
MCU: Reincarnated into Iron Man

Ezra was a big fan of a lot of things games, anime, tv shows but the main one had to be gears of war, avengers, borderlands, and mass effect. One day Ezra was binge watching the Iron Man movies when he started to get light headed so he tried to get up and go outside as he dose get light head in hot environment but he ended up tripping on his foot and hitting his head on the corner of the coffee table after waking up he found himself in the body of the infamous Tony Stark with a few new gifts. What will our Mc do with Tony's intelligence and these gifts will he save the world or bring it to ruin.

Alexia_Possible · その他
3 Chs


Pain extreme pain like I have never felt before greets me as I try to open my eyes and sit up. My chest feels stuffed and I cant seem to move as my body is extremely sore not somethin that can happen by working out not that I do that often and my eyes are so heavy.

As I got used to the pain slowly i finally managed to barley sit up when i noticed i cant move forward anymore without more straight because there is wires in my chest and is connected to something beside me jeez i wish my consciousness would full come back soon as i try to move more someone spoke to me.

"Mr. Stark I wouldn't move anymore if you want to live it was hard enough to save you the first time" He spoke smiling at me as I finally saw him and started to get full vision .

My surroundings are like a cave. A rocky roof seemly big space and a metal door as the only entrance to this place. I also noticed the wires connected to a battery this scene looks just like Iron man wait did he call me Stark?

"Did you just call me Stark" I asked him with a little confusion.

"Yes you are Tony Stark did you perhaps get amnesia" He answered back to my question as well with some confusion.

As he said that I suddenly got a massive headache as a lot of memories that went mine suddenly came and because of the massive information dump came all at once I passed out.



As I woke up with my new memories I was dazed for a wile but quickly came out of it. Looking around the Doc was making food and after staring a bit more he must have felt my gaze as he turned to me.

"Oh it looks like you woke up again, do you know who you are or did you really lose your memories?" He looks at me and ask.

"Yeah im awake and yes i know who I am sorry I was still dazed from eariler can you tell me whats going on the last thing i remember was being amushed" I relpy back still amazed and terrified of whos body i am in now but also gratful for the second chace at life and for a chance at love after I get out of this.

"Yes you see you were kindnaped by a group of terriost named the ten rings and wile you were captured you also got injured and that in your chest is pepping you alive as there was shrapunal in your chest but i couldnt get all of it out so the magnet is keepping it at bay also they captured you so you to have you make the Jaricho missle you recently presidented" He replyed back wile also telling me the stuff I need to know just as he did in the movie.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{ A FEW MORE HOURS LATER }

After the talk about my surcimstances and how I ended up here I started to go through my new memories after about 6 hour i finshed but there was something I didnt expect to happen after going through them all. Before the memories were like a book i could look through them and not be effected by his personality and emotions but afterwards they all murged fully with mine and now im not just Tony Stark or Ezra I am both so just me now and there was something more in my memories a power of sorts which will be helpful to getting out.

Not gonna have a set release date but a second chapter should be released soon also for those from my other novel will get to that soon as I was setting up this one thanks for reading

Alexia_Possiblecreators' thoughts