
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · アニメ·コミックス
142 Chs

Chapter 2: Konan doesn’t understand Byakuya

The icy rain drumming a relentless rhythm on the leaves snapped Byakuya out of his ambitious daydream.

Reality, a harsh mistress, reminded him of his current predicament. He was a nobody in the grand scheme of things, lacking the power or reputation to even dream of challenging the elite. A Kage, a leader of a hidden village, was leagues beyond him. Even facing an elite Jonin, a highly skilled special forces ninja, could prove fatal.

No, his immediate concern was survival, not godhood.

He, Byakuya, needed a plan, a way to not only strengthen himself but also elevate Akatsuki from its current obscurity.

Only by forging Akatsuki into a force to be reckoned with could he avoid the tragic fate that awaited him as a mere pawn in Pain's twisted game.

With this resolve crystallized within him, Byakuya cast a determined gaze upon his comrades.


Back at their base, Byakuya instructed his team to report the successful completion of their mission.

He, however, had a different destination in mind. 

Unlike the seamless integration of the Uzumaki bloodline, the Water Release: Wild Water Wave and Paper Release: Basic techniques, though system rewards as well, still required dedicated practice.

One might question why he wouldn't prioritize strengthening Akatsuki directly.

After all, a flourishing Akatsuki would translate to his own growth.

But the truth was, without demonstrable strength of his own, Yahiko wouldn't even consider his suggestions.

Their constant clashes during organizational meetings were an open secret within Akatsuki. Byakuya bristled at Yahiko's idealistic naivety, while Yahiko saw Byakuya's methods as too ruthless, a stark contrast to Akatsuki's core principles.

The Akatsuki training ground was a testament to their shoestring budget. A flat, open area with a few scattered targets served as their training facility, with the promise of more equipment forever on the "to-buy" list.

Nevertheless, for Byakuya honing his ninjutsu, it sufficed.

He began with Yahiko's signature jutsu, the Water Release: Wild Water Wave.

Sitting cross-legged, he meticulously refined his chakra and weaved the hand seals.

As his chakra surged, a current of water gathered from the ground, coalescing into a powerful wave. With a final push, he directed the wave to crash against the target.

Predictably, it missed. Byakuya wasn't delusional enough to believe he'd master a jutsu after a single attempt. He wasn't Uchiha Itachi, the prodigy who could replicate a jutsu just by witnessing it once. But perseverance was his weapon.

He practiced relentlessly, refining his control over the water wave. Soon, he wasn't just hitting the target, he was manipulating the wave's trajectory, directing it around the target to slam into the rock behind it.

The system's jutsu reward proved invaluable.

It bypassed countless hours of arduous training, accelerating his learning curve.

Another benefit – his chakra reserves.

Before the Uzumaki bloodline, a single jutsu or two would leave him drained. Now, after unleashing ten consecutive Wild Water Waves, he still felt energized. This was the true power of the Uzumaki lineage – not quite a Kekkei Genkai, but an advantage far more potent.

Having conquered the appetizer, Byakuya turned his focus to the main course – Konan's Paper Release: Basic. This singular jutsu held immense potential.

Years down the line, Konan would utilize it to achieve Kage-level power. While he only possessed the foundational technique, its potential for growth was undeniable.

At the very least, it promised him a never-ending supply of paper weapons, eliminating the need to constantly purchase kunai and shuriken. But the true power of Paper Release lay far beyond mere utility.

Wiping sweat from his brow after a successful session with the Water Release, Byakuya took a moment to catch his breath. Now came the real challenge – Konan's Paper Release: Basic.

Unlike the Water Release, which thrived on raw power and control, Paper Release demanded a different kind of finesse.

He started simple, focusing on shaping the paper into basic ninja tools – kunai and shuriken.

With a flick of his wrist and precise chakra manipulation, paper morphed into deadly projectiles. A satisfied smirk played on his lips as he sent them flying towards the targets.

A sharp whistle filled the air, a chilling melody that promised destruction. But then, disaster struck. Just before the paper weapons found their mark, a relentless torrent of rain drenched them. The once-proud shuriken crumpled into a soggy mess, falling to the ground with a pathetic plop.

The weakness was undeniable – water, paper's natural nemesis. Even this ordinary rain could wreak havoc, and a direct Water Release attack could spell certain doom.

Byakuya, however, wasn't one to be easily discouraged.

He harbored a secret weapon – knowledge of the future.

He recalled snippets from his past life, memories of Konan utilizing a special oil coating to protect her paper creations from water damage.

A sly grin stretched across his face. In the grand scheme of things, most jutsu battles boiled down to two key factors – timing and chakra reserves.

Disrupting an opponent's timing with a well-placed, waterproof paper weapon could be just the edge he needed.

With renewed purpose, Byakuya set to work.

He meticulously experimented with various oils, searching for the perfect balance between waterproofing and paper integrity.

Hours bled into dusk, the rhythmic drumming of rain providing a constant soundtrack to his tireless efforts.

Finally, a breakthrough! He discovered a formula that effectively repelled water while maintaining the structural integrity of the paper. A triumphant laugh escaped his lips – the key to overcoming Paper Release's Achilles' heel.

But Byakuya's ambitions soared beyond mere waterproofing.

He envisioned an even grander application – explosive tags.

Imagine the possibilities!

A seemingly endless supply of explosive tags, handcrafted from readily available paper, could revolutionize Akatsuki's firepower.

Not only would it address their financial woes by minimizing the need for expensive store-bought explosives, but it would also instill fear in their enemies. The mere mention of "Akatsuki's paper bombs" would send shivers down their spines.


As Byakuya meticulously perfected his waterproof paper shuriken, a scroll bearing his signature materialized in Yahiko's office.

Unfurling it, Yahiko's brow furrowed in a mixture of anger and begrudging acceptance.

Byakuya's report was as blunt as ever, stating the captives had died en route due to "bad weather." The blatant disregard for Yahiko's ideals was infuriating, the flimsy excuse a slap in the face.

However, amidst the annoyance, a sliver of practicality flickered. The report also detailed the mission's financial gains – a much-needed boost for Akatsuki's perpetually empty coffers.

Yahiko sighed, acknowledging the ever-present dilemma Byakuya presented.

Their ideologies clashed like thunder and lightning, Byakuya's pragmatism a stark contrast to Yahiko's unwavering belief in peace.

Yet, Yahiko couldn't deny Byakuya's effectiveness. He entrusted him with critical missions, a testament to his competence despite their internal rivalry.

Just then, the office door creaked open, revealing Konan, her brow etched with concern. "Has Byakuya returned? Another disagreement?"

Yahiko offered a tired smile, shaking his head as he pushed the report towards her. "He spared me the pleasure of his company this time, but his methods still managed to rile me up."

Konan skimmed the report, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Byakuya may lack tact, but his results are undeniable. He resolved the crisis in Area 11 and brought back a hefty sum."

A tense silence settled between them.

Konan understood the ideological chasm separating Yahiko and Byakuya. Their clashes during meetings were a well-worn record.

However, a deeper truth resonated within her – both men, in their own unorthodox ways, desired a brighter future for Akatsuki.

Yahiko, his gaze distant, broke the silence. "You mentioned the supply shortage a few days ago, right? That's why you're here?"

Konan offered a small nod. The base's medical supplies were running critically low.

Yahiko, rummaging through a drawer, produced a meager sum of cash. "Find Byakuya. He should be near the base, maybe in training. Take him with you to procure supplies."

Though harboring reservations, Konan assented, retrieving the funds and departing the office.