
Mayik- The Legend of Strine

A teenager from New York, America lives his life as any average teenager would. He hates going to school and likes to play with his friends. He is a well-mannered child who respects his parents and elders. But life is unfair, he is diagnosed with influenza which leads him to his death. On the other hand in a different world, in a different continent known as Mayik, an epic tale is about to begin, changing the face of the whole continent. Read Luke's journey to become a great man revered by everyone. A journey that consists of hatred, jealousy, love, respect, and many more emotions.

Harsh_Gupta_4218 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Journey to an unknown destination.

Moving away from Reik under the darkness of the sky. With just some clothes, two sword and a horse taken from the manor and leaving everything else behind. The guilt, the abondonement but most importantly my piece of heart. My mom and my sweet little Laura.

I never knew that I love my mom so much. No I think I loved my father too much to care about my mom. I was always trying to please my father but I never needed to please my mom.

Maybe I was with her 9 months more than I was with anyone else so that's why I don't need to please her to love me. A mother's love is unconditional.

I promise to marry only one woman whose love will be unconditional to me. I will not marry twice.

Me : Mom I want to get stronger to protect you. Once I become stronger I will return to you and never leave you ever.

Saying this I quickly rode to the direction which will take me out of my father's territory and into other territory.

I travelled for 3 long days to get outside my father's territory. I need to feed myself as I had not taken a single penny while leaving the house.

I travelled for some more hours when I finally reached a small village in the middle of nowhere. I was overjoyed. I quickly went there to eat something.

But there is a problem. I do not have any money. What should I do ? Well I had no other choice. If I do not have money I will have to beg for it.

I went towards a shop. I think it was a blacksmith shop.

Me : <embarassed> Sir can you give me something to eat I have not eaten anything for the past 3 days.

Blacksmith : In this village we do not give anyone things for free. If you want food work for it. No one will feed you for free in this world.

His words are so true.

Me : Sir do you have any work. I will do evrything I can.

Blacksmith : I need a helper for blacksmithing if you know anything about it. I am willing to feed you twice a day with a place to stay as I think that you are a traveller. But I will not give you any money until I think you are diligent.

Me : Sir I do not know black smithing but I can learn it if you teach it to me.

Blacksmith : I am not wasting my time teaching you just go away.

Me : Sir please I assure you that I will work diligently.

After thinking for sometime he replies.

Blacksmith : Hmmm. Ok if you learn then I will keep you on job but till then you will have meal only once a day. If you agree then fine. Otherwise go away.

Me : <😊> Thanks mister blacksmith I will work diligently.

Blacksmith: Mr. Burt.

Me : thanks mr. Burt.

And I this I became training to become a blacksmith. Wow what did I came to become and what am I doing.

But this is the question of food. And I had heard a saying in my dream that ," No work is small, every work you do will be useful to you in the future. " So as well try it.

Oh and yes I still have that weird dream but in more detail which made it even more weird. Yes I mean carriages without horses. Carriages that fly. Houses made on each other till it reaches the clouds. And the most weird thing is that people use something called science instead of magic.

Damn Luke why are you thinking weird imaginary things. Be more realistic. And so I started learning this art.


A few days have passed since I started working sorry learning blacksmith and I think I am a fast learner as I finished learning the art of beating iron. Well it's a start.

And yes Berts family is very good when Berts wife came to know about our agreement she became furious. No not at me but at her husband as to how can he let a 10 year old boy starve. She fed me atleast twice a day.

Beside them they even have a daughter who is around my age named Bleny. So when I am not working. I play with her and teach her about the things I learner from my tutor. She is a very jolly girl and treat me nicely. I don't know why but I see Layl in her. Yes I miss her too. She is my big sister after all.

This is the time of the year when DA entrance exam will be held. Grandel who is an orphan is going to the most prestigious School while I who have both parents is living like an orphan.

Some more days passed one day I was walking near the forbidden forest as this village is also near the forest. Actually forbidden forest is very big it covers nearly half of Mayik and I always come at the entrance of the forest to practise my swordsmanship.

Blacksmithing really is helpful. My strike and thrusts now have more power due to striking iron continuously.

So just as I was walking I felt a little giddy in my body. No I don't know the feeling but then I saw a chameleon and I don't know why but I moved my hand toward it and suddenly a bright light appeared in front of me and disintegrated the chameleon.

I was shocked. Was this some magic ability ? I felt bad for that chameleon though. It just vanished. But it is ok if want to check it once more right ?

I tried it again once I saw another chameleon. A bright light came from my hands and moved towards it but when it touched it it disintegrated into tiny particles but the chameleon was still there.

Me : Ok I think this is not how this works.

I tried it more times but it did not work. I became tired and stopped for the day.

Me : <sigh> I will try again later.


God POV >>>

At night when Luke was asleep. A caterpillar started crawling near him. Luke unconsciously emmited his magic and disintegrated the caterpillar.

After sometime he again emmited his magic and the caterpillar appeard but it was different than usual.

His size had increased a lot more than a humans feet and very cute too.


I woke up feeling something soft on my stomach. When I looked at my stomach I saw a green bug on me staring at me with its big 👀.Ok are bugs supposed to be this big ?

I was starting in his eyes and he was staring me back.Suddenly he made a cute sound and began jumping on me happily.

Me : <😌> Yeah weird dream once more. Ok let's go to sleep again.

Just when I closed a voice, I heard a scream. An ear piercing scream.

Bleny : <😨> Ahhhhhh.

I woke up in a start and saw that the bug is still on me but now staring at Bleny. Just when I came to reality. I saw the bug release threads from his mouth and covered Bleny in the sticky thread.

Then he turned to me with a face that says like praise me.

I did not know what to do and went towards Bleny who was tied no stuck in those sticky thread. I released her with my sword with some difficulty.

I turned towards the bug and said.

Me : Apologise to Bleny.

Yes I think that I have gone mad. I am asking a big to apologise. But to my surprise he came near Bleny legs. Bleny was afraid and hid behind me. Then he came near us and make a cute voice.

Bug : pi pi.

I do not know what he said but guessing from his expressions I think he apologised.

Me : Look Bleny he is apologising.

I bend down and stroked his head and he was happy. I was also happy. He was very cute. I had decided to keep it as a pet.

Me : Ok I will give you a name as I do not want to call you a bug. <🤔> You are a caterpillar and say pi so what about caterpi ?

Caterpi : <🐛> pi pi.

Bleny : <😨> Luke are you sure it is not dangerous. It is an abnormal bug. And I hate bugs.

Me : Come on Bleny it is so cute 🥺 see you are hurting it's feeling's. Sorry caterpi.

And so I got a new companion.


Days passed, months passed and now it has been nearly 5 months since I have come to Grol. Yes this is the village's name.

I am now very proficient in blacksmithing as I can make various weapons but Bert still does not sell my products.

Bert : It is good but not much reliable. You are not making a sword but forging a person's life. One imperfect sword and the weilders life is over.

If I would have been some ordinary person. I would have been angry on him. But I belong from a knight family. I know the importance of a good sword. So I kept on perfecting it more.

Meanwhile I also learned to make artifact's and ornaments from Bert. Blacksmiths make not only weapons but also artifact's and jewellery. And I am proud of my mastery in making those.

I have also become familiar with the people of the village. I have made many friends my age. Actually they are all Bleny's friend. She introduced us and we became friends.

Speaking of Bleny she is still afraid of Caterpi. Not just her but all our girl friends are also scared but the boys find him cute.

Caterpi has grown a little. He just eats leaves. We go to the forest and train together. He grows stronger as he fights. We occasionally fight weak monsters like goblin or any other wild animals.

He supports me with his sticky thread and when the opponent are stuck I kill them. But when the opponent are not strong then either he or I fight one on one with them.

My skill have become good. I can now kill 2 - 3 goblins at the same time. And if you want to know the strength of goblins their strength is similar to an adult but they are very agile. I think 2 to 3 time more agile than a normal adult human.

But fighting them for so many months has increased my agility to nearly their level. And combined with my strength due to hammering. I think that I can fight atleast 2 soldiers at a time.

Seems fascinating right.

But no it is not a low level knight can defeat atleast 10 soldiers without using any magic. If he used magic he can kill atleast 30. And this is just low level knights.

Speaking of magic. I tried to use magic and of course I have wind magic as my father, mother and sister. But it just hinders my ability because I do not know how to use it yet. How will I know.

This is a very small village. Here even normal soldiers are treated with respect. The only knight in the village is the son of village head. And he too is a low level knight.

Thank God I left my father's territory cause he is in another brigade. But if my identity is revealed I will be like a special guest in this village. But I do not want to use the Strine family name. I am still very hurt by my father's words.

I don't know what they are doing but I do not miss him. I just miss mom, Laura and Layl. I am thinking of going to the academy at the nearest town.

There even normal children can go to achieve education. The fees are also less 10 silver coins a year.

I have saved 2 silvers till now by selling my ornaments in the town for the past 3 months. Maybe when I am able to sell swords I will have enough money to go the academy. Or maybe if somehow I obtain gold I will make a lot money by selling ornaments because right now I am selling jewellery made of iron.

I still have over half a year left. So life is good for now. I like this life. And from today I will start making silver jewellery. Let's hope it I reach my goal.

Hello Guys,

I know what you are thinking, but this is not Pokemon fanfic. It is just MC's power. It will be explained in the future.

This chapter was just character development.

But behold the first arc of the novel. A war is coming and I think I should stop, otherwise, I may give some spoilers.

One more important announcement. As I said before I want to make this as realistic as possible so there will be deaths in my novel cause no one can live forever. But don't worry as our mc will be alive (at least in this volume).

But I promise no death will be in vain and I will try to develop side characters also when the time comes.

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