
Chapter 255: Yearning


Gong Mochen drank with Du Can. "Shouldn't you be busy too? Calling so many serving girls isn't just for show, right?"

Du Can chuckled. "Good brother, you really know me! Then I'll be leaving too!"

"Next time you want to find a woman to hang out with, don't use a meeting like this to do it! I don't see you paying much attention to Yao Miao. Why did you come out to hang out with other women? Are you going to lie?" Gong Mochen asked.

"Who's lying? I'm telling the truth. I just came out for this meeting! Not to meet women. I just happened to find a few women along the way..." Du Can gave his own reason.

Gong Mochen looked at Du Can sharply and said, "Keep making things up! If you have the nerve, tell the truth!"

"Why are you having a go at me? Where's the boat of friendship?" Du Can asked.

"It sank! It's your fault for not telling the truth," Gong Mochen said.

"It's so boring to tell the truth. I didn't know that the Yao family told my grandfather this, but my grandfather actually agreed for me to be engaged to the Yao family.

"This is destroying me... What else is there to say? He wants me to give him a great-grandson before he closes his eyes!

"What the f*ck! Does he think I'm a seeder?" Du Can ridiculed.

"Your grandfather is old and wants to see a great-grandson before he dies. Moreover, your father died early. It's not easy for him to raise you! However, this reason seems to have been used two years ago, right? At that time, why did you refuse? Your grandfather has made a big decision, right?"

"Uh, Gong Mochen, is it really okay for you to sprinkle salt on my wound like this? If you've already guessed it, why are you still asking?" Du Can said.

"I'm reminding you. Since your grandfather has made a big decision and used his inheritance authority to threaten you into marrying Yao Miao, you should behave yourself and not cause trouble. If Yao Miao knows to cause trouble, be careful of those uncles of yours!" Gong Mochen reminded him.

At the mention of those uncles, Du Can felt a headache coming on.

His father was neither the eldest son nor the youngest son in the family, but he passed away early, so he was brought up by his grandfather. Perhaps because of this, his grandfather loved him very much and even wanted him to inherit the family business.

Naturally, Du Can's uncles were unwilling to lose their inheritance rights. All of them stared at Du Can, waiting for him to not get married and let the old man fulfill his promise to give the family business to them...

He scratched his head. "That's true, but if I have to face the same woman every day... No matter how beautiful she is, I'll get tired of her beauty, right? If that happens, I might end up being impotent!

"Forget it, I'll just spend this day enjoying other woman. I'm leaving now!"

After saying that, Du Can ran out of the room to find his serving girls and returned to his suite.

When Ming Tai returned to the room, Gong Mochen was tasting the wine.

"Where's that b*stard Du Can? He ran away?"

"He went to chase women... You settled your matter quickly, huh?" Gong Mochen picked up his phone and looked at the time.

"D*mn, did you really think that I would have sex with Chu Xia?" Ming Tai said.

"What else? It wasn't easy to find her. Do you want to let her go?" Gong Mochen asked.

"I want her follow me willingly instead of taking advantage of her," Ming Tai said. His voice suddenly croaked. "I let Yun Man down back then. Thank God for giving me another chance. I'm willing to stay by her side and wait!"

Gong Mochen nodded. "Actually, it's not your fault. The film industry is a place full of fake news. Back then, she was depressed and committed suicide when she saw your scandal...

"You didn't do anything to let her down, don't blame yourself. And for so many years, you protected her so well. Until the day she died, no one knew that she was your woman."

Ming Tai smiled bitterly. "Maybe that's why she got depressed. Two people who are in love shouldn't keep their relationship a secret. If they do such a thing, they would struggle to even have a child...

"She always wanted a child. If I could've given her a child, she might not have..."

He inserted his hand into his hair and fell into a deep state of self-blame. Yun Man's image appeared in his mind.

Yun Man's personality was unbelievably quiet. She was like air beside him, allowing him to enjoy being taken care of silently by her without feeling her presence.

Because of his status as the best actor, he was destined to not be able to marry and have children like normal people. He could only be with her at home.

Yun Man kept everything in her heart. No matter what scandal she saw, she didn't ask about it. With her personality and the pressure from the news, she had finally given up hope one day...

Gong Mochen patted Ming Tai on the shoulder and said, "She wouldn't want you to be like this. Now, just think that she's back."

Ming Tai nodded. "Chu Xia's personality is really good. She dares to say anything. If Yun Man was half as cheerful and confident as her, she would've been fine."

"Well, you and Yun Man are not fated. Life has to go on. Let's move on! When I couldn't find Qin Sheng, I thought that as long as I kept looking for her, I would find her one day!"

Gong Mochen added, "Thank you for inviting director An An for me."

"I will definitely do what you asked me to do. It's thanks to Chu Xia's cooperation that I'm where I am now. Director An An will surely make this a huge success.

"Aren't you afraid that Sheng's company will develop and turn against you? I heard that the Yun family's businesses are all moving to this country. I'm afraid that her ambition isn't just for a movie," Ming Tai said.

"Yes... She established her media company just to make her name known. Soon, the Yun Group will come. However, what will come will come," Gong Mochen said.

Ming Tai was a little confused. It was clear that Qin Sheng had dragged her boyfriend back to this country to take revenge, but Gong Mochen was still helping her.

He couldn't understand Gong Mochen's thinking!

While the two good friends were talking, they heard the sound of fighting in the corridor.

Before the two of them got up to look, the door of the single room was pushed open from the outside. A man with a small towel around him rushed into the room.

"Save me! The crazy woman is here!" the man shouted.

Ming Tai looked at Du Can in surprise and said, "I say, are you playing streaking? What's going on?"

"F*ck, you're still making fun of me? Hurry up and give me your clothes!" Du Can took off Ming Tai's blazer and wrapped it around his waist.

"F*ck! Do you know how expensive my suit is! And you're just going to wrap it around you like that?"

"What else can I do? The towel could barely cover my private parts!" Du Can roared angrily.

He wasn't the same size as Ming Tai, but he needed something to cover himself!

"Du Can! Come out here and die! I'll beat you to death! D*mn it, you dare to call four girls to go with you! You f*cking lied to me! I thought it was just a gathering of brothers you were going to!" Yao Miao rushed over and wanted to hit Du Can.

"Who said it was me who called them? Those were... err... those were called by Gong Mochen! Isn't he meant to be incompetent? I agreed to do him a favor..."