
Mated to the Alpha King.

"You know you want me to love " "No, I don't " "yes you do your whole body is saying you are lying love " "I can never want a brute like you who cannot understand what a mate actually is I'll never ever be yours Xander " *** Xander is the most powerful alpha in western America no one wants to cross him however the only problem is he still is unable to find his mate. Life is a 19-year-old who wants to believe in everything good and wants to have a little adventure in life she wants to believe in everything magical. Life is strong-minded and innocent what happens when she meets Xander who has the habit of things happening his way?

AyuShoni · ファンタジー
18 Chs

chapter 10


I am walking in the rose garden with Xander hand in hand and occasionally he kisses the back of my hand and I think that is the sweetest gesture ever.

From the day he asked for another chance he has become my own Cupcake, he didn't let me walk back he gave me a piggy ride then he tended to the scrapes on my knees and hands and kissed my forehead. He has not kissed me on the lips since that day. He always gives me small pecks on the cheeks or hand or head but never lips, he is trying to show me that he is sincere with small gestures and I think it is sweet but I somehow still have few reservations, he turned 360 degrees and how was that possible, but Rose told me that, that's how the mate bond works, the moment he accepts me as his mate, he will practically do anything for me, like Jake does, but....

"what are you thinking? " he asked from beside me

"nothing special "

"Whatever you do is special to me"

Oh god, why wasn't he like this from the start?

I blush

And he pokes my cheeks

"awww you are blushing," he said chuckling

My god, his chuckle is also sweet

"hey, Xander can I ask you something?"

"Sure anything love," he says giving me his 4000-megawatt grin

Oh god, he is beautiful!

Oh, stop drooling on him!

"Why do these roses bloom on touch?"

"What? " he asks me. He has a confused expression on his face. As if he is in deep thought

"oh common not even you now! " I roll my eyes and throw my hands in the air

"I thought you wouldn't hide anything from me now that you began to care but nooooo you still won't tell me about this 1 Blondy behaved liked this now you I even nicknamed you as my cupcake but what did you do you won't even-"

And he kissed me effectively cutting off my rant he kissed me sweetly and deeply

"what were you saying about love please show me exactly what you are talking about"

He said softly and a little breathlessly

I am a little dazed

He snaps his fingers in front of me

"you okay there love " he whispers smirking.

And I blush again. To cover my embarrassment I tug on his hand

"common I'll show you!" I say a little too loud. Uhun

And he laughs great he is laughing at my expense. I narrow my eyes at him and his grin becomes even more bright


"look" I crouch beside the rose bush and touch the bud of a black rose and as usual it unfurls

"Now even you say you couldn't do it and blah blah blah, " I say as a tear slips they don't trust me to tell me how this happens

"hey hey what happened why are you crying " he hugs me tightly and gently wipes my tears with his thumbs

"you...you..even you don't... Trust me"I sniff

"No no love that's not what this is I love you and Of course, I trust you it's just we can't do this "

"even. Blakey said that but-"

"Blake knows about this!" his voice just dropped zero degrees, oh fuck is he angry

"Blake knows about this before me!" he asks and starts pacing angrily

Oh shit

"yea naturally you like him better than me you always liked him more than I, didn't you you always " he Started shaking

Oh fuck he is really angry ooh

I just stood there I didn't know what to do

He grabs my shoulder

"tell me you still don't like me do you you still like him right!?"

And I could see he had a sheen of tears shining in his eyes

Oh my god!

I gently touch his cheeks and look into his eyes

"No it's not that, he was there and we'll I was mad at you, you were being a jerk but now you are my sweet little cupcake "

He frowns "I am not little "

"Really! That's all you paid attention to" I huffed like really

He laughs "No no it's just I love you " and he kisses me sweetly on the lips

Okay he can be really sweet

"cupcake huh!?" he smirks

And I nod at him smiling

"Whatever you say is special to me love "



I don't know how my life can do that I don't want to freak her out till I get my facts clear. Whatever happens, I'll always love her. when she called my cupcake I just wanted to keep on kissing her

She is the best thing that ever happened to me

I need to ask my mom exactly what is wrong she might know something.


"yes Xander "

She was reading a story to Angy and Evan

"mom I want to talk to you about something important "

"Okay 2 minutes, sleep well my lovelies" and she kisses their heads affectionately

"what do you wanna talk about? " she asks me folding her arms

"mom is it possible that someone touch can bloom a rose? "

The color drains from her face and she stood there shocked

"MOM... Mom" I shake her gently

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Oh, no no this can't be happening... Oh shit not after soo many years shit shit shit! I don't know I need to contact him hell know what to do yes yes yes " my mom seems to be talking to herself I have never seen her so panicked

And then she ran

"mom where are you going what's wrong" I shout after her I am anxious now

"Only he knows what this is he'll be able to help," she said in a panicked voice, and then she left in a hurry

What the hell was that about?