
Me against The World

While by the river hunting for food and fishing Ronie found and ominous looking boulder half buried in mud filled with written words that is later to found as BAYBAYIN an ancient form of writing eroded by time filled with curiosity he got close only to be taken in or transported in gods no where , Witness how our protagonist journey starting from this fortunate? encounter.

Jonel_Crisolo_6419 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The inheritance

Ronie is walking beside the almost dried river inside the only forest is this rural province. Living at the bottom rung of the society Ronie at the tender age of 13 learn although not proficiently to hunt and any other thing he could to earn money for his education and daily necessities. With no one to rely on being an orphan since birth taken in by an old man that passed away when he is three 10 years old. Left with only a simple hut as an inheritance and the pension that the old man left for him maybe knowing that his time was running out the old man teach him what he could knowing that the kid would have to fend for himself, if your asking why no one would bother to take him in, it is because of Ronie himself. No he is not naughty or rebellious he is just doesn't want to be considered a liability. He is gifted with greater comprehension than what you would expect for his age growing up he learn how to discern peoples thought based on their expression and action. He could tell if your condescending, lying and other emotions, No he cannot read mind. At the young age his foster parent the old man the best thing that he learn through life the old man said that "There is only one who you can expect to help, When times get rough there is only yourself" maybe because of some past experiences the old man grows pessimistic but Ronie embodied this teaching. Thats why he choose this way of living hunting and fishing for money and food, collecting recyclables for money and other menial task. Their village accepted his decision and they thwart the officials that want to take him to orphanage or other organization. With the old man past prestige and respectable back ground they become his umbrella. Now back to the present as he is walking deeper into the forest with the almost dried up river as his guide he continued to venture further inside in search of wild hares and pheasant. With the dwindling wild life in his previous spot force him deep in the forest. As he is walking straining his ear filtering the rustling of leaves brought by the wind squinting his eyes looking far up ahead he stumbles in a protruding rock falling face first. "Fuuuuu, what the hell" Ronie grimace at the pain as his nose are bleeding because of th fall. He looked back where he tripped and notice some sort of stone slab protruding in the earth. He get close and trace the stone slab by his fingers and notcie how smooth it was an unknown type of stone cut so pristine like a surface of glass grainy but smooth. He notice that the rest of it was still beneath the earth that covered it. driven by his curiosity he find a broken twig and dig it flicking way the mud that covered it. it takes no effort as it is not buried deep at most was and inch of dirt. And what greet him was an stone slab two meters in width six inches thick and the length of five meters covered in scribble but when he take a closer look it is neat arranged in an orderly manner. "Hmm... no its not just random scribble is some sort of runes or ancient maybe foreign language , I don't know". He pat it with his hand felling the grainy yet smooth type of texture. " Ahh. what the hell is that" he said out loud as he feel a prick at his palm, looking at it it is bleeding. Looking at the stone slab that so smooth standing the test of time and weather he could not find the source of prickling that cause his palm to momentarily bleed. "plop" as the sound of the blood falling on to the stone slab travel to his ear, he feel a sudden feeling of dizziness "Poison?... tsk." feeling that the world is spinning he collapsed.

With the unknown amount of time that had passed he woke up. "Huuuppp... haaaah." he breath air heavily and then breathe them out as fast as he do so. " Where the hell am I, is this Hell?" he said as he turn and looked around. He stand and look as far as he can see standing where he was lying recently not daring to move a step. the place is barren with no wind cloud and what only he could hear was the sound of himself breathing. Everything is grey or ashen from the grass that he currently stood to as far away as he can see. No mountain or any sort of land mark just ashen field endless ashen land. Out of nowhere a shadow materialized and hit him with a baton or stick in the face and he fell grimacing in pain. "Ahhhhh!!!!!" he shout as the unbearable amount of pain hit him he wriggled in the ground as the shadow continue to hit him. He fell out cold his mind black out "Huuupp.. Haaaaa!!!" cold sweat running on his back as he wake up like he did recently. He looked around looking for that shadow his hand and knees shivering " What the fuck is that?!". he began to wonder as whether he was truly in hell. He tried to stand up only to feel something in his hand. two set stick in his hand made of unknown wood one and a half inch in diameter and one meter in length. The same type of stick the shadow use to beat the shit out of him recently. "It is heavy but not that I can't manage" he grew fascinated at the two stick with its sleek appearance running at the side of it are the same type of runes or language that the stone slab has. "What a beautiful baton?, but what the writing on it means? " as he wonders what it means word suddenly filled his mind " TAGALIPOL" .Countless information flood his mind and after ten minutes of sorting it out he gasped for air. "hisss... ta-guh-lee-pole" he mutter as he struggled to pronounce the world it means the annihilator or the destructor ominous word for a sleek looking stick he cant help to chuckle. Baybayin it is called the symbol like runes in the slab and what is written in the two sticks. When he recall what the symbol on the slab was the information flowed in his brain " Kali gamit ang arnis, itak, o idaga lipolin ang lahat ng sumalungat. Higitan ang limitasyon ng katawan ng puso at ng isip. Maging isa ka at ng iyong sandata Kali!"