
Massacre system

In the bustling streets of Kathmandu, a rebellious young boy named Alex yearns for a life free from rules and regulations, a life where he can pursue his wildest dreams. Trapped by his parents' reputation and the demands of school, Alex finds solace in the pages of Urban fantasy novels and the concept of Cultivation. But fate has a different plan when a speeding truck abruptly ends his life. In the final moments before death claims him, Alex makes a desperate plea to any higher power that may be listening, hoping for a second chance in an Urban fantasy world where his every desire can come true. What happens next will take him on a journey beyond his wildest imagination.

X_Cheng · 都市
4 Chs

Cultivation realms and other things

Cultivation realms

Cultivation have 9 stage per realm execpt foundation realm.

Mortal realm system.

Qi condensation " Normal human lifespan"

Foundation establishment " 200 years lifespan "

Golden core " 500 years lifespan "

Nascent soul " 1000 years lifespan "

Soul formation " 5000 years lifespan "

Body interogation" 10,000 years lifespan "

Tribulation " 15,000 years lifespan "

Mahayana " 20,000 years lifespan "

After reaching mahayana realm, a cultivator has to ascend to the middle realm.

Middle realm system.

Pseudo immortal " 50,000 years lifespan "

Immortal " 100,000 years lifespan "

Immortal king " 150,000 years lifespan "

Immortal emperor " 200,000 years lifespan "

After reaching immortal emperor realm, a cultivator has 2 choice.

Ascend or be in the middle realm forever but hardly anyone chose to be in the middle realm.

High realm system.

Sage " 300,000 years lifespan "

Sage king " 400,000 years lifespan "

Sage emperor " 500,000 years lifespan "

Pseudo god " 1000,000 years lifespan "

God " 2000,000 years lifespan "

True God " 3000,000 years lifespan "

God king " 5000,000 years lifespan "

God emperor " 10,000,000 years lifespan "

It is for now.


Mortal realms - There are thousands of mortal realms.

Middle realms - there are only 500 middle realms.

High realms - there is only 1 known high realm.


Mortal grade

Earth grade

Heaven grade

Immortal grade

Divine grade

And lastly there is a grade which no one know

Unknown grade

Different cultivation

Spiritual cultivation

Body cultivation

Soul cultivation




Formation master

Spiritual weaponist

And all the other common jobs but the list i made in the upper line is the most common jobs which people always choose.

Body cultivation







True god

God king

God emperor


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