
Master of Entities (LotM + Magnus Archives fanfic)

Note: This is my attempt on creating a decent fanfiction with my horrible grammar skills and pitiful knowledge of English language. —^— (Lord of the Mysteries + some Magnus Archive elements ) ............. (Statement of Luwen Gardner, regarding the Magnus Institute and all of the Abnormalities. Original statement given November 23rd 1349. Audio recording by Hayden Miller, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, Loen Kingdom. Statement Begins.) Year 1349, November 23rd–Journal of Luwen Gardner. Compulsion... That's it. This isn't a statement! Luwen you're writing on your journal! This behavior is definitely a side effect of working here in this Institute– On this Evil Organization. In this years of my life, I am just a normal and simple civilian in Tingen City of Awwa County. The third child of Gardner family. With a loving family of caring parents and siblings. Studying as a first year student in Khoy University in History department, with few acquaintances- I could say that my life was as good and simple as I wanted it to be. A dream of good life and becoming very very very rich someday. I am a good example of a simple young man. Just a few more years, pass the test, graduate and find a job. My dreams are within my reach! It is a pity that everything that I lived for is 'FALSE.' One day, they came. Forcing me to open my 'eyes'. Beyonders, Pathways, Potions and Ingredients... This world isn't as simple as it seems, and the Magnus Institute- An old evil organization who was beyond and mysterious to the eyes of beyonders... Buried, Corruption, Dark, Desolation, End, Eye, Flesh, Hunt, Lonely, Slaughter, Spiral, Stranger, Vast and Web. Ex- In the game of authority, gods and organizations, I have a feeling that " they–the Magnus Institute shouldn't be here. " Note: Lord of the Mysteries and Magnus Archives belongs to their rightful creators and they aren't definitely not mine.

megurashimono · その他
33 Chs

Fate or something

Ch23 [Watcher's Crown–"Fate or something"]

Saturday of the Afternoon....

Somewhere in the bustling street of the Intis Republic, two men are walking forward side to side with each other. One taller, one smaller. Older and younger. The Older one the man in his late twenties has a messy dirt brown hair and soft purple eyes. He was wearing a gray chesterfield coat. Underneath them was a white dress shirt and red tie. He wore a black pants paired with a black boots. On his head was a black pilgrim hat. Lastly, on his hand was a white gloves. This person, was Johnson Tucker. A sequence 6 beyonder of the monster pathway and a member of the Magnus Institute, Watcher's Crown.

Beside him was Luwen. He was wearing dark blue buttoned single-breasted overcoat. On his dress shirt, was a black tie. He wore a simple black shoes and black pants. While walking among the crowded street in one of the Intis Republic market, Luwen can't help but keep glancing around the the people discreetly. He was looking around for people who may staring at him. After a while of looking, he found none. The people are focus in their own chores.

Luwen sighed in relief. Usually, when going out of the Magnus Institute, he would always had the feeling of the someone or people staring at him. Now, it was gone. Luwen can only come into conclusion that it was Mr.Miller's doing. In the institute, he would also have the feeling of always being watched. He doesn't feel the stare today. Since, Mr. Miller aren't in the institute and would be busy helping Mr. Lukas according to Senior Johnson.

" Steamed lamb! Steamed lamb! "

" Grilled fish! "

" Roast pork! "

Luwen can hear the loud and resounding shout of the stall vendors. The food look delicious. It was a pity that Luwen had already eaten. Maybe, he would consider it later before they returned to the Institution.

On their surroundings, people walk around here and there. Stall, stores are neatly aligned. The Intis Republic Market of the Trier Capital is lively and bustling. It was his first time arriving in the Intis Republic and it's Capital, the Trier. Luwen was secretly amazed by the place, despite not showing it in his expression. It was really worthy to be called a place of bustling arts and humanities. No wonder, this place is called a sacred land for artists, musicians and novelists.

Despite the liveliness of the people and the amazement he feel, Luwen was certain that the Tarot cards that Senior Johnson need isn't among the food vendors. They continued walking silently among the people until they around in a less bustling and more peaceful part. There were less people and the place is more quiet. On the distance, Luwen can see a bard playing with her lyre. There are a few people who are surrounding and listening to her. The stores and stalls around this part of place is about more the things and objects.

While Luwen are glancing at the surroundings, Johnson stopped and patted his shoulder. He stared at him and informed.

" I would buy the items that I need and stuffs that we can used as a pass time for the institute.  "

From the pocket of his coat, Johnson had taken out a small pouch and had given them to Luwen. The latter accepted it feeling confused.

" You can used the verl gold in the pouch and used it to buy something for yourself. "

" This...I can't use it. "

How can Senior Johnson give it to him casually?

Luwen look at Senior Johnson confused. Looking at him Johnson sighed and asked if he had read the contract.

" The contract did you remember the contents of it? "

Luwen remembered signing the contract when he was just abducted and was grieving and crying over the loss of his family. That time, if Luwen wasn't wrong, he wasn't really in the right mind at that time when he signed the contract. He felt the pain and loss for his family. Anger towards those avatars and fear towards them. He wasn't stable that time and he didn't really remember the contents of the contract.

" That...I can't really remember the contents, Senior. "

" Then I would remind you and it was also my responsibility since I was the one who was in charge with the finances of our Institution. It was stated in the rule that every member of the Magnus Institute would be given 100 pound every month. I thought that you don't care about the money since you aren't coming to me for the money, but it seems that you have forgotten the rule in the contract.  Now, that I reminded, you wouldn't forgot to take your gold pound every month. "

Luwen nodded his head and staring at the pouch while his thoughts are wandering.

" I would take my leave, I would go and buy things that I need. "

Senior Johnson patted his head and left. A few minutes after, Luwen remembered that even if he knows that he can understand the Intis language, Luwen would have a trouble communicating with the people. 

Sighing with a hunched posture, Luwen started walking around aimlessly wandering. Even if he lost, Senior Johnson can find him later with his divination abilities. All of his Seniors in the Organization are really powerful and reliable– Luwen stopped walking. His expression turning frosty and pale. He unconsciously clenched his fist and gritted his teeth in anger– towards himself.

Just what is he thinking?

Luwen frowned and look at the sky. The sunset would be approaching soon, but Luwen wasn't in the mood to appreciate the scenery. He glance at the surroundings. It appears that he arrive in a place that was less thriving. Luwen can't barely seen any people walking around the place. The place is dark, barren and old. Old infrastructures that was dusty and moldy. For a capital of the Intis Republic, this wasn't Luwen expected in the Trier.

Looking around, Luwen saw a shop that looks like someone was still dwelling on it. The place was lit up and he just saw someone exit from the door of the shop.

[ Starry Sky– A place where your wishes are granted ]

The signage of the shop are very dubious. Luwen wasn't certain what items would this suspicious shop do contain, but it seems this is a good sign. Luwen now knows where would he spent the money that was given to him. The name of the shop had also convince him. Luwen had a hobby of watching the stars in the sky sometimes. A hobby that he developed in childhood. When Luwen was a child, he would always sought his mother's comfort every night. Luwen was afraid of darkness. Every night, his mother and him would spent their time watching the stars while she told different stories to Luwen until he fell asleep.

Luwen opened the door and entered the shop. The chime of the small bells could be heard as he entered. He glance around and found that the shop sells miscellaneous items that looks old.

" Welcome good sir, is there something that you wish? "

Luwen look at the shop owner. He was wearing a black robe and a classic hat. If it wasn't for the monocle that he was wearing, he would look like nothing special.

Luwen smiled slightly. The shop owner is strange and eccentric. He look mysterious but he have a kind smile on his face.

Looking at the shop, Luwen notice that the shop had some items that was considered 'occult'. A bunch of fake items. Luwen look at them, for a certain reason he feel amused at the 'occult' stuffs. Glancing around, there was an object that particularly caught his attention.

He walk forward and brought the object to his hands. He look at the shop owner. It seems that he has no reason to stop him. He brought the item toward the shop owner.

" I want to buy this item. "

" A good choice, but is that really something that you wish? "

The shop owner is really odd. Luwen nodded his head. Glancing at the shop owner, he looks odd but he was just an ordinary person according to his spiritual senses.

" 50 verl gold for your wish. "

Luwen look at the item and the shop owner. If it wasn't for the music box reminding him of the old one at their home, he would already give up in buying this item. It is expensive.

" Does this music box work at all? "

He asked while glancing at his pouch. The exact number. Luwen was going to be spend all of the money inside the box because of sentimentality.

" Even this little thing looks old, it was working like it was new. "

The shop owner smiled at him. Luwen sighed and paid for the music box. He left the shop and glance at the signboard before deciding to look for Senior Johnson.

After Luwen left the shop, the nothing special shop owner took out a book under his desk.

[ The Lost Wanderer ]

" Can I go back now? Dear, little Luwen had already gotten the item. Or is there other task that are still unfinished? "

He mumbled while glancing at the book with a kind smile on his face. 

Ah, I hope the characters aren't OOC. anyway, guess the character? who is the shop owner? I hope I had managed to pull it off.. (—^—)

megurashimonocreators' thoughts