
Master of Entities (LotM + Magnus Archives fanfic)

Note: This is my attempt on creating a decent fanfiction with my horrible grammar skills and pitiful knowledge of English language. —^— (Lord of the Mysteries + some Magnus Archive elements ) ............. (Statement of Luwen Gardner, regarding the Magnus Institute and all of the Abnormalities. Original statement given November 23rd 1349. Audio recording by Hayden Miller, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, Loen Kingdom. Statement Begins.) Year 1349, November 23rd–Journal of Luwen Gardner. Compulsion... That's it. This isn't a statement! Luwen you're writing on your journal! This behavior is definitely a side effect of working here in this Institute– On this Evil Organization. In this years of my life, I am just a normal and simple civilian in Tingen City of Awwa County. The third child of Gardner family. With a loving family of caring parents and siblings. Studying as a first year student in Khoy University in History department, with few acquaintances- I could say that my life was as good and simple as I wanted it to be. A dream of good life and becoming very very very rich someday. I am a good example of a simple young man. Just a few more years, pass the test, graduate and find a job. My dreams are within my reach! It is a pity that everything that I lived for is 'FALSE.' One day, they came. Forcing me to open my 'eyes'. Beyonders, Pathways, Potions and Ingredients... This world isn't as simple as it seems, and the Magnus Institute- An old evil organization who was beyond and mysterious to the eyes of beyonders... Buried, Corruption, Dark, Desolation, End, Eye, Flesh, Hunt, Lonely, Slaughter, Spiral, Stranger, Vast and Web. Ex- In the game of authority, gods and organizations, I have a feeling that " they–the Magnus Institute shouldn't be here. " Note: Lord of the Mysteries and Magnus Archives belongs to their rightful creators and they aren't definitely not mine.

megurashimono · その他
33 Chs

Celebration of a Loss

Ch5 [Luwen Gardner-"Celebration of a loss"]

First day of the month of May 1349, the Gardner family with the exception of Rawley who was currently living at the backlund university, was having a sumptuous breakfast.

" You are having trouble with finding those three languages books? "

Amantha asked her little brother who look so troubled while eating his breakfast. Luwen nodded his head sighing.

" Yes... Sister, perhaps your university does possess those language books... Your University is far more better than the Khoy University after all.. Please! Maybe you can borrow some books about them! "

Luwen look at his Sister with a hopeful expression on his face. Amantha glance at her mother and father who was doing their own businesses– Her mother who was eating her breakfast quietly and her father who was focused on the newspaper. It was clear that they don't want to intervene and involve themselves in this matter. Amantha groaned inside her mind. At a times like this, she doesn't like when her brother is being obsess and insufferable!

If Luwen heard the thoughts of his sister, he would definitely borrow the words of Emperor Roselle and say " Pot called kettle black! " She was just insufferable like him in her annoying moments!

Amantha glance at her spoon before speaking.

" Unfortunately, no matter how I am willing to help you little brother, I can't let you borrow the books from Tingen University. Only the students and person from the Tingen University can have the rights to borrow those books from our library. If you want to borrow, please go to the Tingen University and asked for permission. "

Luwen frowned and muttered.

" Troublesome.. "

" Do you want to learn those languages.. It's normal to put some effort and hard work. "

Amantha chided her little brother who was being lazy. She frowned as she remembered her graduation defense which was scheduled on May 10th. A few days after that, it was already her little brother's seventeenth birthday. Of course, like always, a celebration for him are required. He was the youngest and the precious treasure of their family after all.

" I know. "

Luwen said. He glance at his clean plate and decided to take the bread from his sister's plate. Amantha glared at her little brother.

" Ungrateful... Little brother, anyway even through you look here in Tingen, it would be really rare to find those books. I am certain that you would definitely find it in Backlund. Maybe we can ask Brother Rawley? He mentioned in his previous letter that he would return here in May 11th. "

Amantha glance at her brother whose face immediately turned to a happy expression.

" .. Brother Rawley would come here? "

" Yes... He even mentioned on his letter that on the day of your birthday, we would spent our time there in the backlund celebrating your birthday. "

Luwen smiled brightened. Amantha glance at her brother smiling wryly. She sighed inside her mind and thankful that she managed to distract his mind further from his obsession of those language books. Quickly, she started eating her breakfast faster. While her little brother Luwen was distracted from the good news of his birthday and their brother Rawley, she smiled at her parents and bid her farewell quietly.

" Ah! Sister!! "

Luwen exclaimed. Amantha was already at the door of their house. She opened it and went out.

" Ah, Sorry Luwen! But I still have a meeting with our graduation defense with my partners! "

She informed loudly before hurrying her pace. Later, she sighed in relief when he was already inside the carriage who was in the way towards the Tingen University. Inside the carriage, she grimace in disgust as she look up and saw a cobweb.


A few days later– May 5th 1349, Luwen was in the vacant rooms in the Khoy University together with his seniors.

Naya giggled as she heard the story from her junior.

" It wasn't funny. "

Luwen stared at her glaring.

" But.. your sister's actions are certainly too amusing and the story are far too entertaining for my taste. "

Naya said while she was writing something on her notes. Luwen look at it curiously and he smiled when he saw that it was a basic instruction of how to understand the Hermes language.

" Anyway, I didn't know that you started dabbling in the Ancient Feysac, Dutanese and Hermes... As expected of you.. your thirst for knowledge is insatiable. "

" I am really fortunate that you know some knowledge about the Hermes Language, Senior Naya. "

Naya snorted. She glance at her work partners who was a few distance away from them. Currently Klein and Welch are reading and arranging their notes. She was reminded of their upcoming graduation defense. Luwen followed where is Senior Naya was looking. He look at the two people in the distance curiously.

" You shouldn't thank me, It's all thanks to Welch that we have some rough understanding of the Hermes language. Anyway, Klein is better than me in Hermes language. You should learn from him, not me. "

Naya said as she paused from writing on her notes. She stretched her hands while watching Luwen who started to look troubled and guilty.

" Well..." Luwen trailed off frowning. " I don't want to trouble Senior Moretti. I heard from some students that he and his brother and little sister have a rough and hard life. I don't wanted to waste his time. "

Luwen admitted. From what he heard from the other history students. He heard that Senior Moretti is poor. There are a lot of students who talk behind Senior Moretti and Senior Naya's lives. Students here in Khoy University who has a high social status.

" How about me? " Naya asked pursing her lips. She played around with her pen for a bit before continuing on her writing. " You know that I have a hard life too didn't you? "

Luwen averted his eyes. How should he answer his Senior's question? He can't answer that she looks so carefree and not busy right?

Luwen threaded the topic carefully and cautiously answered. " Hmmmm...Senior Naya makes me more comfortable? "

" Is that a trick question? "

Naya smiled. Luwen knows that he failed.

" Despite hiding your intentions....Luwen, I know what have you really meant behind those words. Now...do me a favor would you? Come, lean your head for a bit and you would know how carefree I can become. "

" Ahh! "

Klein and Welch look curiously at Luwen who was holding his head and looking at Naya like a kicked puppy.


Days passed quickly. Despite receiving a whack on his head, Luwen can still say that he was satisfied with the result. Senior Naya had agreed on teaching him the Hermes Language. The things that she knows about the Hermes language, she would taught it to him. For a few days, Senior Naya taught him after his classes have ended but soon it stopped on May 10th.

She, with Senior McGovern and Moretti would be starting in preparing their graduation defense. There was also some things that Senior McGovern looks so occupied and have his full attention. Senior Moretti has said to him that recently, Senior McGovern has been dabbling and has been interested in the history of the mysterious Fourth Epoch that was full of holes and missing in details. There was one time that Senior McGovern asked him if he was interested but Luwen refuse his offer.

Luwen would be busy for the next days. His birth date is approaching. On this May 10th, it was also the day of his Sister's graduation defense at the Tingen University. He hoped that she would passed it and graduate.

There are many things that have happened in May 10th. Other than those things, Professor Azik's story is interesting one. Despite Senior Moretti and McGovern believing that the tales of those mythical creatures being a legend, Luwen has a feeling and belief that Dragons, Elves, Phoenix, Vampires and the other mythical creatures are true!

For the next days, Professor Azik had said that he would continue with his story and discussion. It's a pity that he would miss a total worth of two days of story and discussion. His brother would arrive in the Tingen in the Morning of May 11th while they would leave in the Tingen in the Afternoon of the said same day towards the Backlund.

On the day of May 11th, Luwen wondered why did his brother didn't just wait for them in the backlund. He can just wait for them in the station and he would be able to save more money!

Overall his brother have spent a total of 75 soli for the first class train ticket for all of them. Despite his complaints, when afternoon came, Luwen was looking forward on arriving in Backlund.

« Tingen City, Awwa County, Loen Kingdom

May 11th 1349

Afternoon on the Tingen City, Currently we are in the First Class cabin inside the train towards the Backlund.

Just a few more hours, and the day of my birthday is approaching. The train ticket was scheduled in 5:00 pm– the last time for the train schedule. It was strange for brother to take the last train schedule but he said that it was the only time left and he had no choice.

I am certain that when we arrived on Backlund, it would already be evening! The worse situation was if the train would arrived in Backlund near midnight.

I certainly dislike that situation. Despite those things, they can't ruin my birthday. A good sign of my good mood was because i didn't receive any bad dreams that I can't remember for the last days. This is a good sign that my birthday at Backlund would go well!

Despite my excitement for my birthday, I feel uneasy for some reason. Is it because of the Darkness? I don't like seeing the Night Sky after all... Well if my neighbors and my few acquaintances know about my fear of the night and darkness...I might receive their mockeries.

Our family believe in the Evernight Goddess, why should I become fearful of the dark?

In case that they learned about it, I hope that i wouldn't be mocked for being faithless.... But certain things are true.

Even thought my family believe in the Evernight Goddess, I have no feelings of worship for her or the other Gods. I know that I am a fake believer of Evernight Goddess.

The Crimson moon is as creepy as Usual... It's better for me to close my eyes and save some sleep just like what my mother, father, brother and sister is doing right now.

When I wake up tomorrow, I would still be the happiest person as usual in the day of my birthdays.

My family, is with me after all. Always... and I am thankful.. My wish for my birthday is my family would always be there for me, in my past, my present and my future.

With my family, I always felt that I am safe from my fears. »