
Marvelous Triumphant One!

A fourth wall soul finds himself in the body of a master of the electromagnetic spectrum powers, the forgotten first leader in one of the many multiverse versions of the Justice League, a Hero named Triumph! Triumph, whose real name is William “Billy Mac” MacIntyre, is a hero who's trapped in a sealed space outside the timelines of the D.C. universe! He is forgotten by his home World, & universes after an explosion in a battle with invading aliens while destroying the enemy weapon, but sacrificed himself to do so, being utterly wiped from existence by a time rift when he destroyed the invading enemies of the earth!  Triumph didn't die initially but was transported & trapped in time & space void outside the DC timelines after being wiped from existence.  Triumph's injured soul faded away from damage taken during the accident & time rift, but his body siphoned a new nearby soul, who recently died, & accidentally entered the void, then into triumphs vacant body! The new soul replaced the old soul, being trapped in a time-void situation ever since! After no one knows how long, the soul has started to reach the limits of sanity! Just when he's about to lose his mind in the void, he breaks free! But he's not in the Dc universe any longer as he anticipated!  But he's mysteriously brought over from D.C. to its neighbor next door, in a Marvel Universe! Now that he's free, he's starting to examine his new life future direction by asking himself: "If you're an overpowered being from the start, placed in a new fictional world whose secrets you're already familiar with, why not use the knowledge to gain benefits?  Confronted with such temptation to go & do what ever you dreamed of, or imagined in your past life,  What's really to stop you from doing it? Well, besides some noisy, but solvable flawed Super Heroes, there is nothing to fear but a bald woman! Is there any need to stick to the moral guidelines taboos of the former life's weak self, compared to the new now overpowered self in this life?" ..... Just Giving Notice. This fanfiction will have Irregular updates if its ever updated at all. The characters are Dc & Marvel comics properties respectively, I claim no ownership, just fair use parody of my imagination I thought would be interesting.

aloudtntcode · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Forced invitation- Everyone's got a story to tell-

Manhattan, New York

In the Corridor of stark Tower

 The mood of the surrounding agents immediately froze at this line of questioning, imaginations, and thinking run wild, probably guessing I was also another alien foreigner visiting Earth, their expressions were priceless.

The hand holding the Guns trembled slightly when they remember my earlier display of power, while thinking I may not be a mindless homegrown freak like the Hulk, they began to imagine if I turned hostile and their faces go ghost white instantly.

Well, technically they are right to believe my words, & make their worst-case scenario assumptions in their minds.

To this world and universe, I'm truly an alien foreigner.

I introduced myself to them, in efforts to calm them down.

"Hello, I'm William MacIntyre, I also go by Triumph." I said to only guy with bow and arrow on a modern battlefield.

Hawkeye who has experienced many surreal scenes is the first to respond with an outstretched hand.

"Hello William, I'm Clint Barton, I also go by Hawkeye, thank you for your help today on behalf of the earth." He said seriously.

Leaning his back against the wall like he's enduring injuries from the battle, Triumph said in an exhausted voice:

"It's okay, ...were all earthlings after all."


'Now they are all confused again, why would you ask if this is earth if you are from here?'

But, How could they possibly know it was just Triumph's bad taste of misleading their thoughts for fun.

"Are you good to go on? Do you need medical treatment?" Ask Hawkeye with a certain hidden gleam in his eyes.

Triumph shakes his head slowly:

 "That pillar of energy backlash & that wizard's magic hurt my already venerable body I'm of no use in the following battle, except maybe to defend myself.

Triumph makes a ball of fierce crackling electricity in his hands that makes the agents take a step back with a squinted eye.

"Are you sure you don't need a doctor to give you a once over?" Asked Hawkeye in a deeply concerned voice, that in any other time might actually move someone emotionally.

That is if Triumph couldn't hear the voice in Hawkeye's ear, clearly instructing him to ask him that!

The director behind the scenes wants to get fresh DNA samples from William covertly under the guise of 'receiving medical attention'. 

Clever tactics from the king of spies, However Triumph declined once again saying:

"No, I'm good. I just need to rest my body it's like a drained battery right now.

  If I must I can fight, but these short-term problems will become longer-term injuries if I did."

"I understand, then leave it up to us to finish things, we will communicate afterwards." Hawkeye said with righteousness and enthusiasm.

Triumph nods in response and leans his back against the wall again to 'rest'.

In Reality, he was compressing the space energies in his body, attempting to try and tap again into the proper feeling & concept of space itself he's experienced previously. 

They go to join the battlefield, leaving behind three soldiers to" protect" Triumph. 

Triumph could see these people's thoughts at a glance.

If earlier he said he needs medical attention or hinted that he couldn't defend himself in the slightest, then he would have been jumped on by them like a pack of wild hyenas on wounded prey!

He would be subdued or captured immediately by these opportunistic double talkers with a needle to the neck!

So these guards left behind are just to keep tabs on him, not to protect him in the least.

He closed his eyes to this truth, as well as the following plot developments like it had nothing to do with himself.

In his mind, he's already made his heroic appeal to this earth during its darkest hour.

So now, He wanted to take a seat on the bench and watch the gameplay out the clock from the sidelines.

 Now he must use this time to conjure a back story filled with some truths to pacify these restless agents.

 As for the rest, it played out mostly like the movie give or take some subtle changes.

Hulk still smashed the puny God Loki, shady government types schemed, & nukes were launched!

Ironman played hero hot potato with nuclear weapons, & the scepter helped closed the space gate over Manhattan.

The war was over.

So except that my appearance helped close the gap in the sky quicker, and my actions caused fewer damages or casualties, my appearance changed little about the overall situation on the historical record, but the wings of the butterfly are warming-up, ready to start flapping soon, I can feel it.

However, unlike the scene where they go impromptu for dinner and drinks after the battle of New York, things had changed.

After my self-introduction, I found myself suddenly surrounded subtly & strongly 'invited' to attend a postwar briefing & victory banquet meal.

 This War post briefing & subsequent victory banquet is obviously just for show. 

 After all, how could they just invite a ridiculously strong stranger to sit in their organization's debriefing? 

 It's clear that they wanted to contain me, observe me, assess me, who was the most dangerous unknown element to the earth immediately after the invasion.


Shield Aircraft carrier in the sky...

I see the adjacent, Maria hill standing at the podium, retelling the events previously in order of occurrence.

The members of Avengers slowly became border and looked my way occasionally during the presentation.

But I had my eyes closed, adjusting my body's new power state, pretending to be oblivious to the sneaking gazes, pretending to be still feeling the effects of the space gem, and Loki's magic.

 Soon they breeze through the cause and response actions during the New York war.

I sat quietly listening and scanning the surroundings with my 360 senses.

Behind the glass window are several armed forces, with energy weapons, outside the aircraft carrier, is a fleet of spectacular-looking jet planes, armed and ready to shoot at a moment's notice.

This filibuster by Maria hill on the podium was probably to buy time for them to arrive in position as support should I become hostile to them.

Not to mention a room full of Avengers, still wearing their battle gear and equipment Shields, hammers, full arrow quivers, steel suits all ready to use at a moment's notice.

 If they want to jump me, even after my grand spectacle in the eyes of the entire world, then I will immediately change my plans for peaceful coexistence here on this earth.

I don't fear them, or any trouble, I just want to enjoy the high life & creature comforts that my soul's previous life long for, and my present self deserves after being locked up.

Then finally they came to the next item, and the atmosphere suddenly tensed.

Fury leans forward to speak, Hands together he says:

 "So now on to the next agenda that is--

"My friend, who are you, where are you from?" Asked Thor interrupting fury who gives him a bad face.

Thor ignores the various looks of the avengers, he's had enough of the procrastination for hidden experts to give a profile evaluation of the mysterious man, he just wants to bring his brother home and return to Jane foster!

I open my eyes which contain streaks of electricity which causes those watching to gasp, and many to tighten the grips on the weapons.

A tense atmosphere ensues in the nearby area.

"As I told your team leader Clint Hawkeye Barton, and said to you all before boarding this ship, my name is William "Billy" MacIntyre,

But my code name is Triumph-

"Like the insult comic dog?" Stark quips smugly.

Triumph doesn't even look towards him after being interrupted but makes a pinch motion with his fingers.

A small spark is flicked towards Ironman's steel suit, who had immediately stood up to fire pulse cannons at Triumph reflexively, but the iron mecha stood still!

After triumphs spark came in contact with the steel suit, It shuts down Jarvis & starks administrator's control!

The suit starts to get Jerking, trembling and shaking!

Not knowing what was going on with stark they hurried to stark side questioning.

Just when they think they must fight this super-strong guy, they notice some strangeness?

won't that be...

No way

It's the running man?!

Suddenly Ironman starts making uncontrolled provocative dance moves.

"What are you doing?" Asked Hawkeye who has drawn his bow and arrow.

"I don't know, I can't stop!

"I lost control!" Stark said in confusion, as he made a bunch of strange dance movements without the accompaniment of music, which looked very off-putting to the spectators.

Stark was now Swinging both his arms in a synced skiing motion, the helmet looks to the side while humping the air in front of him!

All who are present raised eyebrows at this scene, while the black widow has long been secretly recording on her phone with her mouth open.

False alarm, its a Prank, they sighed in relief. 

Knowing no harm was done, except for towards Tony's Stark's ego, everyone puts down the raised weapons pointing at Triumph who's been sitting still in his seat the entire time.

Stark once again gained control again over his operating system, and he immediately kept his face neutral without a single word as he sat down near the back ignoring everyone's weird eyes.

He brought out and put on some high tech glasses, and went to work to find out how that happen and ways to prevent it happening again!

Looking at the now helmet-less Stark who was embarrassed & doing serious diagnostic checks with his A.I, Triumph interrupts his concentration and says:

"Friend, I stopped with you just busting a move, but next time I'll make it so you can't take off that tin can for weeks, until you soil it completely with your bodily functions, making that billion-dollar equipment into funny-smelling junk scrap metal."

My name wasn't self-made by me but given by the people, it was earned." Said Triumph seriously.

"...Okay." Was all Stark says in response to Triumph, not looking Triumph's way at all after a moment of silence.

*Cough* *Cough*

Fury's cough brought back everyone's attention.

"Little interruption, let's get back on track.

"We all know your name, your aliases, and roughly what you are capable of...

 but what we don't know is where your from?

 why we have never heard of you?

And most importantly why you are here now?" Said Fury.

Looking around, everyone's eyes were focused on Triumph's position.

"Well, I am not sure I can explain it clearly & still have you believe me." Said Triumph.

"Try us, after all, aliens from outer space just invaded, we are more...open-minded to strange events now." Said captain America in a joking manner to ease the tension in the room.

Triumph lowers his head as if in deep thought.

But if anyone studied closely, they'd see an imperceptible smirk, and a gleam of light passing through Triumph's eyes that disappeared just as quick as it came.

 William then sighs, lifts his head with a firm look in his eyes, and asked the gathered heroes, and high-level shield personnel present, as well as the world security council member & former director of Shield who's secretly listening in remotely:

"How familiar are you with Multiverse?"

 Everyone is filled with question marks, but Tony Stark & Bruce Banner's eyes light up!

 Banner who couldn't contain himself directly leaps from his seat from too much excitement!

"Ah, you mean you-"

 When Banner stood up so suddenly everyone flinched, and immediately got nervous!

They were even more frazzled than with Triumph's previous move against Ironman.

Banner notices this, quickly calms down, and explains the reasons for his excitement.

"Ah, the multiverse is the theory of a conjectured set of multiple possible universes, including ours, which make up reality."

"An infinite universe that, by the laws of probability, must contain another copy of Earth somewhere, these universes are sometimes dubbed parallel universes."

"In this assumption Other universes where each possibility that can exist does exist!" Banner said with enthusiasm.

"On the other hand, Totally distinct universes that may not even be connected to ours in any meaningful way and very likely have entirely varied fundamental physical laws according to the theory of multiverse probability also exist." Said Stark in reflection.

"A number of different versions of this earth have to be considered." Bruce banner nodded and mumbled to himself then says:

"As it stands, the multiverse exists outside our current scientific understanding of reality. "

Black Widow looks around, from right to left, then shrugged asking the crowd: 

"Did anyone here understand Bruce, other than Stark?"

Stark smiles smugly, while others give wry smiles all around.

They look at Banner who's holding his chin talking to himself in a circle, then towards William to clarify.

William says to the crowd:

"What Bruce said was more less correct, as there are no sure clear answers and clear scientific evidence....except the only proof, if you believe my words, is me, who's sitting in front of you right now.


"I knew it! You are from another universe or earth!" Banner said with excitement!

'What bruce is thinking about in his heart was that a multiverse existing means the Hulk problem that plagued him may have a solution in one of these parallel worlds!'


... Everyone else listening is in shock, even Nick Fury was surprised and doubtful, this didn't match his guess at all.

The hall was quiet and no one knows what to say or where to begin, So it's Banner who continued to elaborate from before:

"A variety of different theories lend themselves to a multiverse viewpoint.

 With some many ever-expanding universes by way of the law of probability, some mirror universes with minuscule differences.

In some theories, there are copies of you sitting right here, right now listening to someone speak, maybe it's a parallel version of me or someone else entirely. 

It's possible in these other numerous universes those other copies of you are doing other things in other universes that you'd never do on this one." Said Bruce.

Natasha nodded her head as if in agreement with what bruce said but then said with a sigh:

"Still confused." Says the famous Black Widow while rubbing her forehead.

Well, rubbing his chin in thought Triumph says:

"I like to say it simply as Infinite Earth Theory."

"My belief is Each decision made any individual Branches off to another future based on that decision expanding etc... 

He stops to give people a moment then continued:

"Have you ever had Déjà Vu?"

Others nod.

That feeling you have done something before when it is actually happening for the first time,

That experience of something that has happened before is caused when two mirror worlds are in sync, 

but when faced with a fork in the road choice whether it is big or small, a different set of outcomes from the choice has consequences that makes the previously nearly synchronization of worlds diverge significantly.

 So Déjà Vu is like an echo from a parallel mirror version of you when you make a choice, no matter how big or small, its ramifications of it splits off into a completely different world based on that choice."

"That's crazy, then there are as many parallel worlds as there are choices?!" Said Hawkeye.

Triumph nodded solemnly & said:

"That's why I said 'Infinite' Earth.

"Think of it as infinite 'WHAT IF?' parallel worlds.

"What if Banner never met misfortune in the laboratory, but it was someone else who got Hulks power?"

Banner lowers his head in thought.

"What If Thor was not the heir apparent but Loki was?"

Thor has a confused expression not knowing what he would feel if this was true.

"But in some parallel worlds, the difference between them is as thin as paper. 

My world and this world seem to be one of several mirror or sister earths, since I can be knocked over here so easily it means the barriers between these realities are thin & traversable under some circumstances.*

"So there might be other versions of me in other worlds." Asked Black widow to understand better.

"Yes, for example, I was very shocked when I saw you." Said Triumph with a weird gaze.

"What, me? why?"Asked Black Widow confused.

" Well, The black widow in my universe, you are the world's foremost notorious SSS contract female killer, and a special team is tasked by our version of Shield to hunt you."

"That team had a woman whose name is Yelena, her code-named White Widow, and she was the head of the task force especially to catch or kill you!"

Oh, so what happened then ask black widow lazily. 

"You murdered her 5 team members one sidedly, it wasn't even close!"

Then 'you' kidnapped and tied the 'white widow' with grenades, even stuffed one in her mouth like a stuffed pig then tossed her outside shield headquarters with a note attached that said:

"Don't infringe on my trademark! There is only one 'Widow'.

"Poor Yelena, it took bomb squads several hours to disarm the grenades and bombs, so she soiled herself in front of her professional peers." said William shaking his head In regret.

Black Widow flinched.

Everyone sat silently and gazed toward the Black Widow in disbelief.

Black Widow herself was pouting, feeling wrongfully accused, while making 'it wasn't me gestures' under the pressure of the surrounding peoples judgemental gazes.

She sulked in her seat, stopped defending herself while swearing if she ever met this evil twin of herself she'd kick her ass!


Triumph then continued after the brief interruption:

"So anyway, something happens in one of the worlds that didn't in the other, maybe you experienced something, met or didn't meet someone who changed the outcome of your life in my world."

Natasha trembled slightly, looked towards Hawkeye, but otherwise remained quiet.

Hawkeye also realized he might have played a bigger role in her life than he initially thought, pondering with a serious-looking face.

"We can't really know which version of ourselves is right or wrong, just different products of environment and circumstances of our choices.

Fury interrupted the various explaining & conjectures to return to the heart of the matter:

"So you are saying you came here from a alternate earth?

"Yes, I did...but not by choice." Triumph says with a harsh expression on his face.

Everyone noticed that his mood is sinking noticeably fast when discussing the topic.

"What happen to you, to get here?" Asked Captain America with concern. If anyone knows the feeling of being out of place in a new world, it's him.

"My World, like yours, also faced an invasion, but ours was significantly much worse than yours!"

Triumph them became silent.

Everyone was shocked when he said this and became serious, even the ever arrogant smiles on Stark's face faded away.

Fury shares a look with Banner, whose EQ for once was online, and nods back reluctantly as he's all ready sold himself to shield.

"Mr. MacIntyre, I feel this topic is tough for you to talk about, but for the sake of our world, could you explain a little deeper...

Banner scratched his head and continued:

 "because if after all your conjecture about  parallel piles of the earth is true, then we may have to face this threat too or we may already have passed it, or never will, so it's important to none the less distinguish between the three possibilities." Said Bruce banner.

 Triumph nods his head slowly and said:

"That's true, it might just be pertinent information to your world as well, I understand."

After he adjusted his mood he spoke out again:

"The world was still spinning, so we thought everything was just status quo, just save those in need, working together with enforcement agencies to derail the world's criminal elements. 

Everyone was living our lives, trying to make the world more prosperous for the future generations, making the earth better after we all leave it behind, you know."

Everyone nods waiting for him to continue.

 "But little did we know, we were all just foolish victims of an elaborate conspiracy that covered our eyes & plugged our ears to the truth!

That truth is...

We were already in a war hidden beneath the surface!"

"It was a... Secret War!"


Said Triumph with gritted teeth, with two hands, clasped together so tightly that the veins are visible!

 The surrounding metal moved and warped from the discharging sparks of electricity 'subconsciously' flinging off his body!

Not paying attention to the nervous faces around him because of his display, he continued and says through his clenched teeth with clear hatred in his voice:

"It was...

"A Secret Invasion!"

A lot of some hearsay scientific facts or theories in this chapter might not make sense, but it's okay cause this is a fanfic.

aloudtntcodecreators' thoughts