

Ava's betrothed was seduced by Lily and she ended up a prisoner in her own pack. Her life was over or so she thought. She meets her one true mate but he is Lily's elder brother and he hates her so much. Will their love story bloom or is it doomed to end in flames?

WinwritePawat_555 · ファンタジー
212 Chs

Lily's memories

"Why? She attacked my mate." Jax argued. Ryder turned to look at him, he wondered what Ava had ever seen in this fool.

"For once in your life Jax, stop being so annoying." he told him and walked away.

He went to his room, Evena had already prepared everything for the ritual.

"Are you ready?" Evena asked.

Ryder locked the door with the key.

"I am ready." he replied.

Evena and Ryder lay on the bed, the candles were lit and blazing all around them. Lavender sat on a chair beside the both of them. 

"So what now?" Ryder asked.

"Now I perform the ritual" Evena replied. 

He raised the lock of hair and the vial of blood up and chanted some spells. Immediately the items caught fire.

Ryder felt himself become drowsy and soon he fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes, he was in a dark room. Evena stood beside him.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"We are in her head." Evena answered.