
Chapter 22 A visitor

"I was adopted by her. To repay my mother who chose to start a business with her from an orphanage, Aunt Linnea adopted me after the accidental death of my parents. As for Flora, it is the daughter of her current husband and ex-wife. In short, , What you see now is a very complicated family reorganization."

"Are they not planning to have children after they get married?" Hadwin was a little puzzled.

If two people are married but do not have children, do they think that two children are enough?

"Career is their children. The basis of their marriage is mutual appreciation, not love."

"It's a weird combination. Are they willing to maintain this mode of respect and respect until the end of their lives?"

"It's okay, it's better than loving each other at first and then resenting each other, right?" Tanisha, who was precocious, understood that, in fact, they all knew that there was a person in their heart, and they didn't want to forget this person.