
Mecha In the Monsterverse

Karieon Miller didn’t expect much from life but when he wrongfully dies from a fall he was meant to survive he meets a god and gets reincarnated, watch as how he survives and adapts to his new life. {Image isn't mine of course lol}

EndbringerAuthour · テレビ
6 Chs


'It's been 5 days since the encounter with the demon crawler fight and since that very time I've been gathering all the metal and machines I can find inside the cave of course, so far I have found 2 junk cars, 1/3 of a ship, 2 wings of a jet, a broken radio and 1 really old ship and that's all the metal in the cave besides the rocks. Welp time to consume, let's start with the cars. karieon consumes the cars and his wings get considerably longer, his arms get more durable, his sensors/eyes get a thick glass covering them, his body grows to 34 feet and that's all, Karieon then consumes the second car and his body went through the same changes but he grew too 37 feet. 'well so far so good next is that part of a ship' Karieon absorbs the part of the ship but this time the metal tastes delicious and he can feel his insides changing and upgrading themselves to a better form. His claws got incredibly sharper, his sensors got better, his body became more durable, 29% of his wires are covered, his wings got sleeker and he gained a third gatling gun on his torso,His height went from 37 feet to 49, and his color changed from a grey to a black.

[AN: Muto's are naturally grey]

'What was that ship made out of?? Vibranium???' As karieon goes over his new changes, he gets an installation complete notification he checks it to see he gained a new ability called 'Smog Generation'. 'Smog? isn't that like a polluted version of fog? it seems I can move the meter of it's toxicity from 1% up to 100%, Sweet! Alright any targets nearby....there!' Karieon after scanning for any movement outside of the cave leaves the cave and goes over to the 13 ft spider pretending to be a tree as he gets a couple of feet back he raises the toxicity levels of the smog to 75% before charging up a thick gray mist like bubble in his mouth and shooting it directly at the spider, A grayish beam shoots out of his mouth before directly colliding with the spider it once it touches the spider it explodes in a gray sphere before vanishing after 15 seconds, as the smog clears the spider is dead with the bottom of it's torso blown out and the corpses of bugs and birds lay there with there lungs blown apart with it.

'Holy Ghidorah! I have my own elemental attack!!! I'll experiment with that later' Karieon thinks as he leaves but little did he know he wasn't the only one that saw that gray sphere. karieon then consumes the 2 jets wings his wingspan officially reaching 100ft after flapping his wings a bit he consumed the radio which like the ship part tasted absolutely delicious but instead of getting bigger and stronger he gained his innate abilities his echolocation and his EMP wave while also getting the ability to interfere with radio signals. 'Finally! I have my broke down version of the spider sense and can now know if any monsters are watching or coming for me, alright best for last I hope the old ship is good' karieon bends down and bites into the side of the old ship after absorbing it he visibly get's larger his height goes from 49ft to 85ft. 'Hah I'm so lucky!! now I can actually get into some fights with the Titans without completely getting dwarfed in size, huh its going to take some time to get accustomed to being big' Karieon thinks as leaves the cave he realizes that his form size wasn't the only thing that became better.

His Wings grew to 150 feet, All 3 of his gatling guns have transformed into large machine guns and his ammo reserves tripled, his fuel reserves increased drastically, his sensors upgraded to the point where he can use night vision(Green) and infrared(Dark red). As Karieon continues going through his upgrades he hears a loud screech that makes him freeze in his tracks. 'Shitshitshit! they must've found me.....the one reason I avoided flying in the sky's, Those Leafwings..' Karieon turns on his infrared vision before looking out of the cave to see nearly 200 Leafwings circling around frantically in a extremely annoyed manner.

'Oh god.....they're here, they may be just tiny birds but grouped together like that there extremely dangerous, The one time I regret not having any camouflage!!. Should I go deeper into the cave and risk finding more skull crawlers..or should I go out and fight the Leafwings...actually better yet I'll just wait till it's night! I have night vision anyway'.

----10 Hours Later----

'Ohhhhhhhhhh There once was lad he looked like me- Ah! it's night finally, alright I'm outta here' Karieon in a rush activates his rockets flying into the sky, accidentally waking up one of the leaf wings which lead to a chain reaction of waking them all up. As Karieon activates his night vision and looks around he spots the flock of leaf wings flying towards him 'Actually screw that I am so unlucky' He thinks before getting barraged by the group of leaf wings only to feel tiny little pecks on his metal barely even leaving a scratch. 'Huh I guess I overreacted for nothing' he thinks as he releases smog out of his joints in a AOE like manner.

Karieon lands after Killing around most of the leaf wings with his attack, 'I guess the movie made them seem so scary, sometimes I seem to forget that I'm not human anymore...' As Karieon reminisces about the past his sensors pick up an extremely large amount of metal south west of him, Karieon being the greedy little shit he is activates his rockets and zooms towards the metal only to stop at the sight what lies infront of him, infront of him is a large satellite in mediocre condition but that's not what has him shocked, what has him shocked is that there are hundreds on hundreds of monsters inside of the space shuttle going from skull crawlers to Skull tigers and up too Siren jaws. 'By the gods.....' karieon thinks as continues to hover in the air only to pick up on a radio signal coming from inside of the shuttle, landing about 75ft away from the shuttle he intercepts it.

"It wasn't supposed to end like this.....IT WAS NEVER SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS!! It was a simple pick up mission, the shuttle was never meant to fall....Comrades if you can hear me then listen, The mission is a failure. The shuttle that was supposed to control the damn ape got destroyed by something up there b-but once it fell everything broke loose, the signals that were emitted called most of the monsters on this island to it and now they've all gathered and become something insane.. I'm calling it the horde. The monsters have shown increased intelligence and the ability to work together something really### t-the king of those monsters it-it spoke....this is ## si####### WAI#### AHHHHHHHHH########-

'Well I guess I know what happend here....but this isn't canon..did I cause a butterfly? or did the knockoff thanos do this? I'm betting he did, anyways this seems like it would be one of those secret quests with really good rewards maybe I'll kill some of the monsters later. Karieon thinks to himself he fly's back to the cave he calls home, but one question continues to linger in his mind as he continues to fly Where is Kong?