
Means to love

.... MEANS TO LOVE .... Authoress judith ... GENRE - Romance, thriller, family drama, suspense and youth... Setting - Mexico city romance... Synopsis Fernanda is a tough girl, she prefers doing things in boys terms. She dresses like a boy, behaves like a boy and only make friends with boys. She chose to be that way because she didn't want to be intimidated outside by others. Fernanda lost their mother when they were little in a flying bullet which was planned by a syndicate and drug dealer. Fernanda has an extended family, the Dante family where all her uncles and their wives and children all lived together. She was the only girl in the Dante generation so she was loved and showered with so much love and attention. Fernanda had brother cousins and elder brothers to look after her. She would have been a princess in the perfect world her family built for her but she fell into a trap of love. Fernanda fell for the son of her mother's murderer without even knowing... What do you think Fernanda will do if she finds out her true love Jeromino is somewhat connected to her mother's death? Fernanda faced so many obstacles as she fight for justice for her mother.. She bore a child on the process and she had no idea who the father was? Stay tuned for episode one

Judith_Valentine · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Chapter ten

🥀🌷☀️.... MEANS


LOVE ....🥀🌷☀️

Authoress Judith....

CHAPTER 10 °°°


I opened my eyes slowly and felt a bit relieved but I found my whole family around in tears as they stared me endlessly.

"Why are you all your faces like that? I'm fine now but how did I get here" I smiled as I tried to sit up but I felt some pains underneath.

"Fernanda I'm sorry" Abuela called out as she boost into tears giving me a tight hug.

"I'm sorry Fernanda, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you" Daddy sobbed as he joined the hug, I couldn't help it but broke out in tears as well.

"I said I'm fine" I cried out hugging Abuela tightly.

"Fernanda do you remember the face of the person that did this to you?" Fred asked seriously as he wiped off his tears.

"I have no idea who he is, his voice sounded familiar but I don't remember where I heard such similar voice and I couldn't get a glimpse at his face because it was so dark" I cried and Dad pat my back gently.

"Everything will be fine Fernanda. Your family isn't letting you fight this battle alone. We're here for you and that criminal must pay for doing this to you" uncle Benicio assured and everyone nodded.

"I wish these was all a nightmare. Why's Fernanda going through all this" Aunt Florencia sobbed heavily and ran out of the ward.

"We've filed a report at the police station, they're looking into this so don't worry Fernanda. We will do everything in our power to get justice for you" Fernand assured seriously.

"I will have to go to the station myself. I won't let this slide" I said seriously as I wiped off my tears.

I'm definitely getting justice for myself, it's so unfair. I went through all this in just one day. I said in my head as tears roll down my cheeks.

"Firstly Fernanda, have some bed rest" Abuela advised and I lay down back.


I woke up sluggishly as my phone kept on ringing.

"It's so early, who's calling" I yawned then took the call.

"Jeromino I think I still some articles against Fernanda. What do you think? Should I publish them?" One of my journalist buddy said over the phone.

"Fernanda? What Fernanda?" I asked yawning.

"Wow Jeromino is such a player, how would you forget about Fernanda so quickly" He remarked and I sat up swiftly.

"What do you have against Fernanda?" I asked curiously.

"A report was filed at the police station that Fernanda was raped last night and a camera footage was seen but it's too dark to identify the rapist" He explained and I frowned.

"Are you sure Fernanda was raped?" I asked seriously and I could hear him chuckle.

"Of course, I get information from the direct source and everyone is so on Fernanda's case because of the online sextape and now this. Soon social media will be on fire" He laughed and I hung up angrily.

I went into the bathroom, freshened up quickly then head out to our hang out spots. Luckily everyone was there.

I walked to Elias and gave him an heavy punch.

"Men! What's that for?" Elias squeaked as he stood up.

"Where were you last night?" I asked angrily.

"What do you mean?" Elias asked getting pissed.

"Were you the one who raped Fernanda?" I asked furiously and he smirked.

"Is that why you're angry?" He asked sarcastically.

"Why did you rape her? That was insane" I shouted.

"Why are you effected by that it's not like you have feelings for her so why are you acting this way" Elias shouted.

"Exactly Jeromino. He just raped, no big deal. You did similar thing to her so why are creating a scene" Ciro said calmly and I ruffled my hair in frustratedly.

"My case is different here, she did it willingly but Elias you forced yourself on her. Do you have any idea what that means" I said seriously.

"Who cares? She deserves whatever comes her way so sit your ass down and stop acting like you suddenly have a conscience" Elias said sarcastically.

"F**k you all!" I demonstrated with my middle finger then walked out of the restaurant.

"Why do I even care? Why do I feel sorry for her? Why do I feel terrible? Why did Elias do something so horrible to Fernanda? Why am I worried when I did similar thing to her" I groaned as I drove off angrily.

I drove back to my mansion and my manager Alvaro was seated at the sitting room.

"Alvaro can we talk some other time. I don't think I'm in the mood to talk to anyone right now" I said as I grabbed a bottle of wine from my wine cellar.

"Get two glasses please" Alvaro added and I glared at him.

"I wasn't planning on sharing so say what you have to say and leave me alone" I groaned then sat down as I corked the wine open.

"Such a brat! Don't blame me for been a manager at such a young age" He pouted and I gulped down some sip of the wine.

"You didn't come all the way here to brag about that right?" I asked sarcastically and he smiled.

"Jeromino we need to celebrate" He said excitedly and I rolled my eyes.

"What are we celebrating for?"

"You got a six months contract with Vero's fashion world" Alvaro announced and my jaw dropped in surprise.

"Alvaro you're kidding right?" I asked curiously and he smiled.

"I didn't just become a manager at this young age just like that, of course my hard work brought me here. They contacted me this morning after your shoots in Hova designers got published. You're in every magazine Jeromino and I noticed you and Fernanda looks perfect together" Alvaro smiled.

"What do you mean? My shoots with Fernanda got published?" I asked curiously.

"Of course, what were you expecting? Her scandal have been taken down and it's obvious she wasn't in her right senses when the sextape was taken so it's possible she wasn't doing willingly although the look on her face tells a different story" Alvaro said smiling silly.

"When did all this happen?" I asked a bit disappointed.

"Jeromino why did you do it? You were never this heartless so why did you do it? It's so unlike you. Luckily you have a great manager like myself so I also helped in stopping the scandal"

"I've always been like that so don't just sit there and act like you know me. Why did you take down the scandal? No one asked you to butt in" I said seriously then went to my room holding the bottle of wine.

"Jeromino you're traveling to Switzerland in two days time so keep that in mind" Alvaro shouted from the sitting room and I closed my door.


I got to the station with my nose mask on so no one recognizes me.

"Excuse me sir, what's your update on the rapist?" I asked curiously.

"Ma'am you're in a police station so take your mask off" The officer said politely and I took off my nose mask and some officers began to murmur to themselves.

These was exactly what I was trying to avoid...

"Oh you're Fernanda Dante the victim of the rape case" The officer said checking out my info in his computer.

"We're sorry you had to go through such a traumatic situation but with the look of things I don't think we will be pushing through with this case" The officer said politely and I stood up in shock.

"Officer what's that supposed to mean?" I asked seriously almost in tears.

"This case is merely a groundless one if we don't have solid evidence. Yes we have the street CCTV footage but it's all blurry and you have no idea who he might be. You're a public figure so it's obvious you will have so many haters" The officer explained and hot tears roll down my cheeks.

"Are you trying to say I can't get justice for myself? Officer if this had happened to your sister or daughter will you still sit still and do nothing just because you don't have solid evidence" I said seriously as I wiped off my tears.

"Miss you're crossing the line here so watch your language" He said seriously.

"How much did he pay you? I will pay you double of it. Just give me his name" I said seriously as hot tears kept on rolling down.

"Miss stop crossing the line" He shouted and I hit his table.

"A rape case isn't what you should take lightly. It's your duty to look out for the citizens but you can't even do it right. Do you have any idea what I'm going through right now? Do you have any idea what it feels like to be raped? My future is at stake here" I shouted and everyone stared at him.

The officer got a call from his superior so he went to his superior's office but he came out with his superior.

"Don't worry sir, things are under control" The officer lied and I had a flashback on where I saw his superior because he had a familiar face.

~ "Kid you're not allowed to be here" The police officer announced ~

He was at the crime scene where Mum was murdered.

"Officer!" I called out then ran to him.

"What are you doing?" The other officer asked trying to stop me from speaking to his superior.

"Sir, I'm the kid at the crime scene twelve years, where her mum was shot in front of West land school" I explained swiftly but the officer dragged me as his superior tried so hard to recall.

"Let go of her" His superior ordered.

"Maria Jose Dante's daughter. We actually got something on her case but too bad nobody followed up. Come to my office let's discuss" He said politely and we went to his office.

"Sir did you find out who murdered my mum?" I asked curiously.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" The officer asked curiously.


Fernanda are you ready?🤔

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