
Master Of The Entire Public: My Servants All Have Systems

The entire individuals went through the perpetual world to partake in the opposition for authority, everything being equal. Jiang Ming didn't hang tight for Goldfinger, and was somewhat frustrated. Subsequently, while enlisting an assistant, it was found that the golden finger was on the assistant? The primary attendant - Awakening the 100-overlap Enhancement System, the prepared officers can be 100-crease more grounded! The subsequent attendant - Awakening the sign-in system, offering Lin Ming the hint in money box consistently! The third attendant - Awakening the advancement system, developing beasts can develop boundlessly! afterward. The system is getting more peculiar and stranger. The phantom sisters, bloom attendants, assume the part of the system, and you will become more grounded when you play Remlam. There are likewise cultivating systems, amalgamation systems, Kua systems, Ouhuang systems, and so forth, extraction systems. Jiang Ming: Despite the fact that I don't have a golden finger, my attendants are invincible. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 39 Start a holy spell to show respect

"It's your turn now," Jiang Ming declared, leaving the interrogation to Aina. The goblin warrior, fearing torture, believed that Aina wouldn't be able to extract any information from him without resorting to harsh methods.

However, Aina had a different plan. She didn't need to interrogate him when she had the prompt system at her disposal. Aina swiftly obtained all the relevant information about the goblins, including the size of their tribe, their combat capabilities, and the impending beast tide. The prompt system even suggested the best route to approach the goblin king's core territory without being detected.

"I have gathered all the information about the goblins. I will report it to the Lord," Aina informed Elsa before relaying the details to Jiang Ming. The goblin warrior, still skeptical, accused Aina of deception, but before he could finish his words, Shangguan Xueying swiftly silenced him.

Jiang Ming received the information and learned that the goblin tribe consisted of 6,000 members, with the goblin chief being the most powerful among them. Although they posed a higher threat than previous enemies, Jiang Ming remained confident in his abilities. He had encountered and defeated sixth-order enemies before, and this tribe would be no different.

However, the prompt system highlighted the goblin chief's intelligence and excellent equipment, surpassing even the earth dragon king. Nonetheless, the system also provided another special note.

"My Lord, the goblin gathering territory is within our attack range. Shall we launch an immediate assault?" Aina asked, seeking Jiang Ming's instructions.

"Let's search for now, but hold off on the attack," Jiang Ming ordered, much to Aina's confusion. Nonetheless, she followed his command without question.

Aina led Elsa and the troops to cautiously approach the area where the goblins gathered. With the help of the prompt system, they skillfully avoided the goblin guards and moved undetected. Only by swiftly eliminating the guards or avoiding them entirely could they invade without being discovered—a slight advantage for the human lord.

Eventually, they reached the vicinity of the goblin gathering spot. To prevent their presence from being exposed when unveiling the next patch of fog, they halted and awaited further instructions from Jiang Ming. The previous battle had left Shangguan Xueying eager for more action, prompting a discussion among the group about their next move.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Ming appeared beside Shangguan Xueying and delivered a stern slap to her forehead, reprimanding her for discussing him behind his back. Shangguan Xueying, shocked and in pain, recognized her mistake and expressed surprise at Jiang Ming's personal appearance outside their original territory.

Jiang Ming explained with a smile, "There will be no protective enchantment in the original territory tomorrow. I wanted to familiarize myself with the outside world in advance." He felt confident in his safety, protected by the six-star sword spirit and the resurrecting power of the Tree of Life.

He then retrieved a scroll from his pocket and handed it to Elsa, instructing her to amplify its power before using it to attack the goblin gathering territory. Elsa recognized the scroll as a Holy Spell Scroll, and Jiang Ming explained that it had been enhanced a hundredfold to deal with the considerable threat posed by the heroic-level goblin heroes.

"After obliterating this group of goblins, we will lead the army in a charge," Jiang Ming declared, outlining their plan of action.

The group prepared to execute their strategy, with Elsa ready to unleash the amplified Holy Spell Scroll upon the goblins. This would pave the way for their subsequent attack and ensure a swift victory. Jiang Ming's confidence remained unwavering as they geared up for the forthcoming battle.
