
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · アニメ·コミックス
147 Chs

Chapter 29: Madara's Thoughts

Madara Uchiha, his eyes narrowed in concentration on the live broadcast from the Grass Land, scoffed. A seasoned schemer nearing his twilight years, Madara's greatest pastime was no longer the battlefield.

Instead, it was cultivating pawns to realize the grand vision inscribed on the Uchiha clan tablet: the Infinite Tsukuyomi, a world under his absolute control.

In this intricate plan, Nagato, the young man burdened with the Rinnegan, the legendary Six Paths of Sage's power, was the linchpin for his resurrection.

To ensure Nagato wielded the Rinnegan for his ultimate purpose, Madara had subtly manipulated the young Obito, a promising Uchiha with a tragic past.

He'd nurtured Obito's rage and despair, molding him into a vessel for his will – a "new Madara" who would control Nagato and activate the Rinnegan at the opportune moment.

White Zetsu, his reliable spy and foot soldier, had already been dispatched to retrieve the critically injured Obito.

Once Obito was revived and honed into a capable ninja, Madara could finally embrace death, confident in his return through the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique embedded within Nagato.

However, the tedious wait for Obito's recovery forced Madara to shift his focus.

He couldn' t afford any unforeseen complications with Nagato, especially considering the young man's volatile Jinchuriki status. This scrutiny also brought another figure into his purview – Byakuya.

Madara, ever the keen observer, was intrigued by this Jonin-level shinobi who dared to manipulate Hidden Grass Village and hold his own against Nagato.

White Zetsu was tasked with uncovering Byakuya's past as well. Byakuya's presence, a wildcard in his carefully orchestrated plan, piqued Madara's curiosity.

Truth be told, when Byakuya offered to assist Nagato in unlocking the full potential of the Rinnegan, a trigger of anticipation, a rare emotion for the stoic Madara, stirred within him.

A sliver of worry surrounded him – if Nagato truly unearthed powerful Rinnegan techniques under Byakuya's unorthodox tutelage, it could complicate his resurrection.

But a part of him, a remnant of the ambitious Madara who once sought to reshape the world, was also curious to see what this young man could accomplish with the fabled eye.

Perhaps Byakuya's methods, unconventional as they seemed, might yield unexpected results.

Yet, as he witnessed Byakuya pull out a mythical book and pledge to guide Nagato, Madara, the observer from afar, couldn't help but scoff.

The myths were riddled with inaccuracies; the true path to mastering the Rinnegan lay engraved on the Uchiha stone.

Mastering the Rinnegan wasn't a simple feat. Even a prodigy like him, hailed as the strongest Uchiha of his generation, required decades to fully harness its power.

The scoff morphed into a full-blown snort as White Zetsu materialized beside him, his voice laced with urgency.

"Lord Madara! Someone is aiding Nagato with the Rinnegan! This could disrupt your plans!"

Madara responded with a chilling snort, his disdain for White Zetsu palpable.

"These White Zetsu clones, sharing the same dull personality as Hashirama... What do they know? Mastering the Rinnegan is no child's play. It takes years of rigorous training, an iron will, and a deep understanding of its true potential. These fools wouldn't recognize that potential even if it stared them in the face."

Then a drop of amusement danced in Madara's lone eye.

Perhaps Byakuya's unorthodox approach, fueled by these mythical texts, might unintentionally lead Nagato down a path closer to the truth than Madara anticipated.

It was a gamble, but one Madara was willing to take. After all, a little chaos could be a catalyst for unexpected discoveries.


The training ground bustled with the remnants of their intense session. Nagato, skepticism etched on his face, eyed Byakuya who had just lowered the mythological tome.

"Are you sure these sources are reliable, Byakuya?"

He inquired, the tremor in his voice betraying a slice of doubt despite his attempt to appear confident.

It wasn't that he didn't trust Byakuya, but the proposed method struck him as wildly unorthodox.

Byakuya met his gaze with unwavering seriousness.

"I understand your reservations, Nagato-senpai. Frankly, even I find this approach rather outlandish. However, the ninja world possesses scant information on the Rinnegan – mostly shrouded in myth and legend."

Nagato approached Byakuya, his brow furrowed in concentration as he picked up the worn book and flipped through its pages.

"Even so, doesn't it seem a bit exaggerated? Can we truly rely on mere myths to unlock the potential of the Rinnegan?"

A contemplative silence descended upon them.

Byakuya broke it, gesturing for Nagato to turn to the book's first page.

"See here. This passage recounts the legendary Six Paths Sage, his creation of the world, shaping mountains and carving rivers. In the past, such feats were dismissed as mere fables, beyond the reach of any ninja."

He continued, his voice rising in emphasis

"But Nagato-senpai, you yourself wield the power of gravity and repulsion. You can manipulate boulders and reshape the landscape. As your mastery grows, could moving mountains and carving seas truly be outside the realm of possibility? Don't you see? This might very well be a power inherent in the Rinnegan."

Nagato's expression softened in dawning comprehension. Confusion surfaced in his eyes as he spoke.

"I understand what you're saying. I can manipulate gravity and repulsion, but... beyond that, I have no clue what other abilities the Rinnegan possesses. What direction should I take my training?"

A playful smirk tugged at the corner of Byakuya's lips.

"Nagato-senpai, you truly lack imagination."

He teased good-naturedly. He flipped to the second page, revealing an illustration of the Six Paths Sage breathing life into humanity.

"The next logical step, of course, is to explore using the Rinnegan to create life itself."

Nagato's jaw dropped in astonishment.

"Create life? But how? What specific techniques would I need?"

He stammered, his voice thick with disbelief.

Byakuya's brow furrowed as he pondered.

"There's a rumor about the Nara clan in Konohagakure. They possess the unique skill of Shadow Manipulation, a Yin Release technique that allows them to alter the shape of shadows. Additionally, the Akimichi clan utilizes Yang Release to manipulate their physical forms."

He continued, his voice laced with excitement.

"Perhaps, by merging Yin and Yang Release techniques, we might unlock the secret to creating new life."

Nagato's brow furrowed in contemplation. Byakuya's words carried a certain weight of truth. He'd heard whispers about the capabilities of Yin and Yang Release from Jiraiya, his sensei.

But the notion of fusing these two opposing chakra natures to create life was a concept he'd never encountered before. The very thought of merging Yin and Yang presented a daunting challenge in itself.

Nagato's brow furrowed further at Byakuya's lighthearted advice.

"Don't worry about it, Nagato. Just focus on channeling Yin and Yang chakra within your body using the Rinnegan. Even if you don't succeed in creating life, it's still a valuable learning experience."

Byakuya chuckled, dispelling the tension.

Nagato nodded solemnly, settling onto the ground on his cross-legged back. He immediately began the arduous task of simultaneously channeling the Yin and Yang chakras.


Meanwhile, miles away, Madara watched the live broadcast with a growing sense of unease. The myth depicted the Six Paths Sage breathing life into existence and the possibility that the Rinnegan could truly create life gnawed at him.

White Zetsu, after all, was a testament to the Rinnegan's power. But the sheer outlandishness of the concept, coupled with the mythological source, made him scoff. He wrestled with the implications for several minutes.


Back on the training ground, sweat beaded on Nagato's forehead as he persisted in his attempt. Despite his valiant efforts, creating life remained elusive.

However, as he finally ceased exerting, a black rod materialized in his palm. He looked up at Byakuya, panting, and spoke with a hint of apology.

"I failed to create life, but I managed this with Yin-Yang Release."

Byakuya's initial disappointment was expertly masked. Inwardly, however, he was elated. This black rod, a product of Yin-Yang Release, possessed the remarkable ability to both seal and transmit chakra remotely. It was, in fact, the cornerstone for creating the Six Paths of Pain.

"Not a complete loss at all, Nagato-senpai. This black rod is a significant development. We need to persist with our training, and we'll undoubtedly unlock even more abilities. Now, let's delve into the functions of this fascinating creation."

Byakuya said with a reassuring smile

Nagato mirrored Byakuya's smile, a sense of relief washing over him.


Deep within his subterranean lair, Madara grappled with a complex mix of emotions. A flicker of hope had ignited at the sight of the black thing, leading him to believe Nagato might have indeed created a White Zetsu.

However, disappointment replaced hope when he realized it was merely a black rod. It served as a stark reminder that Nagato was merely a vessel, incapable of fully wielding the Rinnegan's power.

However, he felt a little envious – Nagato, a mere teenager, had managed to create something entirely new in a remarkably short time.

This realization stung Madara's pride, the legendary Uchiha.

"Seems you miscalculated, Lord Madara. It appears Byakuya and Nagato have actually developed a new jutsu based on the myth book."

White Zetsu piped up inopportunely, drawing attention to the black rod.

Madara's icy gaze snapped towards White Zetsu, who immediately shrank back, sensing the murderous aura emanating from his master.

Once White Zetsu had scurried away, Madara focused on the upcoming task of training Obito. After all, as the harbinger of a new world order, Madara couldn't bear the thought of being outdone by a teenager.

He resolved to implement a more rigorous and specialized training regimen for Obito, his heir apparent. Only through exceptional training could he ensure Obito possessed the strength to control Nagato and fulfill his grand design.



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