
Master of Entities (LotM + Magnus Archives fanfic)

Note: This is my attempt on creating a decent fanfiction with my horrible grammar skills and pitiful knowledge of English language. —^— (Lord of the Mysteries + some Magnus Archive elements ) ............. (Statement of Luwen Gardner, regarding the Magnus Institute and all of the Abnormalities. Original statement given November 23rd 1349. Audio recording by Hayden Miller, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, Loen Kingdom. Statement Begins.) Year 1349, November 23rd–Journal of Luwen Gardner. Compulsion... That's it. This isn't a statement! Luwen you're writing on your journal! This behavior is definitely a side effect of working here in this Institute– On this Evil Organization. In this years of my life, I am just a normal and simple civilian in Tingen City of Awwa County. The third child of Gardner family. With a loving family of caring parents and siblings. Studying as a first year student in Khoy University in History department, with few acquaintances- I could say that my life was as good and simple as I wanted it to be. A dream of good life and becoming very very very rich someday. I am a good example of a simple young man. Just a few more years, pass the test, graduate and find a job. My dreams are within my reach! It is a pity that everything that I lived for is 'FALSE.' One day, they came. Forcing me to open my 'eyes'. Beyonders, Pathways, Potions and Ingredients... This world isn't as simple as it seems, and the Magnus Institute- An old evil organization who was beyond and mysterious to the eyes of beyonders... Buried, Corruption, Dark, Desolation, End, Eye, Flesh, Hunt, Lonely, Slaughter, Spiral, Stranger, Vast and Web. Ex- In the game of authority, gods and organizations, I have a feeling that " they–the Magnus Institute shouldn't be here. " Note: Lord of the Mysteries and Magnus Archives belongs to their rightful creators and they aren't definitely not mine.

megurashimono · その他
33 Chs

Life of a Normalcy and Purpose

Ch10 [Magnus Institute– "Life of a Normalcy and Purpose"]

« Loen Kingdom, Magnus Institute

June 10th 1349

I recently acquired a notebook. In that incident.... I have inadvertently lost my diary. It is a pity that I lost it. It's been with me since I was 10 years old. That Diary was my parent's gift to me in my 10th birthday. Losing the diary, it was like...I have lost a large part of my life.

I don't know where it is now. I know that none of them have taken it. The moment that they finish killing the people, they have instantly taken me to this accursed place. Their abilities and powers, It is horrifying.

Their abilities are frightening and horrible. They are so strong and powerful. I suspected that they– the one who was called an avatar of the entities by most members of the organization are a high sequence beyonders. 

In total, the organization has a 14 avatar of entities. The Head Archivist are included. He was the Avatar of the Eye who was also called as the Beholding, ceaseless watcher, it knows you and the I.

If I have a feeling that I am being watched for most of the times in this place, the one who was responsible was the head archivist himself.

The 14 avatars are considered highest positions of the organization. But if the members are talking about the most important position, it would be the head archivist of this organization.

Recently, I have learned about some of the secret organizations and families from the lessons of the head archivist. He has taken an effort in teaching and informing me this important informations. What was his motive? Is this consider a repayment for killing my family?

A lot of these days, I am trying to integrate myself in the organization. Confusion and Loneliness are my normal companion in these recent days.

Even with my confusion, I realize that this is definitely an evil organization. Worthy of their name. Kidnapping, traumatizing and twisting the mind of their victims and have them a feel of belonging in the organization carefully and slowly.

I realize it, when I heard the tale from one of the members of the organization. She was the newest and youngest member before I had arrived. From first glance, she looks like a normal young lady. Cheerful, energetic and easily excitable.

But the more and more that I talk to here, I realize the sense of wrongness on her. She was always enthusiastic when talking about the Head Archivist. She would talk about him nonstop. Like a lovestruck fool or admirer, she wouldn't stop on thinking about the head archivist. Recently, she even talk about how she was so envious to me that I gained the head archivist's attention while she started digging her nails on her other hand.

She have done it while smiling.

In the future, I should prepare myself for the abnormal behaviors of the members of this organization.

Bless and safety for my future,

Luwen Gardner. »


The Magnus Institute. Luwen, after spending most of his time walking around the place, are certain that he hasn't still manage to explore the place in it's entirety. He had just explored a small part of this place. The Magnus Institute was a very vast and confusing place. It was very easy for him to get lost in the institution. Very tall, wide and filled with dull and monotonous colors– With many tall and wide bookshelves and completely occupied of books. The Magnus Institute was a gigantic library of knowledge.

A treasure trove for those seekers of knowledge like him and his family. Luwen would be happy about the library, but considering what those people have done to his family, his sense of happiness for knowledge and information has been dampened a lot. These days, Luwen find his sense of enthusiasm are next to none.

Empty and Nothing. Upon reading new knowledge and informations, his sense of discovery of new knowledge are gone. Since the incident, Luwen felt that he loss his purpose. He was only left with nothing but confusion and grief. He was just an empty shell aimlessly wandering.

Revenge? Luwen considered them as his new purpose. But then, thought that it was impossible. They were too strong. What he could do against them? He was just a young man who lost his family and reluctantly taken into this organization. Even with his knowledge of supernatural that was taught to him, aside from that, he was just an ordinary person who doesn't have any special powers or skills on his arsenal. Even if he decided to take a step forward to the world of madness and become beyonder himself, if somehow by an impossible luck that he manage to take his revenge, what comes after his revenge? would he lose his purpose in his life again?

Luwen sighed. He stared at the book that he was holding with him. He glance around and saw that within his sighting range, he didn't saw the other members of the organization today. Carefully, he step down the ladder and picked up the books on the floor before stepping up in the ladder again. He resumed his daily task that was assigned to him by the head archivist. Luwen's hold in the books tightened as he thought about his current situation.

As a new member of the organization, it was surprising to find that he would just spent his time arranging the books in the institute. Considering what he learned from the head archivist, Luwen can at least feel grateful that this is different from his cruel imagination where he would spent his time being inducted in reluctant slaughter. Learning to do many different kind of evil deeds– thankfully it wasn't. But maybe, in the future... After all, this is an evil organization.

Casually observing the members of the organization for the past days, he have managed to observed their unusual behaviors. Luwen can conclude that no one in this organization is sane.

This is a terrible organization filled with madness.

" Feed your fears. " With a smile, he remembered the head archivist told those words to him.

The motivation of this organization is horrible. Just hearing the head archivist told those words to him, the leader of their organization isn't sane or a normal one either. He was abnormal beyond the normal human standards.