
Maze of Darkness

Charlie Walter is a wealthy, tall, and good-looking high school student. A tragic incident takes place. He is tired of his very existence. He desperately wants to get out of the dark maze. He is curious as to why he keeps having nightmares. He wants to know the true identity of the perpetrator of all the incidents that keep happening to him. With the help of his friends, Charlie discovers some secrets. Join them on their journey through a maze filled with deceit, vengeance, betrayal, and loyalty.

ArialRiri · ファンタジー
11 Chs


''Yayyy! I am having a lot of fun here.''

''Stop jumping on my bed with your shoes on, you dumb ass.'' he freaked out once he saw me jumping on his bed.

''Okay, I'm going to lie down..."

He frowned, looking at me, ''I'm going downstairs to get some food ready for you. However, refrain from laying a finger upon anything. Just stay here. Got it, my dear friend?''

''Yes, sir.''

Arthur made his way downstairs while I hopped on his bed.

'Ah! I feel quite exhausted.'

I lay down with his blanket and pillow and don't remember when I dozed off.

''Please help me...Is anyone here?''


''He is going to kill me.''

I find myself in the same place where I hear strange noises. The air is heavy with an eerie stillness, broken only by the echoes of mysterious whispers that seem to surround me. I am unable to cross this labyrinthine maze. The darkness envelops everything, making it difficult to discern even the simplest things. Despite my efforts, I couldn't spot any signs of an exit. The doors that line the walls further confuse me, their purpose hidden in the gloom.

''I am here... Come to me!''

I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, its rhythm a study reminder of my vulnerability. A sense of apprehension grips me as if someone is watching my every move. I take slow, deliberate steps, cautiously exploring each unsettling corner.

Abruptly, a door creeks open, revealing a scene that entices curiosity. A child stands there, beckoning me toward an uncertain fate. His eyes are brimming with tears, like shimmering pools reflecting the sorrow of his soul, silently pleading for help.

Just as his silent plea reaches my ears, a hand emerges behind him. The hand gloved in black fabric, clutching the child's mouth. Then I notice the figure that emerges from the shadows- a presence wrapped in a cloak of ebony, flowing and undulating like a silent dance. His black attire was adorned from head to toe. He is wearing a mask that shields his face, just like that day. He remains an enigma, a puzzle waiting to unravel.

''Hey! Leave the child alone,'' I called out to the masked man.

His eyes locked with mine, and his gaze pierces through the veil of secrecy, peering directly into the depths of my very being. Time seems to stand still as our gazes interlock.

The figure seizes the child, tugging him forcefully into the room.

Out of nowhere, the piercing cries from another room shuttered the stillness. The door to that room opened. Towering flames were rising from within. There was someone trapped inside that room. I needed to save whoever was inside. Just as I was about to go inside, a masked intruder emerged from behind, his sinister intentions palpable. He lunged toward me, fingers clawing at my throat, a malicious desire to snuff out my life.

I managed to gasp out, ''Who are you? What do you want from me? Why do you persistently haunt my every step?''

My queries hung in the tense air, mirroring my faltering breaths.

My eyelids snapped open. The nightmare had released its grip on me, leaving me in a cold sweat. What on earth is happening to me? I need to step outside for a moment and breathe some fresh air.

I stepped out and went to the balcony on the upper floor to relax. The serene atmosphere provided the perfect setting for some much-needed respite. Lost in the tranquility, I suddenly caught a faint sound from the adjacent room, piquing my curiosity. Intrigued, I swiftly made my way toward the source of the noise.

As I entered the room, I saw someone lying on the bed with a blanket covering them. Did Arthur come here and fall asleep?

He decided to make this place his nap zone!

''What about my meal?'' I approached him, climbed on his bed, and pulled up the blanket that was over him.

''Arthu- AHHHHHHH!"

We both screamed at the same time.

I hastily threw the blanket on her face and swiftly jumped out of bed.

''Who are you?'' I asked the girl.

My heart was pounding rapidly, and I froze in my place.

''Tell me, who are you? What exactly are you doing in my bedroom? You Lunatic!''

Arthur came rushing into the room.

"What's wrong? Why are you screaming? I got scared."

She then turned to Arthur and inquired, "Who is this crazy person, and how did he enter my room? Could he be a thief?"

"He is my friend, Charlie!'' Arthur's voice cut through the air.

''What are you doing here?" he demanded, his tone laced with irritation. My heart sank as I remembered his explicit instruction to stay away from anything, a command I had foolishly disregarded. But before I could respond, my throat tightened, rendering me speechless. All I could do was stand there, frozen in disbelief.

As Arthur stared at me, frustration etched on his face. I struggled to regain my composure. His eyes bore into mine.

With a heavy sigh, Arthur tried again, his tone slightly softer but still tinged with annoyance.

"I've been asking you, Charlie. Why won't you give me any answers?" His words hung in the air, pleading for a response.

He took a step closer, "Are you all right?" he asked, his voice now filled with genuine worry.

''What kind of lunatic you've befriended?'' The girl questioned Arthur angrily.

I jolted back to reality.

''Who is she calling Lunatic?''

''You! Of course.''

''Alright, let's forget everything else for now. Come downstairs with me, Charlie. I've arranged some food to serve there, and you should come too after freshening up.''

Arthur grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.

''She would have devoured you alive if I hadn't intervened. You didn't need to go into her room."

"I thought that was you because I heard a noise from the room."

We made our way towards a magnificent and spacious hall with an ornate dining table, elegant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The table is teemed with all kinds of dishes. I quickly took my seat and started eating.

I was impressed by the delicious food and couldn't resist praising it.

''Oh wow, what a heavenly meal! By the way, who was that girl, and what is she doing in your house?" I asked Arthur while he was still chewing his first bite.

He had perched a macaron on his fork and popped it into his mouth before answering.

"That's my little sister. She came to visit me from abroad during her vacation," he said with a small smile.

I was surprised by the revelation.

"Is that Belly?"

Arthur quickly corrected me, "No, her name's Belle."

As he held the fork, he delicately placed the pastry onto it and gently lifted it into his mouth, savoring the sweet taste.

I chuckled seeing this sight and remarked, "I remember she never used to talk much when we were kids. Look at her now! Unbelievable". Arthur murmured, "Yes, she's all grown up, just like you.'' I eyed him.

"Okay, now spill the tea, Arthur. Why weren't you showing up to school? Do you even have any intention of studying?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink.

Arthur rolled his eyes and replied, "Look who's asking?"

He took a brief pause, then continued.

''I'm taking business classes to save my family's business from going bankrupt. My father passed away long ago, and I have to take care of his business at some point. Our business has suffered a lot, and now it's up to me to manage it.''

I got surprised and exclaimed, "Wow, bro, you've finally become serious about your future!"

Arthur smirked and replied, "Of course, I'm not planning to become a juggling clown for a living, and you should take your future seriously too. Don't you want to be the next Tony Stark?"

"Yeah, right. I have enough trouble passing math, let alone running a billion-dollar empire."

We both burst out laughing.

''I called you that day, but you didn't show up.''

He adjusted his composure as he waited for my answer. I gulp down the food hastily.

''Oh yes, you were not answering my calls. I needed to tell you why I didn't come to meet you that day and what exactly had happened to me.''

After I uttered the words, Arthur put his fork down and anxiously inquired, ''What exactly had happened?''

''Eight days...

''..It was precisely eight days ago...''