
Chapter 11

Debbie and Claire were both fucking worried about what their friend was about, and also about who her mate is, they were eager to know who she was paired with.

They walked around the school premises in search of their friend, but she was nowhere to be found. This left them very worried and at the same time angry that she left them without notice the search was taking enough time already but they still keep searching for their friends. They pray silently for their friend to be found and also they wished she was okay

Leo miller watches as the world's wild breeze flow through the forest and the sound of the bird's whisper can be heard, lost in his thought and memories which flash through his mind he was taking away to another world.

A world full of memories of the past, a world he wishes was still in existence, a world he never wanted to end by any chance a world where his happiness lies.

He take a deep long breath and the reality hit him so hard that the world he dreamed about no longer exists.

No doubt he wishes to remain in that dream forever but it is also not possible. Leo miller takes one last stare at the beautiful garden which was built in the forest, the garden which is full of happy memories and sadness. If only he could bring back the last he would have done so happily and with so much joy in his heart, he would have been happy forever.

He wouldn't have seen any reasons to hate and dislike Angela with so much hatred, he wouldn't have been passing through all this pain and a very tender age of his.

Leo miller turns as he walks to his car with a heaven heart and so much burden in his heart, somehow he blames himself for all that has happened over the past years of his life.

If only he was there on time and if only he listened to his father that day, then everything would have nr, okay and everything would have gone so smoothly.

Many thoughts run through his mind as he walks very slowly to his car he turns back to look at the beautiful garden which was well decorated with some beautiful flowers and some images placed on it

Leo sigh so deeply and turn to his car, he enter his car and drive away with the speed of light, he was gone.

Angela's leg wobbled as she was too weak to even think straight, she fell to the ground helplessly as she was still in shock.

For some reason she suddenly wished she never had a mate and also that she never attended the mate bond party if only she knew Leo will be her mate then she would have gladly skipped the mate bond party at all costs and she won't have been anywhere close to Leo by any chance

"no...,no...,no.......no.....no...this is. not happening to me ...this can't be...." she yelled endlessly as a cold shiver run down her spine, her body trembling more at the thought of being her mate, she is in for big trouble and she knew it better than anyone else.

She blames the moon goddess for having top pair prep with her wildest nightmare, only the thought of Leo miller being her mate drives her crazy, she knew her life will not be the same after being mated to a ruthless and cold male wolf who hates her for no reason.

"why moon goddess y did you decide to pair me with him, you know how much he hated me and always find a way to make my life miserable "she questioned the moon goddess with different running through her mind right now.

All she cared about was finding a way out of this mess even when she know very well that there is no way out of this, she is stuck with Leo miler for the rest of her life even when she refuses to accept it she can't deny the fact that he will never reject her bit rather he will choose o make her life miserable that for sure she knew very well and that she can't escape from his wicked act.

The fading sound of a crying voice can be heard outside the library, just in time that Debbie and Claire are present at the scene, still in search of their friend.

The school is very empty and everyone has gone to their various house, all happy that they finally found their mate.

Debbie and claire both stop and at the same time as they both turn to look at each other wondering if they heard so well or if was it just their imagination they thought as they shoved it away turning to leave. But they stop immediately they heard someone sniff they wonder who was at the library at this time of the day.

The library normally closes by 5 pm but to their outermost surprise it is already 6 pm and someone is still at the library, they wonder what the person is doing at the library by this time of the day.

The library teacher made it clear that no one should be seen in the library today due to the mate bond ceremony but here they are stocked in a particular spot as they were confused about whether to go in or ignore the sound they heard and then continue to search for their friend who they know nothing about her where about.

Both look at each other as they shrugged their shoulder and then continued their journey, they refuse to stop and go in since they were scared of being punished by the library teacher.

As they made to walk away they heard a scream from the library, scared at what might have happened to the person in the library they turn back and run at the speed of light in not less than 30 seconds they were already at the library.

They see a figure who lay weakly on the floor as he/she cries weakly, not knowing what to do they rush to the person thinking if something

Bad happens to the person.

They were shocked to see that Angela was the one at the library, they tapped on her as she turn to look at them with her swollen eyes still in tears

Shocked and pain fills their heart as they see their friend in a pitiful condition.

Angela hugged them so right still crying even though she was weak. They wonder what could have happened to her and while she was weak, could it be that she was rejected by her mate, they thought.

What happened to you? , why are you here? We have been searching everywhere for you "Claire asked her broken friend, worried about her and while she kept on crying.

She burst out crying more leaving them confused as they have no idea of what was wrong with her and while she kept on crying, refusing to answer their question

Debbie and Claire hugged her closer and tighter, they both tapped on her back continuously as a way of encouraging her and also stopping her from crying

She felt the comfort of her friends as they genuinely. Taping her back she felt loved once again, for a moment she forget everything that was bordering her as she felt protected by her friends. They stay in that position for a very long time as she slowly becomes calm.

"We need to go home, mum and dad might be worried about us already, this is not the normal closing hour plus everyone is gone except for us "Debbie added, Angela slowly breaks the hugs , and both her friend help her stand on her feet as the walked out of the library, the atmosphere is very quiet, only the sound of their footstep can be heard since non is ready to talk to each other or have the gut to what happens to her.

Slowly they walk out of the school gate and then take a taxi to Angela's place, the drive to Angela's home was boring and quiet as they Leo quiet through the journey, Debbie and Claire take a close watch of Angela though they noticed the sadness and moody fave they dare not asked her, s she is not ready to talk to anyone

They haunted at Angela's place as they highlight from the car and then off they went, they give their friends the support she needed as she walked tirelessly to her house, and they follow suit.

Pretty good that no one was at home to notice she was late and also see her in this mood, she felt relief and also sad at the same time that her friends had to go through all this because of her.

They walked her to her room as they lay her to bed.

"everything will be good, do stores so much about whatever that is bordering you"Claire try her possible best to comfort her friends while talking her back continuously

"Please do tea very care of yourself and stop getting worked up over whatever that is making you cry and feel this way "Debbie added

They wave their best friend goodbye as they walk out of her house taking the different roots which lead to their use.

Angela woke up with so much energy as she forgets the event of the day, she was happy and felt relieved that she is a bit hood and much better than yesterday.

She opens her eyes to see a shadow blocking the rays of light. She wonders who that could be and why the person has decided to enter her room from the back, no one knows the back root of her room except her parents.

Taking a proper look at the figure in front of her, she was shocked to see that Le miller was the person.

She jumped up as she wished this was a dream and there was no one like low Miller at her house not to talk of her room.

She cleans her eyes and looks at the figure in front of her with a silent prayer that this should be another of her nightmare.

"I guess you dreamed so much about me that you have to see, me first thing in the morning, I must have clouded your thought "he smirks and walks closer to her. With a devilish smile on his face.

"what the fucked are you doing here?"Angela questions with more hatred, her voice echo, and her eyes fill with anger. If only look can kill the Leo Miller would have been dead by now

"calm down, will you? "Leo mocked her.

He slowly step closer to her and then draw her close to him by her waist his hand twisted around his waist and slowly he moves his other hand to her face, a cool sensation round down her spine and she suddenly forget how she hated him. and never wanted to go close to him

Leo looked at her beautiful and slowly he bends his end to kiss her, she could not stand to look at his beautiful face with just a stare. She closes her eyes ready for the kiss

Leo smirked at her and then lose grip of her making her fall hard to the flow. She yelled so loudly as she hit her b***t very hard on the floor, Leon laughed at her .she stand up angry at him for playing a prank on her.

"Just imagine how cheap and loose you are" he mocked as he looks at her disgustedly, for a moment he was drawn to her and his body craves so much of her but he cants allow his desires to control his hatred for her.

Angela look at him and she was shocked and also hurt. That he called her a cheap and loose girl.

"want more of it , you slut"His wordings in her ears as a tear dropped from her eyes