
Master Of The Entire Public: My Servants All Have Systems

The entire individuals went through the perpetual world to partake in the opposition for authority, everything being equal. Jiang Ming didn't hang tight for Goldfinger, and was somewhat frustrated. Subsequently, while enlisting an assistant, it was found that the golden finger was on the assistant? The primary attendant - Awakening the 100-overlap Enhancement System, the prepared officers can be 100-crease more grounded! The subsequent attendant - Awakening the sign-in system, offering Lin Ming the hint in money box consistently! The third attendant - Awakening the advancement system, developing beasts can develop boundlessly! afterward. The system is getting more peculiar and stranger. The phantom sisters, bloom attendants, assume the part of the system, and you will become more grounded when you play Remlam. There are likewise cultivating systems, amalgamation systems, Kua systems, Ouhuang systems, and so forth, extraction systems. Jiang Ming: Despite the fact that I don't have a golden finger, my attendants are invincible. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 50 Invincible Field! Counterattack!

The constant beeping in Jiang Ming's ears grew louder, signaling the urgency of the situation. However, the beeps were not a result of his own territory being invaded. Instead, they came from the elf tribe, indicating that the goblins were rapidly plundering the territories that now belonged to him since the queen of the natural elves, Lilith, had joined his side. The goblins took advantage of the natural elves' weak fighting abilities, overwhelming them at every turn.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Jiang Ming commanded, "Summon the Brilliant Knights here!" He intended to bring his strongest forces to counter the goblin invasion. Accompanied by Elsa and Aina, the two heroes, who were both elves and had a close bond, Jiang Ming teleported to the area of conflict.

Reviewing Lilith's panel, Jiang Ming noted her attributes:

[Queen of Nature Elf Lilith]

[Loyalty: 60]

[Equal Rank: Late Stage of Ordinary Rank]

[Potential: 9]

[Skill: Nature's Order]

[Army: None]

[System: Inactive]

Although Lilith's current loyalty was only 60, it indicated her genuine reliance on him, eliminating any concerns of being bound to a system like the goblin mad fighter.

Activating the system, Jiang Ming witnessed Lilith's loyalty instantly increase to 100 and lock in place. He himself was amazed by the invincibility of the realm granted by the system. He couldn't help but think, "An absolutely invincible realm... How audacious!"

Lilith, overwhelmed by the newfound ability, questioned whether she was dreaming or if such a miraculous power truly existed. Elsa reassured her, explaining that it was indeed Jiang Ming's extraordinary ability, granted to those who faithfully served him.

Expressing her gratitude, Lilith pledged her eternal loyalty and the loyalty of the natural elves to Jiang Ming. The shift in her attitude, from skepticism to admiration and worship, was evident in her eyes.

"Lord Lord, the Brilliant Knights have assembled!" Aina announced.

Without further delay, Jiang Ming initiated the teleportation, bringing his forces to the heart of the goblin invasion.



"Dare to oppose the mighty goblin warriors? This will be your fate!"

A robust goblin warrior, donning elaborate full-body armor and wielding a massive wide-bladed longsword, stood atop a broken tree stump, shouting with fervor. The charging goblin warriors echoed his sentiment, exclaiming, "Long live the chief!"

"Long live the Goblin Kingdom!"

"Long live the goblin tribe!"

"The chief is fearless! The feeble elves stand no chance!"

"Everyone, charge alongside the chief! The next target is the core territory of the elves!"

"Destroy their territorial crystals, and these natural elves will be defenseless! Capture them and sell them to slave traders for a fortune, everyone!"

A thunderous rumble filled the air as the goblin army relentlessly advanced toward the core territory of the natural elf tribe. The resistance put up by the elves proved futile and short-lived.

"Hey, it's disheartening to realize that even after hiding for hundreds of years, we are now facing the same fate of destruction," lamented an elderly, white-haired elf.

"Enough with the defense! Let's retreat to the other side!" suggested one elf.

"Elder, we cannot give up!"

"Elder, let us charge once more! Even if it means sacrificing our lives, we shall die defending the Forest of Nature!"

As the Great Elder sighed, believing that the Forest of Nature was on the verge of falling, a spatial fluctuation caught her attention. To her surprise, the familiar figure appeared before her once again.

"Queen... Your Majesty!?"

"Why have you returned? You should not have come back!"

"Who are you? Why have you brought Her Majesty back?" The Great Elder first stared in disbelief, then her anger flared.

Exhausted and lacking mana, she found herself unable to challenge the goblin chief, but she had done everything in her power to preserve the royal bloodline.

However, seeing Lilith, an ordinary-ranked elf, return, the Great Elder's anger intensified, and she glared at Jiang Ming.

Unfazed, Lilith patted the Great Elder on the shoulder and declared, "Grandma, you have fought valiantly. Leave the rest to me!"

"This is my lord, and under his protection, the Forest of Nature shall never fall!"

"Lord... You actually joined the lord's forces?!" The Great Elder's anger grew as she voiced her disbelief.

She had been prepared to denounce the lords as a group of hypocrites, employing sweet words and deceit to manipulate others into serving them. In her mind, Lilith must have been deceived.

However, what followed left her dumbfounded.

The territory they stood on was the initial territory of the Forest of Nature, housing the sole territorial crystal of the natural elves. Lilith's system was bound to this crystal.

Then, Lilith utilized her unique skill, Nature's Order—a common skill among the natural elves. This skill awakened the plants of nature, enabling them to autonomously fight back against the invaders.

However, with the current state of the forest, devastated and destroyed, even the most powerful elders struggled to utilize the power of nature effectively against the goblins.

Nevertheless, as Lilith activated her skill, the entire territory erupted with life. Every green plant, from the trampled grass to the toppled trees, surged with newfound energy.

The grass transformed into the hands of death, extending infinitely to ensnare the goblins, tightening its grip around them. The withered twigs became deadly spears, piercing through the goblins' flimsy shields. Even half-destroyed trees were reborn as tree warriors, charging with a strength one hundred times that of the goblins.

Some goblins stubbornly engaged the tree people in combat, only to be crushed to a pulp.

With a single skill, the tides of battle swiftly turned.


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