
Master of Entities (LotM + Magnus Archives fanfic)

Note: This is my attempt on creating a decent fanfiction with my horrible grammar skills and pitiful knowledge of English language. —^— (Lord of the Mysteries + some Magnus Archive elements ) ............. (Statement of Luwen Gardner, regarding the Magnus Institute and all of the Abnormalities. Original statement given November 23rd 1349. Audio recording by Hayden Miller, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, Loen Kingdom. Statement Begins.) Year 1349, November 23rd–Journal of Luwen Gardner. Compulsion... That's it. This isn't a statement! Luwen you're writing on your journal! This behavior is definitely a side effect of working here in this Institute– On this Evil Organization. In this years of my life, I am just a normal and simple civilian in Tingen City of Awwa County. The third child of Gardner family. With a loving family of caring parents and siblings. Studying as a first year student in Khoy University in History department, with few acquaintances- I could say that my life was as good and simple as I wanted it to be. A dream of good life and becoming very very very rich someday. I am a good example of a simple young man. Just a few more years, pass the test, graduate and find a job. My dreams are within my reach! It is a pity that everything that I lived for is 'FALSE.' One day, they came. Forcing me to open my 'eyes'. Beyonders, Pathways, Potions and Ingredients... This world isn't as simple as it seems, and the Magnus Institute- An old evil organization who was beyond and mysterious to the eyes of beyonders... Buried, Corruption, Dark, Desolation, End, Eye, Flesh, Hunt, Lonely, Slaughter, Spiral, Stranger, Vast and Web. Ex- In the game of authority, gods and organizations, I have a feeling that " they–the Magnus Institute shouldn't be here. " Note: Lord of the Mysteries and Magnus Archives belongs to their rightful creators and they aren't definitely not mine.

megurashimono · その他
33 Chs

The Butterfly Effect

Ch26 [Mr.Fool– "The Butterfly Effect"]

He strolled among the crowd effortless and seemingly blending. The crowd pass by on him, not looking or staring at him. They are walking, unconsciously leaving a space for him to amble his way through. For the crowd, they notice that nothing is wrong with their behavior. He was there, but he was invisible to the people around him. As if there was nothing wrong with this situation, the crowd continues on leaving a space for him.

This person was the unknown and mysterious shop owner, and he was following a certain someone. Walking among the crowd, in the market, unnoticed by everyone, he trailed after a black haired man with brown eyes. The man was thinly built and has an average looking features.

This person was Klein Moretti who have just bought some staple foods from the Market. He trailed after Klein as the latter returned to the apartment.

He smiled slightly. Thinking if the surprise for Klein would be enough for a certain change and if it follow his lead and direction.

Glancing at the book in his hands, it was humming in anticipation and excitement.

He was waiting for a sense of satisfaction within the book.


When Zhou Mingrui, had finished translating the ritual to the Ancient Feysac language, and preparing everything that was essential, he was startled when he heard a noise coming through the room of their neighbor.

It was like a sound of someone howling in pain. A strange and frightening sound. Zhou Mingrui decided to postpone on starting the ritual and check his neighbor's room.

Several complaints went on his mind as he knocked on the door. A few seconds,no one answered. Zhou Mingrui let out a foul breath and decided to return. He was startled again when a black cat went pass through him jumping.

Damn! Bad luck! This situation, A Luck Enhancement Ritual is needed! He thought as he opened the door.

Zhou Mingrui, frightened and nervous, now in the body of Klein Moretti returned to the room and chanted the ritual.

From the outside, the mysterious shop owner smiled while stroking a black cat. He was still and standing in one of the rooftops. It was daylight, but he didn't look worried that he would be noticed and sense by someone.

Finally, the book are satisfied. He thought before he started vanishing and disappeared completely, not leaving any trace or clue of his existence.


Everything is so hazy and blurred. At the same time, it was so clear and sharp. Luwen was watching and staring. He wasn't certain if he was revisiting his memories or dreaming. The distinction between the two is thinning. His previous dreams of his parents and siblings accusing and blaming him suddenly changed.

He blinked. Being a beyonder had gotten him more aware of his dreams and his memory enhanced.

Suddenly, he felt something behind him. It doesn't give him a certain sense of danger.

" Luwen, we would be always here for you. " His mother smiled, her night sky eyes are showing kindness and care as she whispered softly. She was hugging Luwen behind him. Embracing him with her two hands.

Around them was his Father, Brother and Sister. They look much younger than they were supposed to be. He look at his surroundings, and Luwen was certain that it was his memory when he was just younger. He raise his hands and stared at them. Smaller and smoother.

This is a memory, a memory when he was just a twelve year old. This was the day that they went to the Khoy River. Trying to help him overcome his fears of dying, choking or his fear of not enough having space to breathe.

They were currently riding on a boat, within the shallow parts of the river.

"No need to be afraid."

Luwen is dreaming of his memories. He wondered why it isn't a nightmare anymore. Or does this dream have a meaning. Mr.Miller have once said during his lessons that dreams have often had their interpretation and meaning.

" We will protect you, Look at the River and tell us what you see. "

His father softly said and ruffled his hair– a familiar gesture of his affection to him. Luwen would always love them. His family's care and loved for him. He doesn't care if it seems childish and it make him immature to everyone. He sighed softly and look at his family with longing and affection.

If everything is still the same. If it was like this, everyday, how wonderful and lucky Luwen would be?

It's a pity that this is just a dream. Luwen thought as he look at the river. Luwen's eyes widened. He really look like his twelve year old self and he saw his parents behind his reflection.

" Tell us what you see? "

His sister asked. Luwen hands trembled as he looked behind his reflections.

They aren't real. Luwen insisted inside his mind. The faceless marionettes behind him reminded him of the incident in the train.

Luwen took a deep breath. What does this dream meant? Does this dream meant his desire to know on what happened on the incident after he was abducted to the Magnus Institute? Is this his buried guilty conscience working themselves through his dream?

Answering, he says, " Nothing, I can't see anything. "

His brother smiled at him while saying. " The waters, even it was shallow, for him it was too deep. "

Luwen was clear that this wasn't what he remembered from his memories.

" It was clear but it was too dark for him to see something. "

The wind blows, Luwen frowned as he notice a fog above within the distance of the Khoy River. It was a sunny day, and the sun is already up. How come there is a fog.

" Open your eyes. "

" Remember. "

" Everything isn't real. "

" Some are exceptions. "

Whispers, not his parents or siblings voices. They came from everywhere. Luwen's suddenly felt pain all over his body. He doesn't know if the pain wasn't real or just from his dream.

Around him, everything disappears. He was slowly being shrouded by the crimson fog. Before the fog completely enveloped him, he heard a soft whisper, declaring.

" Including you. "

The fog turned into a crimson burst. Luwen falls into the deep water of haziness. He felt empty and nothing. The next moment, Luwen found himself in a fog of gray mist. 

Ahh, I hope Klein isn't OOC! Everyone, do you have some suggestions to make him more in character and i won't unknowingly made a lot of OOCs?

* Cue to internal panic.

I really hope that it wasn't OOC. what are your thoughts so far about this fanfic? Do you have some suggestions regarding for improvement of my grammar skills?

megurashimonocreators' thoughts