
Masked Coyote

This is a pure work of fiction. An experiment, which involves a human and a wolf. What will be the by-product? Human? Wolf? Or a hybrid?

crystxljoon_ · SF
2 Chs


"Eureka" a shout was heard from Glen's laboratory. Cassandra rushes over to Glen's laboratory. She finds Glen holding a testube in his hand and blood in his other hand. "Glen I would be glad if you could tell me why there is blood all over your left hand and about the testube too" Cassandra asks softly. "We did it Cassandra, I did it. That's it with this we can be happy!" happiness and excitement can be seen in Glen's eyes. "What did you do?" Cassandra asks softly. "Listen honey sit, this is gonna be long and you may faint too from what I'm mentioning now. I don't know how to put this but, I had to sacrifice some specie for my experiment." Glen says.

"Why, why would you do that Glen?" she asks choking on her tears. "I had to do it for the sake of having children honey." Glen nervously spits out the truth. Cassandra gets confused for a moment. "Why would you kill an animal for the sake of children? I'm confused Glen, you better explain me." Cassandra says. "Listen to everything, don't interrupt me in between. I collected the semen of a specie. I had to give it sedation but turns out that in hurry I gave it poison. I tried to collect as much as semen I could, but before I could it remedy, it started to vomit blood and died. I want to make a revolution in the field of science. I want us to have a baby. I need your help in that. Please don't deny it sweetheart." Glen pleads his wife. "I'll try my best to help you, first tell me what is it?" Cassandra replies. "I need your egg to be fertilized by this semen. Please fulfill this request. Please sweetheart." Glen begs her. Cassandra is shocked. "Gimme some time. I'll tell you." she walks away only to get grabbed by Glen back to the seat. "I need your answer right now. The semen dries up and gets wasted if not fertilized within 2 hours. Please make it quick sweetie" Glen says. "Okay I'm in for it. Promise me one thing, I would be safe right?" Cassandra asks softly yet scared. "Oh my God, thank you so much baby! Yes you would be safe! It's my guarantee!" Glen glows with happiness. "Honey go to the bed in my laboratory I'm coming" Glen says and goes into the house to get some water.

After a few hours, both of them come out of the laboratory. Cassandra never bothered to ask about the animal and Glen never said about the animal too because he didn't want her to be stressed out. "What do you want to eat? I'll cook" Cassandra asks. "No sweetheart, I'll go and get some food for us. Don't cook, you are special now." Glen says and she wonders why he's saying that. "Okay as you wish" Cassandra says and sleeps on the couch. "Be careful honey. Love you."Glen says before drifting off to the town. Cassandra can't stand dirty house or anything that's messy. She cleans up the whole house and takes rest.

She made herself a juice and ate an apple. She decided to clean Glen's laboratory. She enters his laboratory and almost pukes herself in there. "Oh God why does it stink so bad in here. I wonder what he does in here." Cassandra thinks to herself. Only if poor Cassandra knew what he did to her. She cleans every corner of the laboratory. In the corner of the laboratory she finds a black trash bag. She goes near it. The more she goes near it, the more the stinking smell increases.

Cassandra's heart beats very rapidly. She starts to sweat. She tries hard not to faint from the smell.

She makes up courage to open the bag after reaching to it. She opens the bag. She gasps seeing what's inside the bag. Her tears won't stop flowing. Shouting, she goes crashing into the laboratory table. There she sees something strange. A testube labelled 'Wolf semen' and that's it, her world falls down crashing. She didn't think her husband would do something that terrible to her. She couldn't come to think of it. "NO NO NO NO IT CAN'T HAPPEN. HE WON'T DO THAT TO ME!" She shouts and goes into her living room.

A few moments later, Glen comes home with a pizza box in his hand. Glen is shocked to find Cassandra in a very bad state. Her mascara came down her cheeks and she sits on the couch, with her legs close to her. She looked like she cried for hours.

"Honey what happened? Are you alright?" Glen asks her dropping the pizza box on the couch. "You, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME? YOUR OWN WIFE? THE ONE WHOM YOU WENT AFTER FOR MONTHS!?" she shouted at Glen.

Glen scoffs and looks at her with disbelief. "You thought I went after you for nothing? I made you love me because I knew what I can do with you. Do you know why I took a house here? Because no one can ever find out what I do here. I didn't know that you would be this stupid. Come on Cassandra it's just a matter of 75 days. Please do this for me. We can grow a hybrid." Glen says as if it's nothing big.

"You know what? I will bear this child and after I give birth, I'll take him with me. You are a monster. My child shouldn't have a father, oh sorry, step father like you!" Cassandra shouts. "let's see if you can do that" Glen mumbles to himself. "WHAT ARE YOU MUMBLING? SAY IT OUT LOUD!" Cassandra shouts at him. This was the side that no one ever saw because she never had a chance or had the necessity to show that side.

"Cas honey, calm down" he sedates her as he sweet talks her. Her delicate small body falls into his hands. He never saw her in that agitated state or this vulnerable state. He knew that the experiment would have some impact, but not this increased level. He wonders what more happens to her in this span of 75 days.

Everything that is being mentioned in this novel is purely fiction.

crystxljoon_creators' thoughts