.

"yes, but the only problem is a host" Said Mike scratching his head. "we need to find it a host before it detoriates "

What the hell? does that mean all their work would be in vain? Wait Jason almost forgot, his boss was hired to create the system why not give it to their sponsors.After giving it much thought he relayed it to Mike.

"How long do we have before it goes completely?" Asked Jason rubbing his head.

"Not much about 24 hours I suppose" Mike replied examining what he had created.

"Thank goodness!" exclaimed Jason "we could return it by then. Since we're done with the project why don't we inform them of our progress, that way it would have to be in vain." Yes that's right that's what they would do, rather to let it go to waste or better still auction it if their sponsors were not forth coming.

Mike starred at what they had created , it looked like a normal system but was different from the others. He smiled contently as his hand brushed against the exterior of what he created. He designed it to be a pod easy for one to gain access into it. The pod was as large as a coffin with hard exterior and smooth surface. The insides were soft and comfortable. Mike had designed it exactly as other system pod. He had adjusted the functions of this one compared to others but it when missed could be dangerous.

" Jason you're right but ..." Mike paused "I don't intend to deliver it."

"Hmm? Say what now?" Jason on was shocked by what Mike said. What had gone into his boss's head." You know that if they find out about this they will kill us right?"

Mike sighed and rubbed his eyes. " I am fully aware of what will happen and that's why I would be taking responsibility for it."

Jason Scoffed at Mike's remark he thought his boss had gone nuts. In a fit of rage he forgot the moral of decency and yelled at his boss. " Responsibility my ass! Idon't care about your stupid responsibility. From what I know we are done with our work so let's submit this stuff and go home!"

Jason huffed as he had said all those words in one breath, he couldn't believe what his boss was planning on doing.

" Think about it Jason, if we let them have it what do you think is going to happen?" Mike said calmly trying to persuade Jason from his perspective. "Giving our sponsors the project would lead...."

" Then why did you take on the job?" Jason butted in , his tone was getting hostile by the second. "If you knew the dangers of it why did you take on the job?"

Mike found himself unable to answer the question. He thought so himself why he had volunteered for the job he could have declined, but what was his reason. He was not after profits but why.

Mike kept silent at Jason's question because he couldn't find the right answer to it. Maybe he wanted to keep the project away from their sponsors knowing what they might use it for. Their sponsors the RAZE TECH were one of the powerhouse in their country and giving this project to them could topple the power balance of the society. He had made up his mind, he wasn't going to release the project. As for the 24 hour period he would deal with it himself.

"Am sorry boss" Jason's words woke Mike from his thoughts. " l lied earlier, I don't care about it falling into the wrong hands. And am a man that gains which is why am contacting RAZE TECH" With that, Jason opened his system interface and sent a message with the receiver reading RAZE TECH.

please bear with me. Am so sorry for the short chapter I was busy all day Like it ? Add to library!

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