


/"Elle/" Tina groaned from the sofa.

I looked up from my phone. I was about to leave and grab Theo from his room, but I needed to make sure everything was all good with the others. I made sure to give every student my mobile number and give them a talk.

I wanted them to go around and do some exploring so they were all going to New York for the rest of the day and then me and Theo would meet up with them later on for dinner at a nice restaurant.

/"is coach still stressing, c' mon girl were not children you don't have to worry about us/" Scott came in casually and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

I glared at him /"sometimes you act like children, can't blame me for being worried can you/" this statement was for everyone. They must know that if anything goes wrong it's on my case.

Try going back to London with a missing student, ill be in my office packing before you could even blink an eye.