
Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds

Learning soon his parents will disappear, Ryker Amirex is given a choice, to be the strongest person in the world in a short time but he will never get to take the next step of cultivation again, or choose a harder path, where he needed to suffer first before he could even take the first step in cultivating, but he can suppress others in the world. Choosing the later, Ryker must undergoes deadly trials and faces powerful enemies, as he grow strong enough to learn the secret his parents keep. For the sake of his younger siblings and his loved one, he will face every hardship. But, Rohuka is not the only world out there. - "Why do you try to set me up with another women??!!" "It's for the sake of our bloodline," "They really like you, big brother," "Besides, someone like can never have enough women, or wives for that matter," "The more lovers you have, the more nephews and nieces we would have too," "Yes/ Yeah/ Agree/ True/ Totally/ That would be great/ Only the best for big bro/ Absolutely." "I want more big sister." "Et tu?"

Keeper_of_Time · ファンタジー
473 Chs

Visiting the Mariz City Adventure Guild

  Waking up feeling refreshed, Ryker takes a look at his newest lover. Mashia currently sleeping, the night session had left her tired and sore despite her cultivation. Ryker gave her temple a quick kiss before heading to the bathroom to clean himself.

  After cleaning himself, he exited to be greeted by the sight of a naked Mashia, who unsteadily walked towards the bathroom. He decided to help her, his arms moving under her as she carried the dragon princess, who let out an undignified yelp.

  Seeing his look, Mashia pouted, a kiss on her nose made her pout disappear, replaced by an embarrassed expression. With her having trouble moving, he helped her wash, the dragon princess letting her lover take care of her.


  As the two headed towards the dining room, they were greeted by the sight of food on the table. "When did you make breakfast?" Ryker asked.

  "Early in the morning. We have time to make them so we make them. Besides, we want to use all the remaining supplies," Ina replied, Ryker nodding as he turned to his food. As they ate, Miriam asked him.

  "What are you planning today?" "I'm going to register at the local Adventure Guild. Maybe exchanged some points there," he answered.

  The other nodded, seeing the decision make sense. However, Mashia said something that surprised them all, "Can I register too?"

  Hearing her ask that, everyone looked at her in surprise for they never thought she would want to join the Adventure Guild. 

  "I'm already part of the group. So I want to contribute to our group. Joining the Adventure Guild seemed to be the best option," she said defensively. 

  Ryker accepted her reasoning, nodding his head. "Sure, why not? With another person joining, we could get more resources for cultivating," he said, the others seeing the benefits of her joining the guild nodded in agreement.


  Miriam decided to stay with the children while the rest headed towards the Adventure Guild, to register for the first time for Mashia while the others wanted to look for missions to take. 

  Thankfully, they had already gotten used to the streets of the capital city so navigating through it became easier. They reached it in under an hour, the distance between their house and the guild was the main reason why it took so long for them to get there.

  Similar to the Alten City's Adventure Guild, it was a crowded place, even though the building was bigger to accommodate the larger number of adventurers. Walking to the counter, the group ignored the look of the male adventurers.

  Seeing how they looked at Ryker with scorn, the girls wanted to beat them up but he beat them to it, releasing his aura at the Genesis Foundation, making the other adventures look away as fast as they could.

  Reaching the counter, the staff greeted them with a smile, Ryker's previous action showing a portion of his true strength, "Welcome to the Adventure Guild, how can I help you?" the staff that greeted them was a young woman, who purposely pushed her breasts up.

  Ryker didn't seem to care, from his calm reaction though it did get the other girls to look at her with annoyance. Seeing how her attempt didn't do anything, she decided to stop for now as Ryker pulled his token.

  "I like to check the missions, and to help register someone else," he pointed at Mashia. Seeing how it was about a new register, the staff nodded.

  "Then miss, you should follow me to the training room so we can see your strength. As for the others, the mission room is on the left. There are several mission rooms to allow adventurers to take missions without making it too crowded.

  The mission rooms are split based on the cultivation realm, so stronger cultivators will take the harder mission and vice versa. Considering there are only about a few hundred Genesis Foundation adventurers, there is only 1 room. As for others, you can enter the room based on your cultivation realm," she explained.

  "Thanks for the explanation," Ryker thanked the staff before heading towards the mission room meant for the Genesis Foundation realm. As for Ina and Era, they are both at the Genesis Formation, so they decided to enter the same room.

  Seeing how the two women entered the Genesis Formation room, the staff sighed. She was only at the Genesis Formation so she couldn't do anything to them. However, for the newcomer, maybe she could put some pressure on her instead.


  Ryker takes a quick look inside, finding the number of people around thirty or so. He could understand why the numbers were low. After all, the mission for Genesis Foundation could take days to finish, maybe even weeks.

  Not to mention, spending some time to recover after a particularly grueling mission also reduced the number of Genesis Foundation experts on any given day. With some entering during the latter part of the day it was completely understandable why only 30 people were inside for now.

  The other adventurers take a quick look at him, studying him before focusing on the mission boards. Similar to Alten City, the missions were posted on mission boards, but instead of putting them in the hallway, they had dedicated rooms for the job.

  It shows the difference in scale between the two branches despite the distance of only about one or so weeks of traveling. He had no doubt the Branch of the Kingdom would be bigger, not to mention the headquarters of the guild itself.

  After looking for suitable missions, he realized most of the missions were exterminating missions, most of them regarding the wild beasts causing havoc in the settlements near the city, with some sightings from the people living in the city itself.

  After taking two suitable one with the distance between the two not being too far, he leaves the room, to see several people trying to flirt with his lovers. He walked towards them before hugging them, the people giving him a displeased look.

  He answered by unleashing his aura, the displeased look changed to fear as they left the area, Ryker planning to make them suffer if they didn't take the smart way out.

  The two did some small talk before Mashia entered the area, giving them a triumphant smile, the staff behind her had a shocked look on her face.

"Looks like I get my badge, so, when can I take a mission?"