Every month at the 23rd, a murder takes place somewhere in the world, and those murders are very cruel,the victims are very spesific, and those murders will someday lead up to why, who, and where the killer is.
New York City,
Sunday, March 23 1987
At 234 Wall Street, Sarah Foster was watching her favourite shows in her apartment, when suddenly, "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH." She heard a loud scream from her neighbours apartment, when she heard that, she was startled, and immediatly called the police. They discovered that a murder took place at that flat. One of the police questioned Sarah" When did you hear the scream?" "At exactly 12 O'clock midnight." Sarah answered, "When did you got home from work?" He said, Sarah answered " At 08.30pm." The police questioned him one last time, " Did you see anything or anyone suspicious when you got home?", Sarah's answer was " Yes! There was a man who was wearing a black hoodie and was wearing a face mask, his eyes are also blue, at first I recognised him, but when I saw his behaviour, I didin't know who he was." The police officer was sure that Sarah Foster wasn't the killer, so she was out of the case. Now, all suspects are blue eyed men, but when they questioned each of them, they didn't found anything related to the clues, because the killer didn't left any clues for now, the case is still unknown, and the place where the murder took place, was clean, the only fingerprints there, are the victim's. They know the killer is smart, but they are still confident, about catching the killer.