
Master of Entities (LotM + Magnus Archives fanfic)

Note: This is my attempt on creating a decent fanfiction with my horrible grammar skills and pitiful knowledge of English language. —^— (Lord of the Mysteries + some Magnus Archive elements ) ............. (Statement of Luwen Gardner, regarding the Magnus Institute and all of the Abnormalities. Original statement given November 23rd 1349. Audio recording by Hayden Miller, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, Loen Kingdom. Statement Begins.) Year 1349, November 23rd–Journal of Luwen Gardner. Compulsion... That's it. This isn't a statement! Luwen you're writing on your journal! This behavior is definitely a side effect of working here in this Institute– On this Evil Organization. In this years of my life, I am just a normal and simple civilian in Tingen City of Awwa County. The third child of Gardner family. With a loving family of caring parents and siblings. Studying as a first year student in Khoy University in History department, with few acquaintances- I could say that my life was as good and simple as I wanted it to be. A dream of good life and becoming very very very rich someday. I am a good example of a simple young man. Just a few more years, pass the test, graduate and find a job. My dreams are within my reach! It is a pity that everything that I lived for is 'FALSE.' One day, they came. Forcing me to open my 'eyes'. Beyonders, Pathways, Potions and Ingredients... This world isn't as simple as it seems, and the Magnus Institute- An old evil organization who was beyond and mysterious to the eyes of beyonders... Buried, Corruption, Dark, Desolation, End, Eye, Flesh, Hunt, Lonely, Slaughter, Spiral, Stranger, Vast and Web. Ex- In the game of authority, gods and organizations, I have a feeling that " they–the Magnus Institute shouldn't be here. " Note: Lord of the Mysteries and Magnus Archives belongs to their rightful creators and they aren't definitely not mine.

megurashimono · その他
33 Chs

Idle time

Ch22 [Watcher's Crown–"Idle time"]

On the table, foods, cards and chessboard are gathered. Milka took a sip of her coffee as she moved the rook forward from the chessboard.

" I never thought that encountering a Leitner would be a frightening event. I thought that Senior Connor are exaggerating when he told me stories about the Leitners! "

Rosa smiled slightly. She brought her knight forward and captured the rook.

" Now you know that Connor isn't lying. Encountering Leitners are a serious matter. Considering what happened to the people who encountered Leitners..." She trailed off and said. " All of them had no good ending. "

Milka gulped. She took her fork and brought a small piece of cake in her mouth.

" I never knew that Senior Nicholas had that kind of ... unfortunate past. " Milka said as she brought her pawn forward and captured the enemy black pawn.

" It was such an unfortunate tragic story. From all of the previous 15 members of the Watcher's Crown, Only Senior Nicholas had survived. He was nearly in the dead state according to the rumors but Mr.End happened to pass by and he won the game of Faro. "

" Wait, Fifteen Members?! But aren't Senior a mid sequence beyonder...and what is the Game of Faro Senior Rosa? "

Milka look at Rosa in bewilderment. She never thought that the previous members of the Watcher's Crown had exceeded their current numbers. The gap is really big. Compared to their current pitiful 5 members– 6 if she included the little twerp, it was like comparing a small candy to a very big cake.

She brought another cake on her mouth. Her analogy are making her more hungry.

" There are 4 high sequence beyonder– Demigods, in the previous generation of the Watcher's Crown.. None of them have survived. "

Rosa smiled grimly. She brought her knight to capture the pawn.

" So what is the game of Faro? "

Milka asked. Rosa smiled mysteriously.

" A game that depends on Luck. Oh, Luwen aren't you going to join us? "

Luwen stared at them. He was holding a book opened. It's been a while since he was reading and being distracted by the discussion between his Seniors. He was sitting, reading and he never thought that his two seniors past time hobby are... gossiping.

Luwen shook his head and smiled slightly indicating that he was just fine. Milka look at him smiling and says.

" Heh.. Reading a book again? Aren't you afraid that it's a Leitner? "

She look at Luwen amused and teased him. Luwen frowned at her.

[ Basic Instructions in Learning Japanese ]

" I had already checked the book. I am assured that it isn't a Leitner, Senior Milka. My spiritual senses aren't giving me a sense of danger. "

" Little twerp. " Milka said at him. Luwen ignored her. He knows that Senior Milka don't have a good impression on him. Luwen was fine with her attitude and he can't basically care on how would she treat him.

Luwen was fine with no one treating him better in the Organization. He does not wanted to warm up with anyone. And he doesn't have a plan to get close to them. He can't afford it.

While Luwen was watching them, Johnson walk towards them. His step resounded through the floor. They glance at Johnson who was looking at them and smiling slightly.

This behavior is definitely unusual. Luwen had never seen Senior Johnson smile before.

" Johnson, what are you doing here– could you stop smiling? Did something good happened for you to smile like that? "

Rosa asked sounding irritated.

" Nothing, it is just that today, Mr.Lukas happened to ask the Head Archivist to accompany him to the Tundra. " Johnson said. " The Head Archivist had already left the institute. He would return five days later. "

Milka stand up from her seat. " Really Senior?! "

Johnson nodded his head.

" Senior Rosa, do you want to accompany me to the backlund? Free time are really my favorites! " Milka exclaimed smiling and looking eager. The chess piece lay around randomly and scattered. Some of them are already rolling away from the table.

" I would be glad to accompany you. " Rosa said smiling slightly. " Through... I would still notice your deliberate action. I am near on winning the game. You are playing Dirty Milka, you wouldn't want such a dirty deed to be seen by Luwen don't you?"

Milka wryly smiled. " Well, Senior Rosa, I'm certain that you are excited in buying a new make up and excited to see the new trend on the Backlund right? " Milka ignored what Rosa said and dragged Rosa with her.

Luwen, together with Senior Johnson watched them leave. The ladies would still be a ladies. Even members of their Organization aren't exempted on their desire to buy things that they wanted. A few minutes passed and silence enveloped them. Luwen glance at the messy and chaotic table.

" Cheap and dirty tricks indeed. " Johnson said as he started to clean the table. Luwen offered his help.

" Aren't you going out the Institute? " Johnson asked Luwen as they cleaned the table.

" I never thought that there was a rule that we are allowed to leave the Institute while Mr.Miller isn't around. "

" Such days like this are rare. You better spend this day freely and go wherever you want. It was really rare for the Head Archivist to go out of the Institute. "

" So he was mostly around here? " Luwen asked with a curious expression on his face. The Head Archivist are really unusual and strange. Other than the fact that he doesn't need to eat food or drink water. As long as he had his statements– The Head Archivist would always stay satiated. Luwen was certain that the Head Archivist and the other entities aren't really Human.

" According to the rumors while I am still serving the Fairchild Family, The Head Archivist are always inside the Magnus Institute. He would just go out if the other avatars need his help which was a very rare occasion. "

Luwen look at Senior Johnson contemplating.

" Don't waste this opportunity. The last time that the Head Archivist went out was 2 years ago. "

Luwen frowned. That was really too long.

" We would always be inside the Magnus Institute and busy if the Head Archivist are here. Don't waste your precious free time. "

" But aren't we a secret organization? There are still a lot of books that need to be sorted in this very vast and expanse library. "

Luwen looked at his Senior doubtfully. Who would be in the institute if they are all going out?

" The Senior who was in charge in the 1st Underground Floor would take care of the Institute for us while we are gone. Sometimes we really need some time to relax and be idle. "

Luwen felt that his head would explode with his Senior's Illogical explanation. Johnson patted his shoulder.

" I am in need to buy a new set of cards in divination. My last one are already in a mess. I also need to buy some things that we can use for entertainment while we are spending our time here inside the institution. Want to go with me? "

Luwen sighed. " So where it is Senior? "

" Our destination is the Intis Republic. "