

Hiro, saw the scenery in front of him transitioning with nebulous ends in front of him. He saw that the scene in front of him suddenly changed from that of being surrounded in headquaters to the border of Macross district. He saw that a RIOR was attacking the people who had gathered up in the elevated border of the district connected Macross and Weiss.

Hiro immediately pushed the control stick to his right forward making Vernier to grasp the face of the RIOR into its hand. Vernier which grasped its head in its hand, gripped it tightly and smashed it to the buildings behind it and kept smashing it until its head reached the ground.

The head of the RIOR was smashed, killing it due the the force applied on it. Vernier removed its grasp from its hands and got up. Inside the cockpit, Hiro looked through the display of the situation in front of him. Vernier turned around towards the border. Hiro saw that majority of the people from Macross district had gathered up at the border which was elevated.

The people who saw this gave screams of joy.

"We're saved!"

"A miracle appeared."

Hiro saw Raj and Yuki at the border. He was relieved upon seeing them. He sighed.

"At least you guys are safe."

Hiro piloted Vernier, moving it towards the huge army of RIORS which were appearing in front of him. Hiro swallowed his saliva out of tension and the group of RIORS which was appearing in front of him.

"Its my turn, huh."

Hiro moved the control stick forward.

Vernier charged towards the RIORS as a faint membrane of flame summed up as a sphere with a circle in both in palms. A RIOR jumped onto Vernier and tired attacking it. Vernier pushed its right arm towards it and the sphere of plasma which was summed up on it gave a large discharge towards the RIOR, killing it.

Seeing this, the RIORS who were in front of him, started to become more aggressive. More and more RIORS started to come upon Vernier. A RIOR tried the same trick which the first RIOR which attacked it had done, but from behind. Hiro who was inside the cockpit, read the heat signature which appeared on the screen in a small panel saw it and immediately rotated Vernier to the back, catching it.

It caught the RIOR with its left hand and threw it towards the oncoming RIORS, blocking their path. The RIORS who were bipedal and quadrupedal running at the front stumbled upon it. The RIORS which were coming from the side didn't stumble. There were RIORS who came upon Vernier which floating, without having any sort of limbs.

Hiro, this time took out small cannons from Vernier's shoulders and shot the lasers from it, slashing through the RIORS. The majority of the RIORS who had caught up in it had died, while the remaining who survived were incapacitated, screeching in pain.

Hiro, took out the dagger and the pistol, holding each in Vernier's arm. The dagger in the right while the pistol was on the left. Energy was concentrated within the dagger and it gave a faint glow. Vernier charged towards the army of RIORS, starting its attack. It started to slash and shoot every oncoming RIOR killing them.

The people who saw this were surprised. They surprisingly felt motivated. They realized that there was someone who was ready to stand up for them. They were truly happy from the bottom of their hearts.

At the moment, Masato came to Raj and Yuki saying, "I've got them ready, but only a few. We need to go to the warehouse to get them."

In the uprising tension on the border, Masato smiled at Raj and yelled as he turned, "Go, go ahead. Its not as if we commoners aren't livestock like the nobles say we are. We have the right to live. No, we will live."

The people who heard this turned towards Masato.

"We will live here, we won't let the pilot fight alone. We have someone who can stand up for us like the previous lord did. But now, we will do something so that we could not do while the previous lord passed."

"What do you mean?", a person from the crowd asked.

"We will fight back now. The person in the MECHA, Hiro is someone who stood up with us when the government has abandoned us."

Masato told his and then cried to the crowd, "At this moment, there was a commoner who was ready to face the government for this place and us. Without having a fear for his life, he came forward to fight for us. Then, what are we doing? Staying here like cowards."

"He has a MECHA, you know?", another person criticized him.

"Even so, did the former lord die even if he had MECHA?", Masato asked him and continued his speech, "Let me tell you all, what we need is unity, not MECHA to fight against those monsters."

The people fell silent upon his words.

"Today, I shall proclaim to you. That kid won't be the same sacrifice to us like the former lord did."

Masato was trying to bring the courage into the people.

Yuki and Raj came upto him saying, "Is it really possible with this few number of weapons with us?"

"No problem, we have more weapons and also, more men to help us. They are under the ground, ready to attack at the moment orders come out."

"Get them ready.", Raj and Yuki said in unison.

Hiro was fighting the RIORS while he was in pain and bleeding. He was tortured, in the guise of interrogation. He was also bleeding due to being hit by the vibrations constantly while being in the cockpit. Hiro was breathing heavily. Yet, he only had one option, which was to fight.

Vernier pulled the dagger backwards and then forward, stabbing the RIOR in front of him. As it was stabbed, energy was discharged, blowing it up. Then, RIORS started to barge upon Vernier, many in unison. As a RIOR got on the back of Vernier, holding both its hands with its sticky and strectable hands. It stopped Vernier's limb movements. It stopped Vernier from moving.

Hiro tried moving the control sticks but it was futile.

As Vernier, was incapacitated from moving more and more RIORS started to come upon it. They started to get on it. They all got onto Vernier. They all stacked upon each other, one after the other, pushing Vernier to the ground which smashed the RIOR sticking to its back due to its weight and mass. The MECHA struggled as Hiro tried to move the control sticks to break free from it but it was useless.

"Is this it?", Hiro gave up.

Then, a beam of strong electric discharge came onto the group, decapacitating the RIORS in the top on Vernier. More shots had come onto the group, obliterating almost all of the RIORS on top of him without fail. Vernier, which only had a few RIORS on top of it removed them forcibly with its arms and got up, standing on its feet.

Hiro, who was inside the cockpit looked at the direction from where the beam had come from. It was from a large machine gun, mounted by a group of people. Hiro could then hear screams, it was of the people there. He saw them being armed and charging towards the RIORS. The weapons which they had were strong enough cause harm to the RIORS and even kill them

"We'll kill the RIORS ourselves!"

"We have no need for nobility that can't protect its men!"

"We don't a government that betrays its own people!"

"Today, we shall show those fools who call themselves Nobles, our power!"

"We will live today and take a laugh at the nobility tomorrow that they have need to act high and mighty with us anymore."

Hiro was surprised looking at the people. What was more surprising to him was about the weapons the people were wielding. It was strong enough to kill a RIOR. He wondered about when the government of the monarchy had such strong weapons. Then, he remembered.

"Oh..., the rebellion."

Hiro who felt strangely motivated started to move the start of the problem of this all, the broken pillar.

After reaching there, Hiro saw a chaotic situation there. A ton of corpses were lying there and on the top of the pillars were two RIORS who were sitting on. One looked humanoid and the other was a beast with wings and a long neck, having four sharp eyes, it gave off the look of a dragon in fantasies. Hiro was shocked on how the RIORS were able to stay on pillars. He could only come to a conclusion that it was because of the destroyed pillars.

The dragon-like RIOR roared, intimidating the people there. Making them freeze on the spot, the people who had come there to attack had frozen upon its roar. Hiro, then made Vernier take a defensive stance, slowly moving towards it. The RIOR then spewed up fire from its jaw and it charged towards the people.

Hiro, immediately moved Vernier forward creating a large shield of energy to block it and repel the flames. It repelled the flames which came upon the people and then it threw the dagger it had on its arm towards the RIOR's head, but the metal scales on it head blocked it. At that moment, a shot was being charged in Vernier's pistol and it was shot, making it move at high velocity. The shot which moved at high velocity, slightly penetrated the rear of the dagger's handle but giving it a push.

Ultimately, the shot gave a strong push to the dagger, penetrating through its scales and the head of the RIOR, killing it. The other RIOR who was on the pillars was shocked when it saw the MECHA. It was more shocked than seeing the other RIOR which on the pillar die.

It got down from the pillar and moved towards Vernier. Hiro tried shooting it, but it perfectly dodged the shots and came in front of Vernier. The people tried shooting it and aimed its guns towards the RIOR.

The RIOR which had broken the pillar, causing the stampede came in front of Vernier. The RIOR smiled, similar to that of a human, shocking the crowd there. It opened its mouth.

"So, how can you control Vernier?", the RIOR spoke.