
Our last hope

In the beginning,

The four continents, eight realms, four seas, and twelve deserts lived together in peace and love

The North continent consists of the nine-tailed fox clan,the south continent of of wolfs, the western continent which is always dark consists of vampires and the eastern continent consists of dragon demon, the North continent was the most peaceful of all with their lovely queen and king

The eight realms were not known to all mortals, only immortals can travel through space to get across the realms which all continent consisted of two realms each

The dragon demon lord, Rayven, was bored of how peaceful the world is, he created demons and spread them across the continents creating havoc and crisis all over

Queen dina, the queen of the North continent, was heavily pregnant when it all started, by the time the crisis ended the North continent was nothing but a wasted land by then but queen dina got her daughter out alive

"please take care of my daughter, she is the only saviour our clan has left, go far away from here and after her cultivation is complete tell her the truth then, tell her who she really is, princess Mayna, tell her that the only mission she has is to kill dragon demon lord and rescue the whole of north continent from his clutches, please tell her that her mother loves her and she should avenge the death of her father and me, go now, go!" queen dina said pushing the the maid away in tears with little mayna is her hand, the maid reluctantly left but turned back only to see a sword through Dina's chest "your highness!" she screamed and Dina fell to the ground, she ran back to Dina "t....t..take...this....give... it to ma..mayna..once....she..is ready...re-living this moment...will give her....the strength....she needs.... go...save her...i beg....you..."Dina said handling her a pearl, she kissed mayna and her body dispersed in the air, the maid staggered up and started running, she got to a place and stopped, she cried her eyes out, she removed a strand of her hair and used it to make a necklace with the pearl which she wore around the baby's neck, she got up to run but a sword went through her body, blood came out of her mouth has the demon removed the sword, she used half of her cultivation to kill the demon and the remaining half to seal Mayna in the south continent "no one.. will be able to...fi..find our.... princess now until she has culti....vated enough....and the pearl will.... eventually break....i saved her your highness...our hope lies in you now princess... come back for our clan and destroy dragon demon lord....." the maid said and dispersed in the air

"oh god, it's a baby, a fox" ninah said to her husband "luckily she is saved, our barriers will protect her, come on let's go back quickly" he said and they ran home