

A story on how a girl named Oriana who made Eleodoro annoyed with her presence at the beginning but became a person he adores a lot later on. How this can happen? Read the episodes to know about their hatred turn love story...

R_Pavi · 都市
30 Chs

Too clingy

The next day, while Oriana was on her way to school in her car, she lowered the car window and looked at the trees planted along the streets as the warm breeze blew across her face. The browning of leaves indicated the arrival of autumn. Once she arrived at school, she got down from the car with a smile of relief and satisfaction as she spent her holiday happily and as she planned.

While heading towards her class, she saw Eleo walking in front of her. Out of nowhere, Estella bumped into Eleo and hugged him around his neck. Both of them continuously chatted on their way to the class.

Estella was whining to Eleo, "Humph... Eleo... Why do you seldom reply to all my messages? I was too bored at home."

Eleo replied to her, "Sorry, I was busy with my homework and extra classes."

Oriana who was walking near them felt awkward, so she continued to walk at a faster pace than both of them. In the class, all the classmates sat down according to their previous sitting position. After the class started and throughout the whole day at school, Estella never left Eleo's side. Some of the classmates even started to gossip about them and Oriana overheard it.

They were whispering, "Did you hear that Estella is really trying to be a couple with Eleo..." and when they realized Oriana might have listened to their gossip, they hurriedly opened their books and pretended to study.

Oriana who heard this thought that Estella might want to share how she spent her holidays and to chit-chat with Eleo. To her surprise, for the whole second term, Oriana didn't get the chance to talk to Eleo as Estella was stuck to him like a glue. Oriana was only able to smile at him if he walked pass her. Even during their group assignments, Estella invited Eleo to join her group with her other friends.

A week before their next holiday, Oriana's club held a treasure hunt game for them. All of the students were busy with their respective extracurricular activities including Oriana. On the day of the game which was the last day before the holiday started, Oriana was looking for a hint at the area around the back of the school and she saw Eleo and Estella standing together. She also saw them interlocking their hands while talking and noticed Eleo's worried face. A few moments before Oriana arrived, Estella who was walking with Eleo, almost tripped and he happened to hold her hand to prevent her from falling. He was concerned about Estella's ankle and asked whether she needed to go to the nurse's office.

Since Oriana saw them holding their hands, she speculated that both of them became a couple. She dazed off and headed back to her club without searching for the hint for the game. Suddenly, Eleo felt like someone called him and he turned his back to look around but he only saw a girl walking away towards the other side. He thought it was just his imagination and continued walking with Estella.

Why are Eleo and Estella holding their hands? Oriana thought they were a couple or she misunderstood this situation?

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