

Mass was your average virgin young man with his average boring life whose only dream was to live like his favorite novel's mc, until she knocked at his doors...

AnotherScifi · SF
1 Chs


PART 0- Prologue


''I threw myself into the arms of Morpheus without realizing it''. Mumbled the boy hearing the same sound.

Mass decided to go open the door for the person who's still desperately pressing the ringtone.

He had already left his room and opened the door but had remained frozen in place, unable to make the slightest movement in front of such beauty.

It was already winter time, snow was falling gracefully and silently from the sky. And Mass had never seen such a beautiful creature in his whole life.

''Good evening Mass, glad to finally be able to meet you''. Declares the newcomer with a bright smile.

PART 1-First encounter

It was already winter time, snow was falling gracefully and silently from the sky. Only the laughter of the children running around here and there broke this silence. This romantic atmosphere who had settled in this city of New York appealed to all couples who took the opportunity to spend their romantic outings.

''It's really boring !'' Complained Mass who looked longingly at these others who were fully living their romance. ''Why isn't my life like a novel man lead's...''

Sitting all alone on a public bench wearing his favorite heavy jacket, he couldn't bear to watch longer the many lovers kissing here or hugging over there. So he got up and decided to go home.

Mass is a young man who unfortunately has no success with girls, unlike his favorite manga's male lead. The one girlfriend he ever had were in college but got dumped. ''Maybe I'm too commonplace as a boyfriend''. He repeated to himself each time.

Mass, walking at an exceedingly fast pace, hadn't even realized that he had already arrived home, lost in his usual thoughts.

He entered, making the old door of the house creak as he passed. This noise had alerted a woman in her fifties who is heading towards the newcomer. It was his mother.

'' What happened to you son ? You look pale ''.

''It's nothing mom. I'm fine, you worry about nothing... I'm in my room, have homework to do''

Mass replied with a faked smile.

Her mother didn't ask any more questions. She told herself that her son was now old enough to take care of himself and that maybe she was doing too much.

At the same time Mass, all exhausted at "doing nothing" had laid down on his bed, staring at the roof. His phone vibrated, he had received a new voice message.

[ We're organizing an outing for Valentine's day and my cousin Tessa will surely come alone, it will be your luck man ]

It was from his friend Freddy. The latter desperately wanted to find him a beautiful girlfriend. He didn't answer and threw his phone across the bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep without realizing it.



''I threw myself into the arms of Morpheus without realizing it''. Mumbled the boy hearing the same sound.

Mass decided to go open the door for the person who's still desperately pressing the ringtone.

He had already left his room and opened the door but had remained frozen in place, unable to make the slightest movement in front of such beauty.

It was already winter time, snow was falling gracefully and silently from the sky. And Mass had never seen such a beautiful creature in his whole life.

''Good evening Mass, glad to finally be able to meet you''. Declares the newcomer with a bright smile.

One look is sometimes enough to bring about a big change in your inner strength. The generally regular rhythm of your heartbeat quickens.

And will be shocked the person who would never have lived it; it would be his first time. All that surrounds you will no longer exist. The people you know won't count anymore. It's just you and the person in front of you, staring at each other.

This phenomenon perfectly described what had happened to Mass.

Time seemed even slower, slower. And the breeze, as if to make this situation even more dramatic, twirled the brown hair of the young girl who had just arrived. The young man finally comes to his senses, as if awakened from a very deep sleep.

'' Ah, good evening. But to whom do i have the honor ?''

Mass had managed to ask this question despite his fear. Without knowing why, he was afraid to say something that might offend this stranger who had frozen him. The latter did not answer but is content to just hand him an envelope. The young woman was no longer smiling, her face this time inexpressive.

The surprise was now on Mass's face but he took it and decided to open it. The content was a letter that Mass read and read again, wondering if he should be scared or laughing. He didn't have time to react when his phone started to vibrate. Mass picked up, curious to know what was the motivation of the sender of the letter who had mentioned that he was going to call him soon.

'' Seen my letter, didn't you, Mass Jenner ? ''

The hoarse voice of the man on the phone made Mass shiver now a little scared and frustrated at the same time.

'' Who are you ? How do you know my name and... what the hell is with this letter ? he questions ''

'' Hehe, one question at a time. As for who I am, now is not a good time for you to know. begins the mysterious caller. And to have the answers to the other questions you have, you've got to follow E-17, the young woman that gave you the letter. She will lead you to me ''

'' Why would I ...''

'' Don't worry. It will be a public place. We can't kidnap you. Haha. he adds before Mass can say anything more. ''

The beep announcing the end of the call was heard. And Mass even knowing now that it might be dangerous to have any connection with these unknown, still wanted to go to the meeting place.

For him, it is a once in a life time's opportunity. ''Is it my chance to shine as a man lead, with my harem...'' He fantasized before thinking again. '' But isn't this all a bit weird... they could be super dangerous... ''

He wondered, still staring at the young woman who was waiting for him a little further away, again smiling brightly.

'' No way in hell ''