
Chapter 9 Called me a friend

He ignored me.

Not just for a day or two but for a week. I should be happy right? I'm not not happy. He didn't talk to me. He didn't laugh with me. He didn't share crude remarks with me. He acted mutual, like he didn't care if I was there or not. I probably sound stupid for trying to get his attention. I would always expect him to say something when we were alone but he did not, he would dismiss and tell me to close the door behind me. I do not know what I did. Before I went to sleep, I replayed everything I said that day. Did I say something wrong? I probably did. Maybe I came off as rude, I just did not understand why he had suddenly become distant.

It all made sense when I saw her.

I was replaced.

Long curly bouncy hair, green eyes and a lighter skin tone. She was obviously the result of an... unwanted affair. She was much more appealing.

"This is my half sister.. Mary. She will be staying with us for a bit. She will help out around the house.." Lady Tracy informed me.