
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door

"Dearest Lulu, I hope this letter finds you well, and that you're enjoying your time with your parents." Hooty was typing outside of the Owl House on a typewriter since he couldn't hold a pen.

"I'm writing to let you know, that I… am a genius! Whenst I wrote you last, I was in the throes of a malaise. That's when I got your letter!" Hooty types with excitement as he remembers receiving a letter from Lilith. He laid out the letter as he began to read it.

"Hello, Hootsifer. Your letter concerned me. You write of feeling unimportant while Luz, Cruz, Eda, and King are off on adventures." Hooty looked up towards the Owl House and saw the silhouette of the four inside Eda's room before Luz took King and she and Cruz left as Eda turned off the light.

"But, Hooty, you are the Owl House. You take care of everyone inside you. If that isn't a worthy purpose, then what is?"

Hooty cooed softly as he slithered into the house and saw everyone sitting in the living room.

"How we doin', Hoot House?"

He saw that Luz was looking at the terrarium with the echo mouse inside of it. Cruz sat near her on the floor as he looked over multiple notes. Eda was busy looking at scrolls on the couch while King sat next to her looking at a crystal ball.

"Could you keep it dOwn? doWn! Down! Why does this keep happening?!" King said angrily as his voice cracked.

"Sounds like our little demon is becoming a 'de-man'!" Hooty said as he pressed his face closer to King

"Ugh! Why does that sound so wrong coming from yOu? You!" King said, pushing Hooty away as his voice cracked again. King grumbled angrily in frustration at his voice. "I am done with this!" King ran off angrily out of the room.

"Hahaha! Those teens, eh? Their moods change like the wind," Hooty said as he slithered next to Eda.

Eda pulled down the scrolls. She had bags under her eyes as she held her eyelids up using clothespins startling him.

"I'm freaking out, Hooty. Belos is planning something big, and I'm weaker than a newborn Witchling. If I wanna protect you guys, I have to train as hard as I can to get stronger! No rest!" Eda declared as she stood up from the couch.

"But every time you overwork yourself, you turn into the Owl Beast," Hooty warned.

"I said no rest!" Eda blew on an air horn as she left the room. The air horn startled Luz as she looked up in irritation.

"Can you please be quiet? You're scaring the echo mouse. And if he's not happy, I'll never make my way into Amity's heart," Luz said before immediately blushing as she realized what she'd said.

"I mean… make a portal back home. Uh, we gotta go!" Luz said as she grabbed Cruz by the arm and dragged him and the terrarium upstairs.

"Mis notas! (My notes!)" Cruz yelled in protest as he was dragged away.

Luz ran into her room still dragging Cruz before she slammed the door shut with her foot.

"Cálmese (calm down)," Cruz said to her as she slid down the door with a sigh.

"I don't know what to do, Cruz. On one hand, I have to find some way back to the human realm for us. And on the other hand, I really want to ask Amity out but I don't know how!"

"You don't have to overthink it, Luz," Cruz told her. "You can just leave the portal research to me. Just focus on asking Amity out."

"I can't do that! If I always leave everything to you, then you're going to end up working yourself into the ground."

"It's okay. I'm used to working like that anyway."

"But that's the problem! You've always been the one to try and do everything by yourself ever since we were kids. You can't always be doing that. What about Skara? Aren't you planning to ask her out?"

Cruz blushed as he scratched the back of his head. "Yeah… well… I am. I'm just planning something for that," Cruz said as he looked over toward the wall.

As Luz followed Cruz's line of sight, she saw a Spanish guitar sitting by the wall. She gasped with a smile as she realized why it was there.

"You're planning to sing to her! That's great! Let me guess, you're going to sing to her then ask her out?"

"Nope!" Cruz denied confusing her

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to ask her out. Then if she says yes, I'll sing to her. I'm not sure if that's the right way to go about it, but that's how I'm choosing to do it."

"That's an even bigger reason you should let me handle the notes," Luz argued. "That way you can focus on what you have to do and not worry about this!"

Cruz sighed as he stood up. "Listen to me, hermana. How about we make a deal instead? We both just split the info that we're working on in half. That way neither of us is overwhelmed by it."

"Alright that sounds good to me," Luz said with a smile.

"I'll take the notes, and you take care of the mouse," Cruz said as he headed towards the door. "If we focus on what we're good at then nothing can stop us."

As Cruz closed the door to Luz's door, he looked up and saw Hooty looming over him as his eyes were glowing while his mouth widened.

"Oh, no." Cruz's vision turned black as Hooty swallowed him.

Cruz struggled against the membrane that was wrapped around him until he ripped it apart.

"Did Hooty just… owl pellet me?!" Cruz said as he looked around and saw he was in the forest.

"If Hooty was trying to eat me, then we're going to have some problems. I'd rather not have to hurt Hooty," Cruz said with a sigh before he noticed another owl pellet near him.

"Please tell me that's not someone I know." The owl pellet started to wriggle as a hand broke through it and Skara emerged from it with a gasp.

"Skara!" Cruz ran up to her as he held a hand out to her. "Are you okay?!"

"I think so," Skara said as Cruz helped her up. "I saw a big owl… tube… thing. And then next thing I know, I'm here. Where are we?"

"I think it's the forest outside of the Owl House. Sorry about that, that was Hooty being… Hooty I guess."

"It's alright, house demons tend to act weird after a long time being alive."

"Still, sorry about that. I don't have a clue why he would do that."

Cruz and Skara both looked at their hands and realized that they were still holding on to each other before letting go with a blush.

"So… uh… this is the first time we've talked in person ever since… the temple," Skara said as she tried to not look at Cruz.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Guess we haven't had much of a chance to talk," Cruz said as he looked away trying to hide the blush on his face.

After a short pause, Skara said, "About what happened after you dropped me back at my house… you can forget about it if it made you uncomfortable."

Cruz looked at her in surprise before scratching the back of his head. "It… didn't make me uncomfortable at all."

Skara looked at him as she saw a blush creeping on his face as she felt her face start to heat up.

"Oh… then I'm glad," Skara said softly as she fidgeted.

After a slight pause, Cruz took a deep breath before looking at Skara. "Listen, Skara. There's something I wanted to ask you."

She looked back at him as a blush covered her cheeks. "What is it?"

"Listen, ever since I've come to the Boiling Isles I've seen so many amazing things. And ever since I've met you, I've thought that world was even more amazing."

Cruz took a deep breath as he looked at Skara. "I just wanted to ask… do you wanna go out with me?"

Skara's eyes widened in surprise, her heart pounding in her chest. For a moment, she was speechless, but then a smile slowly spread across her face.

"Yes!" Skara said happily as she and Cruz had matching blushes on their faces as they brought their hands together and interlocked their fingers.

"Now what?" Skara asked

"Oh, that's right!" Cruz said as he remembered. "I was actually planning something for after this. The only problem is I left the guitar at home."

"A guitar?"

"Yeah… I was planning to sing for you," Cruz said with a blush

Skara looked at him as her eyes widened before she smiled at him.

"I'd love to hear you sing," she said

"Then we should probably head to the house," Cruz said before Hooty suddenly rose up from the ground.

"Special delivery, Hoot!" Hooty said as he spit out the guitar as it landed on the ground next to them.

As the guitar landed on the ground, it shattered on impact startling the three.

"Oh, man. The guitar," Cruz said as he looked at the shattered instrument

"And it was such a nice one too," Skara said as he grabbed onto a piece of it

"I did it again!" Hooty said sadly as he slithered away while crying

"I'm going to have to deal with that when I get back," Cruz said as he watched Hooty retreat before looking back at the guitar's remains.

"I guess… I can't sing anymore without the guitar."

"If you need a guitar, I have one," Skara said, surprising Cruz.

"You have one?"

"Yeah. I always have all sorts of instruments with me just in case." Skara twirled her finger as a guitar was summoned and fell into her arms before she handed it to Cruz.

Cruz looked at the guitar before smiling.

"Not sure how good I'll be, but here goes nothing," Cruz said as he took a deep breath.

Cruz then began to strum the guitar. "What color is the sky? Ay, mi amor, ay, mi amor

You tell me that it's red, ay, mi amor, ay, mi amor

Where should I put my shoes? Ay, mi amor, ay, mi amor"

Cruz continued to strum the guitar as he looked at Skara with a blush.

"You say, 'Put them on your head!', ay, mi amor, ay, mi amor

You make me un poco loco, un poquititito loco

The way you keep me guessing, I'm nodding and I'm yes-ing

I'll count it as a blessing that I'm only un poco loco."

"The loco that you make me, it is just un poco crazy

The sense that you're not making

The liberties you're taking

Leaves my cabeza shaking

You're just un poco loco"

"He's just un poco crazy, leaves my cabeza shaking

He's just un poco crazy, leaves my cabeza shaking

He's just un poco crazy, leaves my cabeza shaking

He's just un poco crazy, leaves my cabeza shaking."

"Un poquititititititititi-titititito loco!"

As Cruz finished singing, he looked at Skara and saw that she was looking at him mesmerized by his song.

"That was… beautiful. I didn't know you could sing like that!" Skara said in excitement

"It's not something I do too often," Cruz admitted, feeling a little shy. "But I'm glad you liked it. I'm sure there's some stuff I could've done better."

"Maybe, but I'm willing to teach you," Skara said as she put her hand on Cruz's hand.

"Then I'll be looking forward to it, teach," Cruz said with a smirk

Skara giggled at him. "You're a goof."

"Yeah, but I'm your goof." They both laughed as they heard a rumbling coming from the Owl House.

"We'd better go check on that," Cruz said as Skara nodded.

Back at the Owl House, Cruz had just left Luz's room before she heard a thump coming from the hallway.

Luz looked at the door in confusion before shrugging and looking back at the echo mouse.

"Okay, little mouse. If you don't want to tell me about Philip or how he made his portal, maybe you can tell me how to ask out a cotton-candy haired goddess?" Luz said as the echo mouse simply turned away from her.

'Luz's heart was torn between finding a way home, and the pursuit of love. How do I know all that? I suppose I'm just attuned to other people's emotions.' Hooty was standing behind Luz taking advantage that she wasn't paying attention to him.

'She wasn't going to make any progress if her attention was split.' Hooty gained a determined look as he slithered out of the room.

"Amity's smart, cool, and classy. Asking her out should be breathtaking, emotional, and real!" Luz said with excitement. "Everyone back home said I was cheesy. Can't let Amity think the same."

She then heard a knocking coming from her door as she turned to look at it before opening it.

When she opened the door she saw that no one was there before noticing a card lying on the ground and picking it up.

"As we stumble through life, gloom knows no bounds. You'll only find love when you're in the ground? Ugh!" Luz then turned the card to see another message. "P.S. I mean the basement! Hooty, I don't have time for this! Also, we have a basement?"

As Luz entered the basement, she used a light glyph to guide her as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She was startled when she saw a shadow that resembled Amity.


When she looked at it closer she noticed that it was just a lamp. In front of the lamp was a large owl pellet.

"Oh yeah, that's silly. Why would Amity be in our—"

The owl pellet began to move as muffled screams were heard from inside before Amity burst out of it.

"Amity!" Luz looked in shock and horror when she saw Amity.

"Luz? Where are we?" Amity asked in bewilderment as she held her head. "I think… Hooty brought me here?"

"Uh, well, this is our basement. I am so sorry about this," Luz said as she helped Amity up with a blush on her face. "Hooty's been acting weird all day."

"Yeah, heh... house demons get like that, after a couple thousand years," Amity said with a blush that was matching Luz's. "Listen. About what happened, at my place. I kinda... if we could just forget about the whole thing. Maybe? I..."

"Hey! All I care about is getting you out of our dirty weird basement."

As Luz gets closer to Amity the floor suddenly jerks as the two stumble into each other. Both of their faces turned bright red as they noticed how close they were before the floor suddenly gave out from underneath them.

They both scream as they fall and Hooty looks down proudly. Amity and Luz both land on a pile of pillows.

Luz gasped when she saw one of the pillows had a cherub that seemed to wink at her.

"Oh, no," Luz said quietly as she incinerated the pillow with a fire glyph causing Amity to scream.

As Luz scrambled out of the pile of pillows she caught a card that floated down to her.

"To return to the world above, make your way through the tunnel of—" Luz gasped as she looked ahead and saw a tunnel of love with a swan boat in front of them with Hooty's face.

"If Amity sees this, she'll think I'm such a loser!"

"What is this?" Amity asked as Luz cupped her face and let out a horrified groan.

"Hoot!" The Hooty boat wrapped around them as it placed the two girls on the boat before beginning its journey.

"I'll conjure up some flowers"

Luz took a deep breath before looking up. "Hooty!"

"We could hold wholesome hands for hours You'll be my sweetheart My sweetheart My wholesome magic sweetheart"

As they entered the tunnel of love, Luz covered her face as Amity looked to the side and saw a sign that said, "I think you're smart, cool, and classy".

Amity becomes flustered as she smiles while her whole face begins to redden as she plays with her hair.

"Oh, no. I'm gonna be made fun of again," Luz said anxiously

"Did you—uh—did you just say something?" Amity asked nervously

Before Luz could answer she saw a sign that said, "Amity bee mine."

"No!" Luz tore down the sign as she stood up holding onto the antena. "That was—uh—an invasive species."

They hear giggling as Luz sees a cherub that shoots an arrow that says, "U R A QT"

As more arrows are launched, Luz lets out a terrified yelp as she begins to deflect them with the antenna. "I'm so sorry, Amity! This is not supposed to happen!"

Luz fails to notice as Amity looks heartbroken as Luz destroys more and more signs.

As they reach the end of the ride, Luz climbs out of the water gasping for air.

"This... was a nightmare," Luz said

"Yeah, it kinda was," Amity said, feeling morose as she got out of the boat. "I'll get out of your hair."

"Amity, wait. This wasn't me. This was all… Hooty's stupid idea."

"Yeah. This was stupid. I mean, us? Dating? Heh. That's stupid, right?" Amity said as she turned around. Luz saw that Amity wiped away a tear.

As Luz was about to explain, Hooty suddenly popped up in between the two.

"No! I did it again!" Hooty said distraught as he began to hysterically cry.

"I can't help anyone!" Hooty struggled against the door as he began to try and remove himself from it.

"Out! Out, vile owl! Rid this house of thyself!"

King looked down toward Hooty from up on the tower's roof. "Hooty! Calm down, you ding-dong!"

"Never again shall I curse this home with my odious presence again!" Hooty said as he couldn't hear King before continuing to slam against the door causing King to start to lose balance.

"Looks like I have to do this... the hard way." Hooty manages to escape the door as he begins to tear apart the ground causing King to fall off the tower.

As King falls through the air, Eda catches him with her new wings that she gained from her harpy mode.

"Eda?" King asked in surprise as his eyes widened in wonder.

"Don't worry. I think it's a good thing! But where are the kids?" Eda asked as her voice sounded distorted.

Luz and Amity climb out of the basements using the cellar door.

"What's going on?" Amity questioned

"I don't know, but things always get weird when Hooty's upset." The ground rumbled as the two ducked down.

A piece of the tower breaks apart as it flies toward Luz and Amity.

"Luz! Luz! Run!" King said in a panic as he struggled against Eda's hold.

As the piece of the tower gets closer to the two, King panics as he sees them about to be crushed.

"No!" King lets out a roar as a sonic wave shatters the rock. The two girls look up and see the atmosphere caused by the rock as Luz stares at Amity.

"Did you do that?" Eda asked in amazement

"I... I think I did? I think I got a power!" King said in excitement as Eda took the two down toward Luz and Amity.

"Are you two okay?" Eda asked

"Whoa. Not as okay as you. Dang, girl. I have a few questions for later," Luz said, seeing Harpy Eda.

"What happened?" Cruz wondered as approached the group. "And why are you a harpy?!"

"I'll explain later," Eda said. "Are you okay?"

"I'm doing great!" Cruz said happily as Eda noticed his hand intertwined with Skara's.

Hooty then passed by the group while crying.

"I failed you all! I failed you all!"

"No, no, no, Hooty. You actually weirdly helped me," Eda reassured him. "I'm like a harpy woman now."

"And I can explode things with my voice powers!" King said proudly

"And everything worked out perfectly in the end!" Cruz said

"But I still failed Luz!" Hooty argued

"Luz, what was Hooty trying to do?" Eda asked

"Quick! Pretend he helped you, before he destroys everything," King said

Luz took a deep breath as she beckoned the two closer to her as Eda used a wing to give them privacy.

"He was trying to help me ask Amity out," Luz said in a whisper.

"Oh, whoa. Do you wanna?" Eda asked in surprise.

Luz looked back at Amity who was focused on Hooty before turning to Eda and nodding with a blush.

"Then do it!"

"Like this?" Luz gestured towards Hooty as he was rolling on the ground

"Yeah… not the best conditions for this," Cruz said

"Yeah, I hear you. I might be able to help. It won't be perfect, but huh, does it really need to be? Good luck, kid!" Eda said as she took off with King on her shoulder with Cruz flying up on Gizmo while Skara climbed onto his staff.

Eda grabbed Hooty as they dragged him away towards the sky.

As Luz builds up her courage she turns back to Amity.

"Amity?" The ground suddenly collapsed as they fell into a pit.

"Oh, my gosh. Amity, are you okay?" Luz asked as she tried to help her up.

"I'm alright," Amity reassured her as Luz helped her up to her feet.

"I was just... I've been wanting to ask you something for a while. But I wanted to do it in the best way. And in the tunnel of love, I thought: 'Amity's too cool for this'," Luz said as her face turned completely red.

"I'm not as cool as you think," Amity said shyly as she blushed

"Okay. Everything is so crazy right now, and I have no idea what my future holds, but it would be so cool if you were in it, so, uh..."

Luz looked down at the ground before several deep breaths. Before she could say anything, Amity quickly interrupts her.

"Do you wanna go out with me?"

Luz exhaled the breath she was holding as she looked towards Amity. "No! I was so ready."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You can say it," Amity said as she gestured for Luz to continue.

Luz took a deep breath before letting it out. "Okay. Amity Blight, do you wanna go out with me?"

"Yes!" Amity said happily with a laugh.

"Okay!" Luz said just as happily before she timidly held out her hand as Amity grabbed it.

"Why is this still so scary?" Luz asked

"I don't know," Amity said as she looked down at their hands

Up in the sky, Hooty is crying tears of joy as King gives him a look of bewilderment as Eda, Cruz, and Skara look down at Amity and Luz happily.

"Dang, Hooty, you really are something," Eda said as the crater the girls had fallen into was in the shape of a heart.

The next day, everyone is in the living room as Eda and King are on the couch.

"King may not know where he came from, but he's learning more and more about himself every day!"

King roars as a sonic wave shatters a glass cup. Before he could try it on a crystal ball, Eda placed a hand on him stopping his attempt.

"Eda can become Harpy Eda now! She still drinks her elixir, but she's accepted the Owl Beast as part of her. It's progress!" Eda looks at her hand as it turns back from her harpy arm to her normal hand.

"And Luz's new GF showed her tips and tricks to get more information from that old human's diary." Luz jots down notes from the mouse as Amity stares at her.

When Luz notices her, the two blush as they look away happily. "They're adorable, and deserve all the happiness!"

Near the couch, Cruz is practicing his whistling as Skara tries to show him how to focus magic into it.

"Cruz's new GF is teaching him all about bard magic to try and figure out how similar they are to King's. They're also adorable!"

Back with the typewriter, Hooty is finishing his letter to Lilith as he recounts the story.

"I had to promise never to help anyone ever again, but nevertheless, I'm a genius!"

Hooty placed his letter in the mailbox happily as backed away.

"Everything solved! No more mysteries!" Hooty said as a shadow loomed over him.

"I beg your pardon. Would you see this finds its way to King Clawthorne?" A demon that bore a striking resemblance to King said as he placed a letter in a black envelope on the ground.

The envelope said "To King Clawthorne" on the front.

Hooty gasped as he saw the letter and he noticed a bug walking on it.

"Oh, my gosh, a bug!" Hooty exclaimed in excitement as he swallowed the bug and letter in one gulp.

"Ahhhh. Whoopsie! Hope that was junk mail!"