
Master of Element and Rules, Conquerer of Worlds

Learning soon his parents will disappear, Ryker Amirex is given a choice, to be the strongest person in the world in a short time but he will never get to take the next step of cultivation again, or choose a harder path, where he needed to suffer first before he could even take the first step in cultivating, but he can suppress others in the world. Choosing the later, Ryker must undergoes deadly trials and faces powerful enemies, as he grow strong enough to learn the secret his parents keep. For the sake of his younger siblings and his loved one, he will face every hardship. But, Rohuka is not the only world out there. - "Why do you try to set me up with another women??!!" "It's for the sake of our bloodline," "They really like you, big brother," "Besides, someone like can never have enough women, or wives for that matter," "The more lovers you have, the more nephews and nieces we would have too," "Yes/ Yeah/ Agree/ True/ Totally/ That would be great/ Only the best for big bro/ Absolutely." "I want more big sister." "Et tu?"

Keeper_of_Time · ファンタジー
473 Chs

Spoils Goes to The Fisherman

 After the dust cloud was cleared, the two beasts shakily tried to raise their bodies. But, despite their best effort, they will fall back.

 Then again, they used almost all of their energy, and a little more would have led them to their death. They glared at each other, trying to crawl at one another to deal with the killing blow.

 As they get close, the Alpha Bone Devouring Hyena senses something. Before it could turn its head, its soul was attacked, the powerful attack tearing through its Soul easily, killing the mighty beast in an instant.

 Before the Alpha Blood Vulture could celebrate, it Soul was also attacked. It used some of its remaining strength to deflect the Soul attack before slumping, the defense took most of its energy.

 Yet, its end soon came as a person jumped at the back of its neck before severing its head, the master of the Blood Vulture being killed as well.

 The person who killed them both wiped the blood from his mouth. "Seriously, the shockwave managed to injure me,"

 As he had hidden behind the boulder, as well as using several defensive techniques in succession, he was not that badly injured. Still, to be injured by the shockwave of the two beast clashes shows how powerful the two creatures are and how powerful Peak Genesis Grand realm beings who spied the next grand realm can be.

 He put the two beasts' bodies inside his storage ring before taking a Healing Pill and Qi Replenishing Pill. After all, he needed all his strength to exterminate the rest of the beast on the other battlefield.


 After he recovered somewhat, he headed to the battlefield. To his surprise, the two clans are still fighting though the total number of beasts dropped from triple digits from each side to double-digit on the entire battlefield.

 He watched as the injured beasts kept on fighting despite their leaders being killed. He quickly assumed it was because they were too busy fighting to the point they did not notice it.

 If so, he hit the jackpot as most of the beasts are weakened. Even the ones with strength equal to the 8th Stage Genesis Sea are horribly injured.

 With them all in such a state, Ryker began his hunt. After observing the battlefield he came to the conclusion the most powerful beasts with the least injuries are the sole 8th Stage Tier 9 Bone Devouring Hyena, followed by a Blood Vulture with similar strength.

 He began to creep at them using the Shadow Traversing Technique. When he got close, he used Soul Breaking Strike at the two creatures, killing them both instantly.

 As the two fell on the battlefield, the rest of the beasts, all badly injured and tired looked at him with some wariness.

 "Fools," he uttered before he began to perform his harvest.

 When he killed 9 beasts, the remaining beast began to take action. Unfortunately, there are only 37 beasts remaining, all of them unable to use their abilities to the fullest, and so, the only fate that awaits them, is death.


After he was done collecting the beasts' bodies, he began to hear shouting, "I think I heard something here, like a beast clan war!"

 "You are sure?"

 "Yes, I can also sense powerful existence fighting one another but I am too scared to go there with my strength,"

 "Hhmmp, I could sense some blood around this part, so you must be correct. The beast in question must be badly injured. Looks like we are going to get rich today, boys!"

 A series of shouting concealed him cursing, Ryker quickly hid himself at a nearby tree.

 "Wait, if there is blood, why are there no bodies?" 

 "Someone must have taken them long before we arrived. Blast it, we are so close,"

 "Don't be too sad boys, I think the person just left. So, we can still catch up to him or her,"

 "You are right boss,"

 "You damn right I am. Now spread out, I am not sure how strong the person is but I am sure he is close,"

 Ryker cursed before fleeing from the area. After all, the leader of the group is a peak Genesis Sea expert, someone he could not hope to contend with.


 After gaining some distance, Ryker hides the Hidden Ancient Mansion inside a large trunk before entering the spatial artifact. 

 His lovers, seeing him covered with blood quickly check on him. When they didn't find any serious injuries, they cleaned up the minor wounds before making him take a bath.

 He decided to enjoy it, as his lovers helped him wash his body, removing the blood from his body. His clothes are burned, the blood is just too much for it to be removed.

 After the bath, he had dinner before heading to the basement. In actuality, the basement has multiple rooms, with the largest could even fit an entire building. He believed Law of Space was manipulated to make it even bigger.

 However, he did not complain, as he had a big area to put all of his spoils. He took out the bodies of the of the beasts. It took him 12 storage rings to store all of them, and that is despite his storage rings being bigger than most sold at the vassal nations of Birak Kingdom.

 He was glad for it though, as it would have taken him longer if he had to use regular storage rings and if he had not mastered the Law of Space. After all, he had managed to snag about 300 Blood Vultures and 250 or so Bone Devouring Hyenas. And he did not count the two clan leaders yet.

 He then divided between the one that is too badly damaged and the one that is not. For the badly injured, the majority is made out of Blood Vultures, while only 4 Bone Devouring Hyena was torn to the point of being unrecognizable.

 Hchecksck the plume of the Blood Vultures, the most precious materials from the creatures. As he had expected, most of it is unsalvagable, with the exception of 3 plumes, which are still damaged but not by a lot. The precious plumes are located at the tip of their wings as well as at the top of their head.

 As for the Bone Devouring Hyena, the most precious materials they could gain from the creatures are its bone plates, especially on their limbs. Thankfully it is much sturdier than the plumes meaning most of it is salvagable, though the quality still drops.

 With the precious material gathered from the more damaged ones, he began to check on the least damaged creatures. Thankfully, they are not as badly damaged as the one before so he could get a lot more resources from them.

 All in all, he managed to gain more than twelve hundred plumes and more than one thousand plating of the bigger size.