
Chapter 143; SPILLED

They nodded and walked away and he took a glance at all of them.

"Ten of you should stay guard on this door. Three of you should clean off this mess. Then the six of you should follow me."

The six of them he told to follow him did and the rest also went about their assigned duties.

They walked through several parts of the cottage until they came before the dungeon and he stopped. He opened the huge iron gate and the guards also trailed behind him.

He glanced at the section Violet is and wanted to take them there but on second thought entered another section. 'For killing my men. I'll suffer you both before finally killing you.' He reckoned and glanced around.

"Drop those whips over there and get a ladder."

The male who has the whips dropped them where he pointed and scurried off.

He came back almost immediately with the ladder and slightly bowed.

"Bring it over here."