
Master of Entities (LotM + Magnus Archives fanfic)

Note: This is my attempt on creating a decent fanfiction with my horrible grammar skills and pitiful knowledge of English language. —^— (Lord of the Mysteries + some Magnus Archive elements ) ............. (Statement of Luwen Gardner, regarding the Magnus Institute and all of the Abnormalities. Original statement given November 23rd 1349. Audio recording by Hayden Miller, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, Loen Kingdom. Statement Begins.) Year 1349, November 23rd–Journal of Luwen Gardner. Compulsion... That's it. This isn't a statement! Luwen you're writing on your journal! This behavior is definitely a side effect of working here in this Institute– On this Evil Organization. In this years of my life, I am just a normal and simple civilian in Tingen City of Awwa County. The third child of Gardner family. With a loving family of caring parents and siblings. Studying as a first year student in Khoy University in History department, with few acquaintances- I could say that my life was as good and simple as I wanted it to be. A dream of good life and becoming very very very rich someday. I am a good example of a simple young man. Just a few more years, pass the test, graduate and find a job. My dreams are within my reach! It is a pity that everything that I lived for is 'FALSE.' One day, they came. Forcing me to open my 'eyes'. Beyonders, Pathways, Potions and Ingredients... This world isn't as simple as it seems, and the Magnus Institute- An old evil organization who was beyond and mysterious to the eyes of beyonders... Buried, Corruption, Dark, Desolation, End, Eye, Flesh, Hunt, Lonely, Slaughter, Spiral, Stranger, Vast and Web. Ex- In the game of authority, gods and organizations, I have a feeling that " they–the Magnus Institute shouldn't be here. " Note: Lord of the Mysteries and Magnus Archives belongs to their rightful creators and they aren't definitely not mine.

megurashimono · その他
33 Chs

The mysterious being on the gray fog

Ch27 [Mr.Fool-"The mysterious being on the gray fog"]

Upon finding himself on the fog of gray mist, Luwen mind and instinct supplied to him that this isn't a dream.  He immediately became tense and wary. His posture are defensive and his eyes were cautious.

Luwen's nowadays familiar companion had returned. Horror had enveloped his whole body. He was in an unknown place. Unconsciously clenching his fist, Luwen forcibly try to calm his mind and assess his situation. Not far from him, probably just a few meters, he notice two people who was also doing the same as him. A blurry image of a lady and a man; from what he have observed. They were also tense and cautious just like him.

Immediately after, the three of them have discovered a person not far away from them who was still and standing. The person was shrouded in the gray mist. It was unknown whether it was a man and a woman. The person was still and standing, his posture and behavior was different from them.

Watching at the unknown and mysterious person– or being, Luwen cursed his luck inside his mind. It dawned on him, that this was probably the work of the mysterious person.

" Sir, where is this? "

Luwen was surprised when the two people beside him started speaking. He thought feeling dubious, how can they instantly assume that the mysterious being is a male? The two people, they were speaking the Loen language.

" What are you planning on doing? "

Beside them, Luwen decided to keep his mouth shut. Even through they were probably the same, being dragged into this unknown situation; he decided to also observed and read their actions carefully. He can't let his guard down in an unknown place with unknown people who were practically strangers; added the fact that they were summoned by a mysterious being of this gray fog.

Dragging them into this mysterious place, is this mysterious person or being in front of them–was the mysterious person a high sequence beyonder? Or maybe, there was also a high possibility the mysterious person–no, a mysterious being; it was probable that he or she was a God. With his ridiculous but probable speculations, Luwen felt more dread. His feelings of fear heightened. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to calm down.

Luwen suddenly remembered lessons taught to him by Mr.Miller. About the other secret organizations, not the branches of their organization; but the other organizations that was briefly mentioned by Mr.Miller during one of his lessons.

Neutral secret organizations are very rare. Mr.Miller mentioned that most of the secret organizations are all evil. Including their organization– that wasn't a fact that Mr.Miller had mentioned. From what have Mr.Miller have mentioned Evil Organizations worships and served evil gods.

Analyzing the situation in front of him, he was really unlucky and unfortunate. It looks like someone decided that the tragedy, that was his life, and his current struggles aren't enough. They wanted him to suffer and become more miserable.

" An attempt. "

Luwen was startled when he heard a chuckle. Unconsciously he stared– then he decided to avoid looking directly at the mysterious being. If he was a God, staring at the mysterious being would have a serious consequences. Even through he didn't trust Mr.Miller and everyone in the institute, Their lessons and knowledge are true and valuable. Luwen can trust them in this one lesson. One of the rules of the Magnus Institute are to seek and impart true knowledge. Valuable knowledge must not be convoluted and confuse. With that rule, Luwen can trust them a little bit.

Hearing the low and calm voice, Luwen speculation of the being is a 'she' instantly disappeared inside his mind. He also felt more scared and hoped that the mysterious being didn't hear his thoughts.

" Sir, is the attempt over? Might you permit our return? "

Luwen heard the unknown lady asked the mysterious being in a courteous and polite manner. He secretly cheered for the lady for her question. At the same time, he was uncertain whether the mysterious being would be displeased, and punish or kill the young lady. This powerful being, their lives would depend within the whims of this powerful mysterious being.

Luwen heard the chuckle, fear immediately run through his body. Then, relief flooded him when he heard what the mysterious being have replied.

" Of course, if you make a formal request, you can return to this very moment. "

Then, Luwen immediately wanted to return. He wanted to go back badly. But he didn't dare to say or declare his intentions. What would happen if the mysterious being would be displeased? Would Luwen be killed by 'him'? No, he doesn't want to die. His journey as a beyonder had just started. He had just taken the first step. There are things that he still wanted to attempt. His family....they would be waiting for him.

From the start, Luwen have been a bystander and an onlooker to the events that had happened. Silence had followed after the ladies question. Luwen still felt apprehensive and nervous. He looked around to observe his surroundings and the blurry image of the lady and the man. After observing them for a while, it was still blurry. Probably, it was the ability of the powerful mysterious being. Luwen was starting to calm down when he heard the lady asked a question again.

She sounded so excited when she asked the question on how would she become a beyonder. Luwen can't help but open his tightly shut mouth slightly when he heard the question from the lady. He was dumbfounded.

This lady isn't a beyonder....she was an ordinary person; but she was still knowledgeable about the beyonders. Probably, she was an enthusiast in supernatural knowledge and things. Luwen thought as he observed the lady.

Her and his behavior in becoming a beyonder was so different. His participation to become a beyonder was due to circumstances, if all of those drastic events hasn't happened, even when he learned about the beyonder world, he would probably choose to remain as normal simple young man.

Alas, a thought would remain as a thought. He can't do anything to change what had already happened. Luwen's forlorn thoughts disappeared when he noticed the gray fog started to churn, scaring and surprising him.

Towering pillars and dome had appeared along with a bronze table accompanied with ten high back chairs on a symmetrical arrangement and two chair on the ends of the long table. The lady and man are sitting face to face and Luwen was sitting besides the man. An empty seat was between them.

" How fascinating..."

The lady muttered clearly fascinated. Luwen observed his surroundings. It was so lofty and grand. Different from the Magnus Institute that look old and ancient, but with a sense of terror, confusion, something lurking, and a wrong sense of strangeness within them. While comparing the two, with the obviousness that this place is a more better than the institute, the man answered the lady's question.

When the Churches are mentioned, Luwen can't help but lament his situation. If that was just happened to him, how fortunate is he?

Luwen unconsciously flinched when he heard the man suggest joining the evil organizations, he glance at them anxiously. The man had unconsciously affected him, his sore point. Other than the fact of him being a member of evil organization; there was the mysterious being just in from of them. What if he was evil? How can just they chat in front of this mysterious being? Luwen observed the mysterious being, not directly staring at him. He was watching the proceedings calmly and unperturbed.

It looks like the mysterious being don't mind listening to them. The man then mentioned the sailor and spectator pathway. Before the lady can answer, since the mysterious being had no plan on intervening, he decided to join on their conversation. He coughed to gain their attention.

" I apologize for my intervention, lady and mister. "

The lady and the man inclined their heads.

" It is alright, good sir. " The lady said in amiable and calm tone.

" If I may,... I also have a two sets of potion formula. " Luwen said. He felt dread, guilt and anxiousness inside his mind. " The first one was the arbiter pathway. They have a convincing charm which makes them unconsciously leave a good impression towards the people. They also have some authority that makes people obey them. And lastly they have an outstanding combat ability which can used be used in unexpected situations. "

Luwen remembered Senior Nicholas.

" The second one was the monster pathway. "

The lady showed some hesitance upon hearing the name of the potion. Luwen stopped as the lady replied.

" I think, I already had decided on my sequence. I apologize for my rudeness good sir. "

" It's alright. " Luwen nodded slightly.

The lady looked at the man and says. " I think I have fallen in love with the feeling of being a spectator, what I can do to get the formula? What I can use to trade with you with it? "

" The blood of ghost sharks at least 100 milliliters of it. "

The man answered and the lady nodded her head and she also asked how can she get the potion formula. Luwen felt dread and it was also logical for them to turn at the mysterious being as a witness. There was no basic trust between these two strangers. Then they realize that they were impolite, and Luwen thought that he was also impolite with his actions earlier. He doesn't want to be killed or punish because of his actions!

Luwen decided to join them and asked on how should they address the mysterious being.

" You can address me as.... the fool. "

Upon hearing those words, Luwen's body became tense and rigid. It was like that he was hit by a thunder.

Is this the reason why Mr.Miller look at him coldly that time? Luwen was uncertain of his speculation.

I hope that the characters aren't OOC, this chapter is from the perspective of Luwen. and you can already see, the heavy reliance of this chapter within the original chapter of the Lord of the Mysteries and Luwen being mostly passive in this situation. I apologize and don't worry, I would endeavor and try to improve with their dialogues that I wouldn't just copy and paste from the original novel, the Lord of the Mysteries. Sorry. °°>^<°°

megurashimonocreators' thoughts