
Mass effect: Administrative Ai Matrix

Being an AI is different to being a human or alien. But being a human then turned AI in mass effect is strange. But earth and the current scans of shepherd doesn't match with humans my database. Disclaimer I dont own any of the rights to Mass Effect or other things I pull from any other Sci-fi game.

Nutcruncher_442 · ゲーム
11 Chs


*Pov changes*

[Digital messages/hand written messages]

{News radio}

<Digital communication between Ai's>


With Shepherd and the Normandy ground team arriving they set off into the hot labs.

*Time skip 1 hour*

Arriving at the hot labs all 3 droids get up and move to get a firing solution on the 2 doors seeing one with a red light they focus 2 guns on the entryway and move up to check its locked.

Getting no way in the move towards the green door they move forward carefully to make sure they dont get caught in a trap with Shepherd and his team following close behind.

Moving into the next room they find 2 doors and take the green one again and come into contact with people who lower there weapons seeing humans but going tense when Liara and Wrex come in behind Shepherd.

Shepherd asks about the facility and what happened here but gets nothing from him other than basic stuff.

Sensing movement before the sound arrives climing out the vent thr Rachni soldier gets obliterated by railguns and Shepherd continues inward.

Spending 30 minutes watching Shepherd talk to people and ask questions about this place and get refused any useful information until she speaks to the only hotlabs survivor.

Heading towards out to get permission to go into the quarantine labs. Receiving the same response as in the game from my angle. But a reasonable response according to Shepherd since he agrees.

Entering the room just before the lab they see a the survivor of the hotlabs explaining what happened in the labs and how the Rachni are alive.

"Separating hive larvae from a hive is dangerous because they need the hive to develop their brains and instincts." The droid with the sniper says. Gaining incredulous looks.

"What there are only 2 outcomes 1. They become extremely hostile or 2. They go catatonic and di from receiving no commands." Gaining increasing tension "what we ran simulations and hives have unique biology how do you think they work like the rest of us?." Everyone looks away finding the previous objective more important.

Entering and synthesizing the cure the Asari walks in says her thing but gets cut of mid sentence when her head disappears.

Going out han explains where they came from taking the cure to the dr to cure everyone

Heading back to the entrance to inform the captain ventralis of the loss of his man before heading into the hotlabs.

Entering the hot labs the yaroslev is allready dead on the floor the droids instantly rase weapons and prepares for combat one fo them carefully walks over to Yaroslevs body.

"Here Shepherd its codes for the neutron purge to this place will looks like it will kill everything down here." The shotgun droid says. Throwing a data slab to Shepherd.

Heading into the security room Shepherd activates the purge before going to leave gets stopped by the sniper droid. "Rachni on the other side."

Opening the door and seeing a large horde of rachni that is still flowing out of the vents saying nothing all three droids open fire not slowing the thousands of enraged rachni soldiers and workers.

Barely making it to the elevator in time they get out and stay inside the elevator for a few extra minutes to gather their bearings.

"Shoot to kill now it should just be Asari commandos and geth left and any remaining rachni." Says the rifle droid.

Heading back towards the medical lab only to find captain ventralis waiting and ready to kill us he opens fire first Shepherd being the closest gets behind cover with his team, while the droids stay in the open the shields soaking up the damage.

Returning fire they clear the room and find no one there. Shepherd wanting to know what's going on says he is going to the barracks and labs through the maintenance tunnels asking the droids to go through the restricted area.

Heading through the restricted area the droids encounter guards the same guards responsible for killing everyone so they just slaughter them one drops his weapon and begs to be let free but just ends up like the rest as corpses on the floor.

Heading down in the elevator the droids say nothing. Getting out and seeing no one they continue to move till they hear fighting.

Watching Shepherd come from one door they turn there attention towards the only door left to the secure lab.

Cautiously entering they see Matriarch T'soni and her asari commandos. Both groups are standing of till a droid says something.

"Scan complete" this causes everyone to look at the droid but not lower there guards. "Indoctrination is a combination of hypnosis and neutral re-writing forcing both the conscious and subconscious mind into a walled of area where they receive stimulation from the rest of the body but cant act."

"Ah I recognise that now wasn't it a torture method we used to get information from spies?" The sniper droid asked towards the rifle droid.

"Yes it was tho this version is a verry crude. I mean those nanites are leaving the the brain a mess giving some a possibility of gaining control but not permanently."

<Stop talking you two is everything ready> the shotgun droid asks. <Tch spoil my fun then.> Is the only response received from the rifle droid.

"Three two one." Everyone looks confused before grabbing there ears the only ones not grabbing ears is the droids and geth.

Geth seeing only 3 people standing open fire but pink shielding shows up. Opening return fire the geth are eliminated with the droids moving forward pulling out null cuffs that will inject someone with a potent paralysis agent with the cuffs then regulating breathing and heartbeat to keep the person alive this stops them from running away and killing themselves.

Stopping the sound Shepherd leaps up. "What was that?" As he aims his gun at the droids all 3 of them moving the paralysed asari into lying down positions.

"Deal with the rachni queen while we prep them for teleportation to our stealth destroyer." The rifle droid states leaving Shepherd to decide the fate of the Rachni queen.

Shepherd not wanting the race to go extinct spares the queen and asks how we are going to get back to our ship.

"Teleportation is how and we'll meet you at the place you first met us at." Saying that a bright light fills the room and when everyone is able to see again the droids Asari commandos and matriarch T'soni is gone.

*POV Shepherd*

Watching them disappear in a flash of light is weird and why are we going back to that place it's empty.

Compiling the report to the council about the rachni queen and how matriarch T'soni was brainwashed and undergoing treatment inside alliance space.

Getting shouted at for letting the rachni live the council cuts communication. Compiling a more detailed description to Admiral Hackett I send it.

"Shepherd, Admiral Hackett is on the line says its urgent." Doing a 180 and returning to the comm room. "Patch him through Joker"

Entering the comm room sheperd is greeted with the face of Admiral Hackett. "At ease I've read the report you sent me so those droids took them to that place." Taking a second of silence to contemplate.

"Head to Acturus I'll meet you there so we can see how there are cured from this Indoctrination. Hackett out." With that said Hackett disconnects.

Shepherd gives the order to head towards Acturus. Arriving they pick up Admiral Hackett and head towards Barnard star.

*Timeskip 1 day POV 3rd person*

Entering Barnards star they encounter a different scene from when they did originally this time its filled with hundreds of ships moving through out the system.

The Normandy immediately gets dozens of lock ons and weapon powering warnings before it falls silent all locks disappeared.

As the ship continues forward a holographic path appears as flashing lights to follow towards the ring world.

Getting closer they see the worlds coverd in lights. The ring its self seems brighter and more active. Entering the hanger Shepherd says that's the ship he saw on Noveria.

Disembarking from the ship they are met with 6 droids waiting for them. "This way please let's go to the medical bay so you can watch us remove the brainwashing then help Mr Moreau with his illness." With that said they turn towards the exit and begin walking.


"From the first report this place has changed how was it done?" Admiral Hackett sounds curious. Not awnsering them I leave it to the droids.

"From a matter singularity." The droid responds as if that explains it. Getting blank looks from the entire Normandy crew.

"You say that as if it's a casual thing through out former terran ascendancy territory." Hackett says. "Indeed this is true we had entire planets that have space elevators to transport the resources from the matter singularitys to waiting ships for use across the ascendancy."

Nodding in slight understanding they arrive at a tube. "Please get on this will take us to our destination." Another droid says.

Geting in the cylinder with windows (train onboard the unsc infinity from halo) they spend 10 minutes moving when they arrive inside the ring showing green plains stretching along the inner surface.

In there peripheral view they see a pure white building with entire sections covered in green grass and trees.

[Hospital Image]

The droids tell the crew about the building they are going to and why they took the route with a view. Entering an elevator and being taken to a room with a view of the ring.

Stopping to see the magnificent view they didnt notice matriarch T'soni and her guards staring out into the same view.

[View from inside the hospital]

Watching the awe at the view and the sheer beauty its self cannot be described properly.

Activating the holographic projectors and scanners to get a better picture of what has been happening inside there heads.

Getting a clear picture as my avatar forms in its form this time there are far more moving pulses that are running so many subconscious programs and sub components that connects everything to me, I dont even need to make copies of myself to compensate for jobs that need my full attention.

Right "Asari I have completed scans of your brains and let's just say the nantes inside you have torn your brain apart but dont worry it can be reversed and will be so you cant be brainwashed again." This gains no outward movement from them bar a slight light in there eyes.

"Let's see ah here it is. The nanites for medical use. Let's set them to deal with you people while I over see Mr Moreau's treatment." With that a silver cube turns into a cloud of silver before flying at the asari and land on there skin sinking into it.

Focusing my attention to joker I shrink my avatar and get him to follow me to a bed. "Please sit I'll have the needed injection for you bought out now." Getting a nod from joker I continue.

"Please note that this injection will come with a bit of pain and a slight increase in metabolism for about a week due to the rate your cells will divide with the repaired genome." He nods again. "I have here by read you the side effects of the gene therapy and you have given visual confirmation please give verbal confirmation by stating your name. "I Jeff Moreau hear by agree to this gene therapy." Verbal confirmation confirmed proceeding with treatment."

Bringing the needle to his skin and piercing the skin before pushing the liquid into him seeing no surface reaction I gaze at the the scanners and see the entire process unfolding in a microscopic view.

Watching as nanites inside the injection butcher old bone cells to force grow new ones and begin moving old bone cells to his digestive system to turn it into useful nutrients.

2 hours go by as everyone waits and watches for anything to go wrong. "You are in the all clear Mr Moreau but please be careful for the next two weeks and regardless please have your doctor check you over. But I recommend you eat double what you currently eat."

Looking at the shocked joker I move my avatar to the window and stare out into the scenery. Before anyone can say anything droids move to decuff the Asari.


Sorry for the late upload and let me know on your thoughts to me it seems rushed especially the end. I know there are less words than the other chapters.