
Max Stats in the Apocalypse

In a post-apocalyptic world, Roger Wyles embarks on his third life, armed with unprecedented power. As monstrous beings, aptly named "monsters," threaten humanity's survival, Roger grapples with his role in this chaotic landscape. His stats are at their zenith, but the path to wielding such power remains unclear. Awakening in a district dominated by ruthless gangsters, Roger's resolve crystallizes—to safeguard his family, he must take charge. A bold decision leads him to establish his own gang, taking control of the city. However, as his stats reach their peak, an internal conflict arises. Roger yearns for a peaceful life, contrasting with his newfound authority. Vowing transformation, Roger confronts an unrelenting reality. Instead of finding support, the world turns hostile, pushing him to embrace a dormant ferocity within. Faced with challenges from all sides, Roger navigates the turbulent currents of a society craving his unique ability to awaken individuals. As alliances shift and foes multiply, Roger grapples with his own nature. Will he succumb to the brutal demands of his power or find a way to reconcile his longing for peace with the world's unyielding demands? In a world where power and survival collide, Roger must navigate treacherous paths, safeguard his awakening secret, and ultimately discover the true extent of his strength. [May contain spoiler] [a/n: Volume One was all about him reforming the city using his power, but to only a small extent, as for him, the Earth was "peaceful" for him. If you don't want gangs, organizations, and stuff, just skip it, but I strongly recommend you read those chapters to understand Roger. Paid chapters start at Chapter 41, where the main action starts.] --- Unstable updates but will try to update twice a week. Expect exciting action. Also, don't ever think of majestic word choice. img: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/1116048351379744356/

yohananmikhael · 都市
93 Chs

Doom Era

Seventy years ago, Earth reveled in a tranquil existence. However, the era of tranquility came to a screeching halt with the advent of the "Doom Era." It earned its ominous moniker for it marked the culmination of humanity's reign, and experts were left confounded by every unfathomable phenomenon that unfurled.

Rifts began materializing in diverse locales. Yet, the enigma surrounding these occurrences deterred exploration. Instead, humanity's curiosity was piqued by these mysterious apertures, prompting examinations from a distance to unravel their destination.

An undercurrent of caution persisted, fueled by the prospect that these rifts might harbor environments inhospitable to human life. Thus, years transpired in the meticulous analysis of these enigmatic conduits.

However, these endeavors proved futile, as malevolent creatures emerged from within the rifts, obliterating all in their path.

The unrelenting assault of these beasts left humanity defenseless. Vicious and fearsome, their onslaught prompted desperate countermeasures.

Nuclear conflagrations, biochemical assaults, and other drastic strategies were hastily deployed. Yet, these measures proved ineffectual, barely stemming the tide of annihilation.

Within a year, the global populace had dwindled by 40%, plunging governments into chaos. The rampage of these colossal creatures left the Earth teetering on the brink.

A year of terror ended when a glimmer of hope emerged—the Awakens.

Awakens were individuals who harbored dormant, mystic powers within them. These abilities materialized concurrently with the inception of the rifts. Fearing governmental exploitation, the Awakens opted for anonymity and seclusion.

Gradually, the Awakens emerged from the shadows to wield significant influence. As traditional governments faltered, these enigmatic individuals ascended to leadership positions, becoming both heroes and rulers.

After two decades of suffering and five decades of arduous struggle, Earth emerged from the clutches of the "Doom Era."

Presently, Roger strolled along, his thoughts weaving through the annals of New Earth's history.

Echoing the stories of his grandparents, who had endured the Doom Era, Roger understood that the illusion of peace had prevailed. Alas, this illusion had exacted a dire toll, causing Earth to forfeit 60% of its populace.

Nonetheless, Roger's perspective diverged. He pondered whether life on the Old Earth might have been more desirable. Absent the emergence of Awakens and the menace of the beasts, he might have savored a life bereft of turmoil. In this new world, one's standing hinged upon whether they possessed Awaken abilities.

Awakens were categorized into three classes: Warriors, Mages, and Priests. Each wielded influence in the New Earth's hierarchy. Yet, what fate befell those bereft of such abilities?

Deemed powerless, they assumed the role of mere population placeholders. Entrusted with arduous and menial tasks, they labored without "risking their lives" to safeguard the world.

"What a load of nonsense," Roger scoffed, his eyes flickering across the screen of his phone.

Looking at the glass with holographic images shown, he gritted his teeth when he read another news about powerless or non-Awaken humans being trampled.

Gazing at the holographic images flickering on the glass, a surge of frustration coursed through Roger as yet another headline detailed the oppression faced by powerless, non-Awaken individuals.

"These claims are utterly ridiculous... They dare to label themselves as heroes," Roger muttered under his breath. But his intended commentary was interrupted by a sudden, jarring honk from a passing vehicle, sending a shiver down his spine.


Before he could even vocalize his thoughts, the inevitable occurred – he was struck by a truck, the force of the impact sending shockwaves of pain through his body. His figure was sent airborne, propelled aimlessly through the air.

As his body soared, his mind raced, his thoughts briefly turning introspective.

"Is this what they call a slow-motion moment just before death? Or is it supposed to be a flash of your life?" he mused, his perception of time seemingly altered by the impending catastrophe.

Amidst the currents of introspection, his consciousness unfurled like a fragile blossom. With deliberate slowness, he parted his eyelids, the act itself akin to a curtain rising on a stage of wonderment. What lay before him was a tableau of surrealism, a sight that defied the confines of ordinary perception.

A forest unfurled around him, its heart guarded by towering bamboo stalks that reached upward, their vertical ascent an expression of nature's grandeur. The very air seemed to hum with life, and an aura of tranquility enveloped him as though he had stepped into a realm untouched by time. In this mesmerizing sanctuary, the world assumed an almost dreamlike quality, each rustling leaf and swaying bamboo tendril a testament to the symphony of existence that played out around him.


His surprise was mirrored in his voice as he lost control of his aerial descent, gravity pulling him towards the ground. His body met the earth with a jolt, eliciting a groan as he struggled to regain his senses.

"What in the world?"

He assessed both his own body and the ground beneath him, the tactile sensations confirming his newfound reality.

It had felt like a hallucination, but the tangible dirt and dried leaves spoke a different truth.

Struggling to accept his circumstances, tears welled in his eyes. Fear had gripped him when faced with death, but in that moment of acceptance, his thoughts had turned to someone else.

His family...

"I nearly lost my life," he exclaimed, his words punctuated by a gasp as he found his footing once again.

He patted down his dirt-strewn body, a mix of disbelief and relief flooding his emotions.

"I was... floating, wasn't I?" he questioned himself, glancing around as if the forest might hold the answer.

Surrounded by the imposing bamboo thicket, he pondered his situation momentarily before mustering his resolve and endeavoring to leave the wooded expanse.

Every step was cautious, each movement calculated, as he sought a route out of the labyrinthine forest.

Awareness that danger could manifest at any moment fueled his cautious trek. He was prepared for the unexpected, understanding that even his inexplicable survival did not guarantee his safety.

But life's ironies lie in its unpredictability.

As Roger approached the cusp of the forest, the expansive plain beckoned him. Yet, his anticipated reprieve was shattered as a towering wolf-like creature emerged before him.

Its commanding presence was palpable, and a wave of terror gripped Roger, immobilizing him.

Escape seemed an impossible feat, his body paralyzed by fear's vice-like grip.

'What in the world...? Am I still on the verge of death?' he thought, the specter of mortality ever-present.

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