

They both stared at each other for a long time and Violet turned away.

She saw the broken teacup and released herself from Alpha Aston's hold.

"I'm so sorry Alpha, I will clean it up Immediately and get you another one."

She gently cleared out the broken pieces of the teacup and hurried out to dump it in the trash can and ran back in after doing that.

She rushed to the kitchen to get another coffee.

"Why are you making another coffee? You just took one out a few minutes ago."

"I slipped and the teacup shattered into pieces." She explained.

"Oh! So sorry about that, hope you weren't hurt." Farrar mumbled checking her body.

"No, I wasn't. Alpha Aston caught me before I could fall."

"Ok, that's good." Farrah sighed in relief.

"I should probably go now." She muttered pointing a hand towards the entrance.

"Yes, you should."

Violet took the coffee and went out. She went into Alpha Aston's chamber and handed it to him carefully this time and walked out of his chambers.