
Master Devil : Master Devon Lance tome I ( saga The Lance Men)

Aliette and a 26-year-old girl who works as a maid in a 5-star hotel, but one day her boss will ask her to do one thing, unfortunately Aliette won’t be able to refuse

Winnidow · 歴史
2 Chs


Every morning for over 8 months Aliette Houston, a 26-year-old, has been working as a maid at the luxurious Dublin hotel in Ireland.

She was so proud to work, even though she had left her home country of Canada, she knew that when she had a vacation she would return her entire family to live there.

Her mother Gisèle Houston has always been behind her daughter to push her to do what she wanted in life unlike her father Guillaume Houston, a former businessman.

Since his eldest son took over the family business Guillaume Houston has taken very badly the fact that his last daughter wants to work in a hotel and not in the family business.

Before he leaves for Ireland Aliette, it's

Again, arguing with his father about his new job Aliette did not understand his father.

Why is he not happy for her as was his mother and the rest of the family.

But whatever her father said, she had already made her choice.

Working in the Burghingt Hotel

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