
Marvelous Twist

Evan Shepard finds himself inexplicably transported from his world into this new reality. With only three mysterious crystals and his knowledge of the MCU, Evan navigates the complexities of a universe where both mutants and superheroes coexist. As he strives to understand his new reality, Evan hatches a daring plan that starts with him obtaining Extremis, and ends with him standing at the top of the universal food chain. Amidst the unfolding adventure, Evan's past and origins come to light, revealing secrets that could alter the course of his journey. As he grapples with his identity, he must also navigate the intricate dynamics of this new world, where mutants and humans struggle for coexistence.

Wicked132 · アニメ·コミックス
70 Chs

Collision Course #11

Balancing precariously atop Rhino's shoulders, Spider-Man deftly steered the rampaging villain into the nearest park, hoping to lead the destructive confrontation away from the crowded streets. "That's what I like about this city..." he muttered with a hint of frustration, the familiar red and blue suit contrasting against the vibrant green of the surrounding foliage. "Every time I feel like someone's really hard to deal with, I can count on one of your jerks to step up!"

With a growl of irritation, Rhino charged forward with all his brute strength, barreling through the park's serene landscape. Trees trembled and uprooted as the colossal figure plowed through, leaving destruction in his wake. Spider-Man, clinging to Rhino's back, relentlessly hammered the villain's head with his gloved fists in an attempt to subdue him. Each punch landed with impressive force, causing Rhino to grunt in frustration as he swerved and thrashed about, trying to dislodge the pesky web-slinger.

"You're gonna pay for this, wall-crawler!" Rhino snarled through gritted teeth, his rhino suit providing some semblance of protection against Spider-Man's relentless blows. "Just you wait till I get my hands on you! I'll turn you into mincemeat!"

Spider-Man's response was laced with bravado and exasperation as he continued his assault, "Oh, please! Like I haven't heard that before." He grinned under his mask and continued, "I've heard that line from you alone dozens of times already!"

The tumultuous charge through the park continued with Rhino's massive frame bulldozing through anything in his path, leaving a trail of destruction. Meanwhile, Spider-Man barely kept his balance atop the villain's back as he rained punches on his face.

But even Spider-Man had his limits. As Rhino charged towards a particularly massive tree, Spider-Man knew he had to act swiftly. With a graceful leap, he detached himself from Rhino's back just in the nick of time, narrowly avoiding a devastating collision. The sound of wood splintering filled the air as Rhino's charge met its abrupt end.

Regaining his footing several feet away, Spider-Man wasted no time, quickly assessing the situation. His agile mind worked through a plethora of strategies as he kept a watchful eye on Rhino, who was temporarily stunned by the impact.

Undeterred by the impact and fueled by his anger, Rhino shook off the momentary daze and fixed his gaze on Spider-Man. "It's crushing time!" The fierce determination in his eyes made it clear that he was not about to give up. With a primal roar, he charged once more, determined to bring the wall-crawler to his knees.

As Rhino charged at him with relentless fury, Spider-Man's instincts kicked in. With a swift motion of his wrist, he fired a stream of web fluid directly at Rhino's eyes, temporarily blinding the massive villain. Seizing the opportunity, Spider-Man deftly sidestepped, positioning himself for the next move.

In a matter of seconds, Spider-Man's web-slinging skills came into play once more. He shot two sticky strands of web fluid at Rhino's side, hoping to immobilize him. The webbing adhered to Rhino's tough rhino suit, giving Spider-Man some leverage in the battle.

Planting his feet firmly into the ground, Spider-Man braced himself and gripped the web rope tightly, pulling with all his might. Using his superhuman strength and agility, he steered the disoriented Rhino toward a nearby boulder.

The impact was tremendous as Rhino crashed into the unyielding rock, creating a thunderous noise that reverberated through the surroundings. For a moment, the impact seemed to stun Rhino, causing him to momentarily falter.

However, the villain's durability was no joke, and he quickly regained his composure. With a low growl, he tore away the web fluid that obstructed his vision, his rage evident in every muscle of his massive frame. He turned his attention back to Spider-Man, who remained undeterred despite the dangerous situation.

With his trademark wit, Spider-Man quipped, "I'm not sure the boulder appreciated your attempt at a hug, pal!"

Rhino's response was a primal roar, fueled by anger and frustration. He charged once again at Spider-Man, determined to take down the web-slinger at any cost. Spider-Man, ever the agile acrobat, leaped skillfully to the side, evading Rhino's powerful charge by a hair's breadth.

The battle raged on, a symphony of acrobatics and raw strength. Spider-Man's agility and quick thinking served as a stark contrast to Rhino's brute force. Each punch and swing was a calculated move, as Spider-Man sought to outmaneuver the colossal foe before him.

The battle between Spider-Man and Rhino continued with unrelenting intensity. Spider-Man's quips flowed effortlessly, taunting Rhino with every dodge and flip. The web-slinger's agile movements kept him one step ahead of the rampaging villain, who could only growl in frustration at his inability to land a single blow.

But Rhino's frustration reached its boiling point, and in a fit of rage, he grabbed a massive boulder, hoisting it above his head before hurling it at Spider-Man. It was a move he had tried countless times before, always unsuccessfully, but it seemed to be a part of his signature style – a futile attempt to crush his web-slinging adversary.

As Spider-Man evaded the incoming projectile with his characteristic grace, he had every intention of continuing his banter. However, his words were momentarily stifled as his keen eyes caught sight of a figure emerging from behind a nearby tree as the boulder flew toward his hiding spot.

A civilian.

Confusion and concern were etched across Spider-Man's masked face as he witnessed the man's unexpected appearance. The hero's instincts kicked in, realizing that an innocent bystander was now unwittingly caught in the crossfire of this chaotic battle.

"Hey, watch out!" Spider-Man shouted in a desperate attempt to warn the man, but his words were lost in the chaos.

With a sinister smirk, Rhino spotted the civilian and altered his course, charging directly at the unsuspecting man. It was a ruthless tactic – if he couldn't hit Spider-Man, he would force the web-slinger to be hit by him by targeting someone else.

Time seemed to slow as Spider-Man's heart pounded in his chest. He raced after Rhino, his agile movements closing the distance between them. But before he could reach the villain, the unexpected happened.

The civilian, seemingly unfazed by the impending danger, squared his shoulders and grinned, charging back toward Rhino without any hesitation.

Spider-Man couldn't believe his eyes. Why would someone put themselves in harm's way like this?

Spider-Man's jaw dropped in astonishment, unable to believe what he was witnessing. The civilian charged fearlessly at Rhino, displaying agility and skill that seemed otherworldly. In a move that defied all expectations, the man expertly gripped Rhino's massive shoulder and horn, using his opponent's own momentum against him to execute a powerful hip throw.

Rhino crashed into the ground, stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

Before Spider-Man could even begin to process the incredible display of combat prowess, the villain was on his feet again, confused and very much fuming.

With an air of calm and confidence, the man reached into the sleeve of his dark suit jacket, producing a knife with an eerie purple glow. The sight of the blade sent a chill down Spider-Man's spine, a clear sign that this was no ordinary civilian.

As Rhino swung his fist in a rage, the man's movements were fluid and precise. With seemingly supernatural reflexes, he evaded Rhino's attack effortlessly and struck back, slashing the villain's bicep with the glowing blade. A low hum emanated from the weapon, leaving a trail of eerie light as it sliced through the air.

Pain and bewilderment washed over Rhino's face as he clutched his injured arm. "What... what the hell?" he stammered, his usual bravado replaced by genuine confusion. His arm hung limply at his side, rendered nearly useless by the mysterious man's swift and skillful strike.

As the civilian maintained his composure, Spider-Man realized that he needed to act. He couldn't let this dangerous situation escalate any further. With his heart pounding, he stepped forward, positioning himself between the mysterious man and Rhino.

"Who are you?" Spider-Man demanded, his voice tinged with a mix of caution and confusion. "More importantly, what are you doing here?"

The man's eyes, hidden behind a pair of sleek sunglasses, locked onto Spider-Man's mask. There was a glimmer of amusement in his gaze as if he found the situation mildly entertaining.

"Merely enjoying the show," the man replied, his voice calm and collected. "Though, I must say, you and your partner's audience interaction was quite hazardous," he added with a chuckle as he turned to survey his hiding spot—the tree was snapped in half by the flying boulder.

"You might want to consider a more tame approach next time..."


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