
12. Chapter 12

Chapter 12

The next morning, after everyone was ready for the day, Luna called a meeting of the sisters in her room. After all her sisters were gathered, Luna called the meeting to order.

"Alright dudes, you are probably wondering why I called this meeting." Luna started.

"Uh yeah." Lola said angrily. "Why did you call this meeting? Isn't that usually Lori's job?"

"Yeah Luna." Lori agreed. "What's the big idea?"

"So as you guys know, Mom and Dad appointed me as Lincoln's guardian." Luna told them. "Now, I know that this is a big responsibility that I am willing to bear, but I feel that I can't do this alone. I know that when Lincoln first started living with us, we all said that we wanted to help him."

"Get to the point already Luna!" Lynn said irritably.

"Give me a second, sis!" Luna retorted. "What I'm trying to say is that I want you guys to help me. I feel that the best way to help Lincoln is to make him feel loved. Last night, he told me that he doesn't feel that he belongs here. I know that we all want to make him feel like he belongs here. So will you dudes help me? Please?"

The girls thought about what Luna said. Yes they knew that their parents appointed Luna to be Lincoln's guardian. And yes they knew that Luna was taking this job very seriously. But they knew that Luna brought up a very good point. They all wanted to help Lincoln deal with his past.

"We're in!" the girls said in unison.

"Rockin." Luna said with a smile. "Now, does anyone have any ideas?"

"What if we try to spend time with him?" Leni suggested.

"Spending time with Lincoln could very well ease his mind." Lisa agreed.

"Ok guys. Let's do this." Luna says pumped.

"Yeah!" the girls say in unison.

"Guys! I hear Lincoln!" Lana exclaims.

"Sweet! I'm going to see if he wants practice sports with me!" Lynn said excitedly. Lynn quickly leaves the room, and jumps in front of Lincoln, startling him.

"Hi Lynn. What's going on?" Lincoln asked quietly.

"Nothing much." Lynn answered. "I was wondering if you wanted to practice floor hockey with me." Lynn then pulls out a hockey stick. But no one could've predicted what happened next. The minute Lynn pulled out the hockey stick, Lincoln's eyes widened and he began to shake with fear.

"Lincoln? Are you ok?" Lynn asked concerned.

"P-please. I-I'm sorry i-if I did something wrong." Lincoln said trembling. "P-please. D-don't hurt me." Lincoln's trembling attracted the attention of the rest of the girls who immediately rushed to the scene. The first thing they saw when they got out there was Lincoln shaking in fear. Luna immediately turned her attention to Lynn.

"Lynn! What did you do?" Luna yelled.

"I didn't do anything!" Lynn protested. "All I did was ask him if he wanted to play some floor hockey and all of sudden he started freaking out."

Luna looked at Lincoln and saw that he was still shaking with fear. She immediately took action and slowly approached him.

"It's ok Lincoln." Luna told him. "Just relax. No one is going to hurt you. Ok? So please just relax."

Lincoln looked up at her. When he looked up at her, Luna looked into his eyes and she saw something that she had seen a few times now. Fear. But this time, this fear that she was witnessing was worse. She immediately got down to his level and pulled him in for a hug and gently stroked his hair. After he calmed down, Luna released him.

"A-are you s-sure I didn't d-do anything wrong?" Lincoln asked fearfully.

"I promise you dude. You didn't do anything wrong." Luna told him. Lynn then decided to approach him.

"I'm sorry Lincoln." Lynn apologized. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"That's ok." Lincoln said quietly. However, Lynn was still confused.

"So why did you think I was going to hurt you?" Lynn asked confused.

"No reason." Lincoln answered quickly.

"C'mon Linc, get real." Luan scoffed. "No one freaks out over a hockey stick for no reason."

"Yeah." Lola agreed. "You don't really expect us to believe that you suddenly have a fear of hockey sticks."

"That would be highly unlikely." Lisa pointed out.

"Guys, it's nothing." Lincoln said.

"Dude, this isn't nothing." Luna told him. "This isn't the first time you showed fear out of nowhere. But this is the worst case yet."

"I'm fi-." Lincoln started saying before he was interrupted by Lori.

"Lincoln stop." Lori told. "You are obviously not fine. Since you have been here we have been trying to help you, but you haven't been letting us." Lori then begins to tear up. "Why won't you let us help you Lincoln? Why can't you see that we really want to help you? Can't you see that we care about you?"

Lincoln couldn't look the seventeen year old in the eye. Or any of them for that matter. He then felt a nudging on his hand. He looked down and saw that Charles had made his way upstairs. The dog gave his master a look that said it all. Lincoln looked up and saw that all the girls had the same look on their faces. The look of concern and sadness.

"Why do you guys want to help me so badly?" Lincoln asked. He then felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw that it was Luna.

"Dude, remember what I told you last night? We want to help you because we care about you." Luna answered. "Lincoln, don't you see that you're not just another kid living here? You are a member of this family. And we really want to help you. But only if you let us."

Lincoln sat on the floor in silence as he took in what Luna just told him. After a few seconds of silence, Lincoln finally spoke up.

"Do you really want to help me?" Lincoln asked. All ten head nodded.

"We truly due Linky." Leni answered. "So please let us."

Lincoln looked around. After a few seconds. He gave in.

"You girls are right." Lincoln said quietly. "Maybe it's time that I finally talked to someone. Do you really want to know?"

"Yes." Lucy answered.

"Ok." Lincoln sighed. "Um, can we go somewhere more private?"

"Sure." Lori answered. "We can go to me and Leni's room."

With that, all eleven kids got up and made their way to Lori and Leni's room and prepared to hear Lincoln's story.

Well guys. It's finally going to happen. You will finally hear Lincoln's story. And this time, it is actually gonna happen. I promise. It probably won't be posted til later in the week. So please be patient. But, for you Loud Pack fans, the next chapter for that will be posted either tomorrow or Tuesday. But, until then, Peace.