
I'm In Trouble

"Hey, Kel, why don't we go out? I mean, it's Friday, and you're not going home this weekend, neither am I."

"Uhm, can't go out, I'll pass."

"Come on, man, how will you get laid if you only sulk on your bed without anyone to hold you close?"

"I don't feel like going out, Greg. Besides, there's nothing out there for me. I prefer to stay in doors, and work on the task I was given, all thanks to you," I said in a sarcastic way.

"I know that, which is the more reason, I want you to go out. Get out of your shell and meet new people. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two that might help you."

"Still not interested," I said with a roll of my eyes.

Greg became silent for a while, which made me think he'd decided to stop pestering."

"How about this, what if we go out, and we find more people who could give us some clues about this Drake guy? I mean, if you really want to succeed in this task, then you should be open to people outside."

I raised my brow at Greg. Even though I know he just wanted to go clubbing, what he said actually made a lot of sense. If only I can get more people to give me some details about him, then it would really help me to get a little close to this guy, even though I'm not so sure about it.

"I guess we can go then," I replied.

"Yes! Now we're talking, man," Greg said happily.

I heaved a long sigh of relief. I've never left my comfort zone in a long time now, and now that I was about to do so, I couldn't be happier about it.

We arrived at a bar named LAX. I'd never been there before, but getting into the bar, I felt this peaceful atmosphere around the bar which made me smile.

"Greg, does this bar burn some kind of calming incense?" I asked while sniffing the air.

"Huh? I never perceived any incense."

"Is that so? Don't you feel some kind of calming effect?"

Greg looked around the bar, hoping to find whatever it was, and so did I, but we found nothing of the sort.

"Let's get some drink, buddy," Greg announced.

I'm not so sure if I'd be able to drink because I haven't gotten drunk in a while.

I sat next to Greg as he poured himself a glass of red wine. I watched him as he drank.

"Kel, why aren't you drinking with me?"

"Hell no, you should know me by now, Greg, and besides, you know why I came here in the first place. I'm sure you don't want me asking questions out of context, do you?"

"Of course not, but don't forget you didn't just ask some questions, you also came to find yourself a man," Greg said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't actually go to the bar to get myself some man. I still can't bring myself to have a man yet. I'm too scared to do so.

"Come on, Kel, have a glass, I'm very sure you won't get drunk by having just one glass," Greg urged.

To stop Greg from urging me to have a drink, I decided to succumb and poured myself a glass of wine.

The moment I drank a glass, I went wide in surprise.

The taste wasn't as bad as I had predicted.

I poured myself another glass, and another.

"Easy now, Kel, that's no water you have there, you have to be careful with the way you drink, else I'm afraid you cannot even walk out of this room in one piece.

"I know, I'll be sure not to get drunk." Honestly, I wasn't even sure about what I was saying. I was drinking so much that I didn't even think about how drunk I might get.

I only felt I was getting drank the moment I started feeling light-headed.

I shook my head, trying to clear my eyes, but it was getting even dizzier.

Could this be what it meant to be drunk? Did I just experience being drunk?

"Kel, are you okay?" Greg asked.

I took my gaze up at him. I couldn't see his face properly, but at the same time, I didn't want him to know I had become more tipsy. If I couldn't even recognize him, doesn't this mean I am highly drunk now?

"Uhm, excuse me, Greg, I think I need to use the restroom."

"Sure, I'll be waiting for you then."

I carefully stood up from my chair and instantly felt my legs wobble. Fuck! No doubt, I was truly drunk, but I couldn't allow Greg to see me drunk.

I sucked in a deep breath and gradually walked out of the bar area, down to the passage where the symbol of the restroom was boldly drawn.

I breathed a sigh of relief because I really needed to have a leak.

After taking a leak, I still didn't feel better. I was still feeling drowsy, and I had to get out of there. My interview can wait for another day. For now, I just have to get home before I make a mess of myself.

Just as I got out of the corridor, I bumped into some guys whom I couldn't even recognize. I tried to take the other side, but I was blocked from all corners. I raised my head up to them, but the one in front of me almost made me forget my soul.

"D... Drake." I called. I blinked my eyes, hoping my vision would clear up, so I could see him properly, but it only got dimmer.

"Just then I heard a growl-like voice. I had no idea what I heard, though. If I were asked, I would say I heard growls, though I still wasn't sure what I heard. I just wanted to believe I heard growls, even though that was kind of impossible.

"Where do you think you're going?"' A warm but deep voice echoed just close to my ears. I suddenly felt a deep burning feeling inside me, it was the sweet kind of burn, the one I felt whenever I stared at Drake. I had no idea why I was feeling this way, but right at that very moment, I just couldn't describe what I was actually feeling.

"Why is he looking this way? He looked so wasted, a bit horny at the same time. Do you think he's horny because of us?"

Someone asked. Why do their voices sound different? But I had the same feeling for all of them. It can't be that I was suffering from sexual starvation, and that is the reason I couldn't differentiate their voices.

Just then, I felt someone behind me. He grabbed me by the butt, and began caressing my neck with something wet. I wanted to scream for him to stop, but at that very moment, I just couldn't tell why I felt so aroused and dripping with horny liquids inside of me.

"I bet you're going to get bent over and fucked if you keep releasing these pheromones, love," the voice behind my ears echoed.

I'm in trouble, this can't be happening for real. I must be dreaming.