

Like a flower in a vase, An exquisite jewelry, others says that his face is his only value. He was married to the most handsome Rich man in the kingdom. In a world where magic exist,miracle's are normal happenings. A person from other world came,it was said that he was sent by the heavens for an upcoming hardships of our world. The person he married fell for the out world'er they called saint The husband showed his love for the saint for everyone to see not carrying about the person he married. His husband didn't know that the person he loves,that everyone's calling a saint, Banged his wife and go him pregnant three times.

Random_Person_2424 · その他
8 Chs


Wanting To Wander The Central

After he had enough relaxation in the bath he had. He realized something as he looked at himself in the mirror...

Void black eyes tinted with pink, lips pale peach...small face and body structure.

Ignoring all that, what Milo sees is the very expensive dress he is wearing. And the thought of wandering around the central village pops- up his head.

he just always bypassed it when he went out before, he wanted to experience the bustling street that he was only allowed to see when he passed by and only heard from others' mouths.

Milo thought as He rummaged through his closet looking for the simplest clothing he had.

Digging for a while the simplest Milo found was a white dress with a long sleeve that had an open, flowy rear, adorned by eight cords of gold at each side, three gades at the neckline, one emerald as a waistband...

Looking at himself in the mirror, Milo remembers one of his brothers saying that his eyes are covered in diamonds.

His brother said "You are covered with luxury, head to toe you are 'expensive'. "

"yes, Miko came from the lower class

of our kingdom, but he kindly treats people whether they have the status or none. "

"Unlike you, who see everything around you dirty."

At first, Milo thought that his brother was telling him to be kinder toward the maids, who do nothing but gossip in the very early morning and scorn at the late of the night.

It was supposed to be a lecture for a younger brother, but it was all for his brother to boost the kindness of, his oh-holy, oh-kind, Saint Miko.

In front of the mirror Milo's complexion has no up and down but in his head are two hands parting into a curve, making a colorful rainbow.

Sitting inside a carriage Milo's eyes are shining with excitement, then he notices that the carriage has stopped at the gate for already a bit of time, and remembers that he... needs the master's permission before he can go out. 'facepalm in Milo's head'

Knock.. *knock..knock*"Young master... " The driver knocked at the door and called hesitantly

, his head down as he continued "The pass tablet..."

Four minutes to go back to the public villa and another eight to go to the head's mansion. twenty-four minutes to go back and forth...

Wow, such a waste of time.

"Turn." Milo briefly said topping his fingers at the window sill, looking bored at the trees and flowers the carriage passes...



Hurried breath of Milo as he let out a long puff. Stupid hallways! Stupid corridor! Stupid stairs!!!

Milo held His stomach leaning against the gray wall, maids passed before him like he didn't exist and walked with their backs straight.

Wealthy f*cking dastard, if it wasn't for his look I wouldn't have married him and suffer from this big place!

I should have

Chosen that commoner knight...

Milo breathes out in regret, supporting himself using the window sill and deep spatting at realizing he probably got lost...


"this hell of a house! Should just burn!"

"where's that North!! Did I go South??? "

I remember it's the direction to be left!

... Wait was it left?

"..... "

Pondering if he had gone the wrong way, Milo's mind was silent and stopped brooding as his mind caught a recollection of his first and last, visit of the head manor.


Cloudy here! : hi dear reader!

I attempt and do my best! Thanks if you read this story (lots of love)cloudy.

Random_Person_2424creators' thoughts