
mean and GREEN

The sound of his glider sends shivers up the spine of heroes, villains and crooks. The sight of him in all his hideous, green and scary visage was all one needed to know that, shit's going down. For he is the green goblin. This is young justice au. Disclaimer: I do not own DC or young justice. Just my MC and some OCs that will appear in this fanfic.

Dark_Path_007 · テレビ
21 Chs


Pearson Manor, Gotham city, USA.

(MC's POV)

Five days since I crippled Two Face for life. Yes you read correctly, according to the news I got, Two Face was beaten by some mysterious new vigilante to the point that he would never walk without aid for the rest of his life. I did that on my first night out and I'm fucking proud of it.

It didn't mean I spent the last five days sitting around doing nothing but revelling in such inconsequential and unplanned victory. No in fact to me that entire night was a failure that should never repeat itself.

I walked into a fight like I couldn't be killed and got a reality check at the hands of two bullets. It took me a long time to deal with unfit and barely armed men. And finally, at the end of the fight I left so much of my DNA at the scene that could lead to my identity being found out by someone. The night was almost a complete waste were it not for the experience it taught me.

It also taught me that wearing hockey masks and hoodies meant people won't take me seriously. There was just something a uniform or costume did to enhance your fame, whether the good or bad kind. And fame is something I really aim for. I want to be famously feared to the point where no one would dare mess with me. I know for a fact that minding my business does not mean others would mind theirs. And with abilities like mine, they definitely would not. So it is better to be feared by such people in the future, I mean how many people do you know mess around with deathstroke. You know you are dead meat the moment he gets his hands on you.

So during this time I finally found a hideout good enough for my use. One large abandoned warehouse chosen from the many that exists in this city. Next, I made my first suit/costume, I do not have appropriate materials for cool suits so i settled for spandex for now. A forest green suit with a black coloured hoodie, with dark accents all over it, accompanied with black as night gloves and steel toed boots. I made a metal mask in the same shape as that of green goblin from the spider man trilogy, I think it will help increase my fear factor.

The next thing I made is a gadget, and it will be known as my first ride, a classic green goblin jet broomstick. Made from many plates of iron I could lay my hands on from the construction company I robbed two days ago. I had to implant a device capable to control it within my helmet too. Building the broom also helped me find out that I'm now very good at forging things. Despite the knowledge on how to make them I'm not sure I would have been able to make this things in my past life. The constant hammering also helped with my stamina training.

Last is what I made today, two short swords made of carbon steel, two retractable eskrima sticks that weigh a lot more than they look and two heavily modified glocks that when I got through with them now pack as much power as a shotgun. They and the swords are for the worst pieces of shit I can find on my nightly hunts. My fists and the sticks were enough for the small time bitches.

And that people is what I have been up to concerning my nocturnal activities. As for my family or normal life, that had also taken an interesting turn today.

Guess who is coming over for dinner tonight, my father. I will be meeting the old man for the very first time today. Apparently he thought it is about time I joined the Falcone family business. My mother argued that I didn't even carry his last name but ultimately she couldn't convince him otherwise. I would really like to know why he finally wants to acknowledge me. He couldn't have found out about my goblin activities, could he?. I had been really clumsy at the clinic after all. Maybe he had found something and traced it back to me, it's not as if I'm good at covering my tracks anyway. That is a skill I would have to slowly pick up. And yes I know it is something I really need if the world's greatest detective will be investigating me. Curse you Batman.

Joffrey our butler knocked on my room door and alerts me that the man of the hour has arrived. I quickly put on the Italian tailored suit and leather shoes he had sent to me. The box had a card saying a proper Falcone is always wearing a suit unless he is asleep, and my god after putting it on and looking in the mirror I truly understood what he meant. I am so damn fine in formal wear. I'm always wearing the school suit from now on, no more just plain shirts even if the weather is steaming hot.

Walking out of my room and towards the dining area, I can't help but contemplate what he'll say to me at first glance. Would he hate me?. Wait why do I fucking care, I'm the green goblin. It must be this body's longing for paternal love, so annoying.

Upon getting to the dining area, I find two people already seated at the table. The first is my mom, dressed casually obviously trying to prove to my father that she didn't care for his rules. The other person would be my father, an old man with a well trimmed moustache and sharp eyes, dressed in a black suit similar to the one I am currently wearing.

They seemed to be discussing something they didn't want me to know about, as the hushed whispers I heard came to a stop the moment I made my presence known.

I do not pause my march towards a seat facing my mother, and neither did Joffrey who sharply pulled the sit back for me. Giving the aged butler a nod of appreciation, I turn to stare at my dad now, I was not surprised to find him doing the exact same thing.

The staring contest lasted for over half a minute till my mother couldn't take any more of it and broke the silence,

"Well, talk to each other like normal fathers and sons do." She totally walked into this one, as I turned to her and replied,

"We are nothing like normal fathers and sons, mom." Dad lets out a chuckle and adds with a little something in his tone,

"Literally nothing like those guys." At this point Joffrey decides to enlighten us on our dinner for tonight.

"Masters and madame for tonight, the first course will be....." I barely listened as Joffrey spoke on and on about what we would be having for dinner.

My attention was on the manner with which my father said 'literally nothing like those guys'. It sounded like he was hinting on something. My mother didn't seem to catch it, surprisingly. But I did, this events are beginning to strengthen my thoughts that he has somehow found out about my nocturnal activities, but how?.


The rest of the dinner went on without a hitch, and two hours later I am escorting my father out of the manor with a belly full of dinner and a mind full of stories about my extended paternal family. Men the stories I've heard today will never let me take most of them serious.

As we reached his car, my father turns to me with a smile and clasps my cheeks between his hands, saying

"It was nice finally meeting you face to face, I used to think it best for you not to be a part of the family but recent events have given me a change of heart. A lion cannot deny what he truly is forever. The same way I can never deny you being a true Falcone. You are a Falcone in everything but name. Take care my boy and remember I'm always watching." He finishes his mini speech with a wink before entering his car and leaving.

Fuck that confirms it for me, the old man knows my secret. Fuck!.

Some characters like deathstroke will be more powerful than YJ universe portrays them.

Also who the fuck should I use as love interest?

Give someone hard to get in the comments section, I want a challenge.

Dark_Path_007creators' thoughts