
Mated to the King

They say that a blind wolf has no value. A wolf pup born blind should be given a swift death by the parents or by nature but what happens when nature decides to spare a blind wolf? Though blind she overcame lots of obstacles and ended up leading the largest pack equal to that of a King. What'll happen when she finds out what her true identity is? Will she and her brother save the world or destroy it? Will they be consumed by their power or will they ignore the temptation?

_Sienna_04 · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Meet the Royal Family.

It's been two days since the attack at the coronation and Mei slowly opens her eyes as she sits up making the nurse walking past her room rush to her aid.

"My lady are you alright?" The nurse asks placing a hand on Mei's leg but she snarls and recoils into the far corner of the bed as she tries to process everything.

"My lady?" The nurse says.

"I'M. NOT. YOUR. LADY." She snarls pronouncing every word with venom in her voice. The nurse shrinks back under her lifeless gaze.

"Where am I?" She asks and the nurse hesitates to reply. She puts the nurse to sleep with an annoyed sigh and a muttered spell. She hops off of the bed and heads into the hallway enjoying the coldness of the tiles as she navigates her way staying out of sight until she exits the building.

Sensing the forest around her she doesn't hesitate to make a run for it but her surroundings aren't familiar to her since so she moves until she stumbles upon one of the training fields where Nate along with some of the guards are training but they freeze when she enters the clearing wearing his jersey which is like a dress on her and his sister's jeans shorts.

Nate stares at her stunned but she doesn't stay long before she turns on her heel and heads into the forest once again. Not wasting any time he runs after her and it's not long before he's able to pin her onto the forest floor but she snarls and squirms to get away from him.

"Mate." He says pining her wrist to the floor and keeping her body pinned with his weight. She freezes the looks up at him with an empty gaze as she regains control of her breathing.

"Nate?" She asks and he lets out a sigh of relief as she speaks his name.

"Yes." He says and he feels some of the tension leave her body.

The palace guards on duty approach them carefully weapons raised. Nate notices them and snarls causing them to back off then return to their original patrol route. Still holding her down, he buries his nose in the crook of her neck inhaling his scent from his jersey mixed with hers. He tenses above her not wanting to push his luck. Pushing down his urges and desires, he pulls away from her putting some distance between them.

He sits close enough that if she makes a run for it he can easily grab her but not too close as to make her uncomfortable. He watches as she runs her hands through her hair and mutters something to herself too softly to be heard by him.

"What happened?" She asks finally looking up at him.

"How about I answer that question over breakfast," Nate suggests.

"Will I be safe?" She asks body tense and expression cold, causing Nate to feel a pang of pain at her trusting him.

"Yes. You'll be safe." He says reassuring her. She's silent for a few moments then nods her head in agreement. He stands and she follows suit body still slightly tense. He slowly approaches her then takes her hand gently in his then he leads her towards the castle taking the scenic route. Upon re-entering the castle with her and pauses as Anna approaches them. Mei scrunches up her nose at the sour undertones from her perfume.

"Nathaniel, your parents are waiting for you in the library ." She says then her eyes land on Mei causing her to scowl.

"Thank you." Nate says before walking past her pulling Mei along.

"I'm hungry." Mei says making Nate laugh at the pouting in her voice.

"I just gotta meet my parents then we can go have breakfast." He says to her and he looks back at her just in time to see her nod her head. They arrive in the library where the royal family, the doctor who took care of Mei on the night of the attack along with the nurse she put to sleep. Their conversation comes to halt when Nate enters with Mei hidden halfway behind him.

"Nate and this must be your mate." His father says and he nods in response. Mei steps out from behind Nate and his parents stare at her for w few moments shocked.

"You're gorgeous." His mother says to her and she nods in acknowledgment of the compliment.

"What did you need me for?" Nate asks curiously as to why they needed him.

"We needed you because she was missing." The doctor says looking at Mei who meets his gaze with her emotionless one.

"And she did something to me." The nurse says chiming into the conversation.

"Sorry." Mie says to her and the nurse is shocked by her apology.

"Thank you, my lady." The nurse says causing Mei to visibly tense up with a strained smile on her face.

"Your welcome." Mei says.

"What's your name, dear?" Karen asks her.

"Mei." She says in response to her question.

"A lovely name." Karen says and Mei gives her a genuine smile that catches her off-guard.

"Do you mind if I give her a brief check-up, Nathaniel?" Doctor Murphy.

"Sure." He says then the Doctor approaches Mei who snarls at him, Nixie not wanting him anywhere near them. Doctor Murphy doesn't retreat, instead approaches her cautiously. After giving her a check-up in the presence of the Royal family, he confirms that she's completely healed. It's like her wounds her never there and the Royal family looks at her in shock as the know wolfsbane and silver were used in the bombs also that only the Royal family has some sort of immunity to it.

"Who are you?" Doctor Murphy asks making Mei shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"All right, that's enough." Nate says as he takes her by the hand and leads her out of the room not bothering to say goodbye to the rest of their companions. He makes it to his room where breakfast is already there and laid out on the balcony table for them. Mei perks up at the smell of food. Nate leads her to the table and like a proper gentleman, pulls out her chair for her making her give him a smile.

He places a plate of food in front of her and watches as she happily eats, happy that he found his mate.

Well....she met the royal family even if wasn't the best first meeting.

What do you think about Anna's behavior?

_Sienna_04creators' thoughts