
Mayhem in the Wizarding World

Samuel Ambrose and Veronica Monroe, two Muggleborns, looking for revenge, get the chance to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is their story and how they create mayhem in Magical world. I do not own Harry Potter. This is an AU to the Harry Potter series. There will also be certain changes to the Canon events to fit the story. PS: I have been reading a lot of Harry Potter fanfics recently. I am bored out of my mind due to the lockdown and thus I am only writing this for fun so expect some mistakes and plot holes. Please let me know in the comments.

AkashSrivastava · 書籍·文学
16 Chs


March - December 1968

<Third Person POV>

For the next few months Sam and Veronica met on every weekend and studied together. Sam also trained Veronica in different fighting techniques as well as how to conduct oneself in a formal setting. Veronica in turn taught Sam how to make her compounds.

Along with that they had a lot of fun just hanging out. They had quickly become fast friends and talked regularly via phone from their home and even planned some nights out to go to the theaters to watch plays or concerts or movies. They found a common love for comics and also went to many arcades and amusement parks and tried out various restaurants around London.

After all, you cannot always just have work and no play. While Sam did not have much interest in plays and theaters etc he was dragged by Veronica to those events since she loved them. Sam in turn took revenge by dragging her around London and going to various restaurants. He especially took her to a lot of posh restaurants where Veronica would get irritated since they had a different spoon for different types of dishes. She had to learn the hard way since she would get looks when not using the correct spoon. Sam also took her to various balls and parties with rich people.

A problem of all the playing and training was that they could not talk freely when they were around other people. This was a problem they could face later on when they start fighting. So they got their heads together and started to look for a magic or magical technique from the various mind magic books in Sam's library to emulate the effects of something similar to what comics portrayed as telepathy. They researched the whole thing and found a way to do that was to create a temporary link, but not on how the details would work since it was very vaguely mentioned as an art from ancient times. They found how to Confound, Obliviate, Confuse and many other spells but no spell for telepathy. They only knew it was possible.

Since they knew it was possible with Mind Magic and they knew that Occlumency and Legilimency were the start of the mind magic, they started to think on ideas that could work for them. After a few weeks of thought, one idea kept coming to their forefront. To create a transmitter and receiver in the form of a satellite dish that they would place in front of their Occlumency shields. The dish would be connected to their minds so they could easily receive messages and still be protected by their shields. It was a muggle concept that they could adopt. It seemed feasible and they could not see any issues with it, however, how to actually send a message was where they were stuck on. Thus they went out to buy as many books on wireless communications and to understand all about the concept. Once they had properly researched they would take it up again.

During this time, thanks to their regular exercise and fight practice, Veronica's physical fitness was catching up. She was reasonably talented at physical fights and also thanks to her Sense magic she was a superb marksman. Sam, on the other hand, learned to have a lot of fun thanks to Veronica and was more at ease with himself. He was still alert and mindful of his surroundings but now there was an ease to him. All in all, both of them were fit and graceful, moving around quickly and with ease. Both of them had smiles on their faces most of the time thanks to their antics every week.

What they did not know was that it was very noticeable to others around them. For Sam, he had gone from being serious always to having a smile and calm while for Veronica it was going from morose and sad to a smiling girl of her age that even joked with people around her. Both the families were curious of what was happening. For Veronica, her grandparents came to know it was associated with a boy since they had a separate phone connected to the phone Veronica would use to talk to Sam. They thought it would do her some good to have a friend who was able to bring her out of her shell. For Sam though, his grandparents had actually shadowed him to London and saw him meeting with Veronica. They even found out most about her thanks to all their spying. It was something that brought their hearts some relief since they wanted Sam to have some fun in life as well. When Isabella found out however, she almost went to Veronica's home to meet them and see for herself what kind of people these were. She was stopped by Sam's grandparents fortunately. Meanwhile, Sam and Veronica were discussing about how best to arrange a set of bombs to bring down the building on top of their enemies.

Another surprise for them was the fact that Aaryn did not become affected by the curse of the moon and lose his mind. He could consciously control his transformation and during this time they had trained him to be able to quickly transform. Veronica had a suspicion that this was due to his wolf bloodline. The werewolf curse turns the humans into wolves so it may actually not affect a real wolf aside from making it powerful both physically and magically. She told Sam about her speculations and they both decided to observe Aaryn for now and tried to find out anything about similar cases in their studies. But they both figured that they will only make a proper progress once they reach Hogwarts.

Sam and Veronica had received their Hogwarts letters. Both of them received it on their birthdays, September 5 for Sam and December 15 for Veronica. Both the letters had three sheets.

First Page:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Samuel Ambrose/ Ms. Veronica Monroe,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July 1969.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Second page:



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

Defense Against the Dark Arts

by Professor Galatea Merrythought


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.


Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

Third Page:


Dear Mr. Samuel Ambrose/ Ms. Veronica Monroe,

We understand that you may have doubts about the school, a professor from the school will connect with you to answer the various question you may have.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

They had received the letters but nobody had yet come to explain anything. Since there was still time until their school year started, they figured that the Professors must be busy with teaching. Thanks to reading the minds of the squibs that had come with the squibs last time, Sam and Veronica had known the location of the Diagon Alley but did not want to go there just yet since they will be going with the arriving professor and they wanted them to think that they were Muggleborns with no previous connections to Magical society.

26 December 1968

<Albus Dumbledore POV>

'It has been years since I have introduced Muggleborn students to the world of Magic. Reminds me of the time when I myself was a deputy headmaster. Ah fun times.'

Looking at my watch, it was 7 AM. 'Muggles tend to celebrate Christmas rather heavily. I hope the families I will be visiting are not all asleep. I would like to be done by the end of the day.'.

As I came around the bend, I got my first look at the property where the first of the muggleborns that I need to address lived. It was a beautiful farmhouse in the countryside. Getting in I walked up to the door and rang the bell, taking a moment to admire the little things that Muggles invented to enrich their lives. 'Maybe if I impress them they would give me one of those magazines they keep.'.

With that thought keeping my spirits up I heard the door being opened and was greeted by an older gentleman that I assumed to be the Grandfather of Samuel Ambrose.

He looked me up and down and his eyesight stayed at my beard for some time before he looked at me. Although he schooled his expression quickly, I could still make out a jealous look. 'That was intriguing. What did he just think??', using a little bit of Legilimency revealed to me what he was thinking.

'That is a damn fine beard he has. Makes me kind of jealous. Should I also grow one?? I would look good in it, I think.', was what I picked up and I almost chuckled. Deciding to introduce myself I said," Good Morning Sir, I am Albus Dumbledore. I am here to meet Mr. Samuel Ambrose and his family. Could you please let me know if they live here??".

The gentleman looked at me for a moment as if in thought and said," That is a long name you have there. You have the right address. You are the headmaster of Hogwarts. Please come in. We have a lot to discuss.".

I took the offer and entered the house to come upon the reception. Taking the offered seat on the rather comfy I look at the family that had gathered and said," I am sorry to have come here unannounced but due to the busy schedules I was unable to come before. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am here to see Mr. Samuel Ambrose who has been accepted into the school and to accompany him to buy his school supplies. I assume that you are his family but I do not see him here.".

The woman whom I assume to be Samuel's mother said," We have been expecting someone from the school to come to explain the very cryptic letter that was sent to us earlier. We thought that someone had made a joke. Never thought it was actually true. You said Witchcraft and Wizardry. Does that mean that magic is real?? Can you prove that?? Also, why do you want Samuel to attend your school?? How do you know of Samuel??".

I was now even more convinced that this was the mother of young Samuel and instead of explaining, I decided to show them just as I usually did in my younger years. Waving my wand I let the vase that was sitting on the table start floating in the air. I then said," Magic and the magical society has always been present in the world. We are just hidden from view of the general public because of various reasons. The only reason you are even allowed to know about magic is because young Samuel is registered in Hogwarts as a Wizard. Every witch or wizard that is born in England is automatically entered into a book of names which records the names of all the underage wizards. That is how I know that Samuel is a Wizard and thus I have come to meet him. I will also lead you all to the place where supplies for the school can be bought.". I spent some more time explaining them about Hogwarts and its courses and the fees and then asked to meet with Samuel again.

"He is not here.", replied the grandfather from before, Steve. "Where is he??", I hoped that nothing bad had happened to the young boy.

They all smirked as if I had just said some joke. Feeling even more nervous I asked," Why are you laughing?".

"Oh it is nothing. We were thinking of taking you with us to meet the boy. You won't mind coming with us right??", Steve said. "Why do you want me to come?? And where are you taking me??", I was about to use legilimency again on them before he replied," Oh nothing much. Its just that Sam has gone with his girlfriend on a date to London. We were actually about to go and spy on them today. There will be the girl's family there as well. We had contacted each other and wanted to take a few pictures of them. They don't have any pictures enjoying. We badly need some for the album. I hope you don't mind, but if you could be with us and introduce yourself to him??".

I sighed in relief that it was only grandparents embarrassing their grandchildren. 'Well it is not like I am invited everyday for something like this. Why not?'. I agreed and we all went to London in a car. 'It was rather refreshing to ride in one of those. I think I will get myself one of these when I have time.'.

I found that we were near what looked like a theater for plays. The family quickly moved with their cameras and soon met another couple that was waiting for them. 'They must be the grandparents of the girl.'.

"Ah, William, Amelia, meet professor Dumbledore, he was here to meet Sam for his school. I hope you don't mind I brought him with us since we will be going to get Sam's school supplies soon. Professor, this is William and Amelia Monroe.", Steve introduced me to them and instantly it clicked.

"I am sorry, is your granddaughter's name Veronica Monroe??", I asked before I could help myself and when they replied in affirmative, I could only think it is fate. I wasted no time and introduced myself properly before informing them that Veronica was also a witch and will be going to Hogwarts next year. We quickly entered the theater and once we booked a private room I showed the Monroe's magic while giving the same explanation as earlier. Amelia and Natasha squealed in delight at the fact that both Sam and Veronica would be going to the same school. It seemed as if both of them wanted Sam and Veronica to get together. 'Well It is not uncommon for purebloods to arrange for a marriage contract, so if the muggle families want them to get together, who am I to reject?? After all, they are atleast giving them enough time to get to know each other and are obviously happy with the counterpart. Now it I could just meet them soon, it would be good. I am rather famished since I had skipped breakfast and would like to have brunch before it is late in the day.'.

It was then that Samar pointed out where in the audience the two children were sitting. I stood up to look at them and was surprised to see two stunning children. Veronica was a cute child that was already starting to blossom into a very beautiful woman while Sam was a handsome boy that looked like he would grow up to be a confident and handsome young man. Looking at both of them I knew they will be powerful magically. After all, magic subtly influences the people around a wizard or witch. They naturally give out charm unconsciously. This does not make them Handsome or Beautiful but it affects the perception of the people around them.

We stayed there on the balcony while the grandparents sneaked pictures of the two children until the end of the play, after which we decided to confront the two of them. No doubt it will embarrass them (which I think is the point), it will also move things along a little faster. We decided that we would confront them a little further from the theater since it will be less crowded at that point. After moving a few blocks they turned around a bend and as we moved we came face to face with both of them looking at us.

They looked positively pissed. Sam then said," And why are you guys following us?? Better yet why are you here in the first place??". 'Huh, I guess they are not that embarrassed if they are not shouting the place down.', I observed.

"How did you even know that we were here??", Steve asked. In response, Sam pointed to the dog that had been following them while Veronica replied," You are the only other person aside from both of us who is so close to Aaryn grandma Amelia. He kept on looking back at you the entire time. It does not take much to understand that you were following me. Now out with it, why are all of you here?".

I decided to introduce myself at this point," Hello Sam, Veronica. My name is Albus Dumbledore. I believe we have a lot to talk about.". They recognized the name and then we decided to move towards the Monroe house in London to continue the talks as it was closest.

Fifteen minutes later we were in the dining room of the Monroe house which was joined to the kitchen. Sam and Veronica had volunteered to make the brunch for all of us while we talked. It was strange to be treated to home-cooked food by eleven year olds but if the others did not interject, I did not see the need to object myself. Also, it put my inhibitions to rest as well. While they may grow up to be strong magicians they would not go dark. After all they are surrounded by love.

While we were all talking I was greeted by an amazing smell coming from the kitchen. I looked towards the kitchen and had to make an effort to not let a sound emerge from my stomach. 'If this is how it smells, I would love to taste it.'. I did not have to wait too long as Sam and Veronica came out of the kitchen with plates with food on them. As they placed the plates on the dining table Sam informed us," High Life Eggs. A chef in Spain called Angel Muro, created the recipe in the late nineteenth century.". We looked at the food in front of us for a moment before all of us dug in. I was again surprised by just how delicious the food was. I looked at the two children who had created the food and all of my doubts were completely put to rest.

After we had our food and the plates had been cleared, I asked them," Well that was an absolutely delicious meal, maybe the most delicious I have had. But now we must move to address the school supplies. Shall we??". The entire table then stood up and now I had four pairs of Grandparents with a mother and two children moving towards the Leaky Cauldron. It was time to introduce them to the world of Magic.

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