
Maybe I’m obsessed

Chinenye_ife · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Rude boy

Cool evening in Lagos.. one of the busiest city in Africa,everything have moved to internet especially feelings and flings

Starts with a click then a match and hangout very fast it goes

Checking my dating apps this evening to know if my net caught a fish,boom it did but seems it caught a disrespectful fish this time,no sense of humor,his message this plain "hookup or not?"

Nice pictures he got but rude his message appeared to me so I replied with "I don't do hookup" with an attitude emoji

I certainly don't mind hookup but didn't like how he asked me,sounded to me like "Sex or not?"

And he said "okay" and didn't utter another word,strange right?

In my head I was like just okay..? Won't he argue or beg? Say something else you attractive prick! I kept checking my inbox but that was his last message,I even checked the next day.. I waited and never even asked myself what I was waiting for.. but somehow I wanted the rude boy to say another thing and he never did

After few days of not hearing from him,I had to reach out to him myself

Walk of shame but I took that lane,I never done that before so it felt strange

So I sent a message.. hey what are you up to this evening? I'm in a hotel alone,was homesick so I left the house to a hotel,lies but I needed an excuse for reaching out myself

can you come around I asked

he said yes and asked the name of the hotel

gave him and he said he was going to be on his way shortly

Wow that really got me so excited,wonder why meeting a rude boy excites me but I didn't care

I just wanted to meet him

Few hours later he called that he was outside

I stepped out my room to meet him

he even looked better in person,average height.. chocolate mixed with milk skin

tinted his hair gold

his eyes bright and sparkling like I never seen before

I was shivering inside but managed to present myself confident

Hello I'm Chris,nice to meet you (he said)

I'm jenny,nice to meet you too I uttered

We both went to my room,I asked what he would drink and he said anything

I ordered for some drinks..

Conversation was easy with him,same as him touching me,wasn't hard for him to get my pants off,poor me

I could feel him bringing his lips close for a kiss but i kept escaping that,I can't be falling like a fool in just one day so I tried very hard to maintain my bad girl moves

I can't count how many times we had sex and the cuddles was all a girl could ever ask for

I didn't forget him saying

It felt like we've known each other for a longtime cause I'm really comfortable around you,I don't know how we slept or when but He woke up early and said he needed to go home that he had something to do,I bid him farewell

My mind kept battling with me,is it just sex for him..? Would he want to meet again?

After I got home.. I didn't hear from him so I thought to send a message and see if he would reply or if he is done with me

So I sent a message asking the title of a song he played at night cause I don't know what else to say

He replied fast and asked what I was up to

That made me smile

You could come over to mine he said

I didn't even let him repeat it again before agreeing to going over to his place

Sure I want to see him again and again

Why waste time .. got to his place and he was living quite comfortable for a young man

Nice duplex and car's,I didn't see all that part of him before liking him,Maybe I liked how he ignored me first and he cuddled me later even though we just met the first time or maybe that's his tactics